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Posts posted by maryl

  1. Maryl,

    Just tell your USC friend to withdraw the petion and re-file after the woman got her annulment done and annotated in her marriage certificate. Also, tell the filipina to straighten up her papers and life first, before she married your USC friend.

    And once the filipina gets to the US, i would be very careful with her. She has an attitude that she would lie just to get what she wants. Starting a relationship with lies is not a good foundation for marriage.

    Yes, he already try to withdraw. My husband told him about it already that starting a relationship with lies is not a good foundation for marriage. But the saying says that LOVE is Blind and I think in some cases it's true. And everyone deserve a second chance. She have her own reason why she hide her real status, but she admitted it already. So, that's up to the two of them if they still want to proceed. But one thing is for sure my USC friend really love her so much. I wish she was brave enough to tell him her real status than being so afraid of loosing him if she told him the truth from the start.

  2. it sounds like a case of Filipino crab mentality to me.

    ROFL do you ever know the word irony? yep, calling the kettle black. tsk tsk. i don't believe in Karma, miss. I am an atheist. if you believe in KARMA so much why didn't you let this girl have her own KARMA. seems like you are jealous that another Filipina is getting to the US.


    NO COMMENT......

    But I am calling the attention of the moderators for this particular member who said a FILIPINO crab mentality. At's sounds like a Discrimination. And she just replied my post just to agrivate me and want to start a fight.

  3. then you should have said this on your thread rather than saying "that's not true, it's a lie." you have given no proof that she is still married and you were just speculating.

    if the USC friend is really hell bent on finding out if she's married or not, he will do it on his own. it sounds like a case of Filipino crab mentality to me.

    Hey, what's your problem? I think you got a big problem that's why you want to get into other peoples mess. Or maybe you are jobless that's why you got lots of time in your hand. I don't know you and I don't need your rude comments. I know your trying to get here in the US, will do your best just stay out in others mess, and when you get here welcome to the real world, OK.

    You know what, you say anything that you want and I will NEVER, NEVER will ever waste my time with you because you are no help with this situation that I'm in right now. This is my last reply to you. I am very busy with my job and I'd rather spend my time making money than wasting time fighting with you. Remember girl, there's a good KARMA and bad KARMA. I always got good KARMA because I always did my best to do the right thing. LOL

  4. In this case, the falsely filed petition should be withdrawn before a finding of misrepresentation can occur. Then, they start over again with a new petition. If they proceed with the process now, the best possible outcome is a visa denial followed by a new petition and successful second try. The worst and more likely outcome is a denial with a finding of material misrepresentation resulting in a lifetime ban from entering the USA. Lying on immigration forms is an extremely serious matter.

    He read all the replies here. He already try to withdraw the petition. They got the NOA 2 a week ago. Is there enough time to withdraw it without them finding of misrepresentation?

  5. are you really a friend? why are you "triangulating" and not just let your friend handle this?

    how can you say she's not telling the truth? IMO, a real friend will support his/her friend. unless you have proof that she's lying, then all you are doing is destroy his trust in her. it seems like you want to prove more that she's lying than help your friend.

    Hi, I am also a Filipina but I'm already here in the US. This USC guy is my husband's best friend and my friend also. He is a good guy and we are happy for him when he met this Filipina. He introduced me to this Filipina and we became friend also. But because of her stories that I know it's a big lie, even though I am also a Filipina I think it's not right that I'll take her side. I am not trying to destroy his trust. I am just trying to get some good advice and help so she won't be ban to come here in the US because I know that our USC friend love her so much. She already admitted that she was married in the Philippines but they are separated for many years now. I'm sure she have her own reason why she hide her real status. And The USC guy try to withdraw the K1 petition now. I hope it's not too late so, he can petition her again after she done with her annulment. If I sounds rude when I posted of what she have told me, I am very sorry. I just felt bad that she lied her real status. I don't want that these good american guys who work hard and spent their hard earn money just to get a good Filipina wife will think that all Filipina are like that.

    Anyway if you have no good things to say or good adviced to give. I think it's better not to say nothing. Thanks

  6. That is material misrepresentation. Visa fraud. If found out...and they WILL...she will be denied the visa and barred from any future visas.

    I suggest they withdraw the petition now, wait until she is anulled or divorced or whatever and refile a new petition. Even if she gets the visa she could have problems with AOS or removal of conditions later.

    You must be eligible to marry BEFORE you file the petition. she was not. She is not eligible for a visa on this petition. If they proceed, it is fraud. Plain and simple.

    My friend and I need a serious talk about this matter. Very clear and very good advice. Thank you so much guys.

  7. How did they get a petition approved without being free to marry when they sent the petition? Was her previous marriage reported on the petition?

    Your friend's visa will be denied and the petition will be sent back with a recommendation to revoke the approved petition and they will have to start over.

    The USC fiance is my friend and he didn't know about it. Her previous marriage was not reported on the petition. She won't be ban to inter the US because she did not reported her previous marriage on the petition? She said she's single on the petition.

  8. It is my friends situation. They got a NOA 2 already and the annulment of previous marraige is not over yet, what will happend to the K1 petition? But if the annulment made it before the interview, is there a big chance that she will get a K1 visa? If she got denied to get a K1 visa, the USC fiance can still petition her again after she got her marraige annuled? I appreciate any help and advice. Thanks in advance.

  9. I just chatted with her online and I asked about it and she told me the same thing that it would take 10 years to amend a birth certificate or legitimize a child at her hometown. She also said her parents got married after 30 years of living together and her mother amend her birth certificate and legitimize her without her knowing. She was 26 years old during that time. She also said that the file of her old name was gone at the NSO office. They requested a NSO copy of both names and they only got the new name. The NSO copy of her old name don't exists anymore, these are all lies. She believe that when you amend a birth cert they will throw away the old one and make a new copy with the new name on it. I got a feeling that she's really hiding something and she made up some lies. She said that they go to the court to straighten it up, they started it 6 months ago when her fiance sent the K1 petition and she said they need 6 more months to get it fix. I said what if it takes 10 years again LOL. She said not this time because they always do a follow up. I also noticed while were talking she's so concern about the CENOMAR thing. But maybe she's telling the truth, maybe she's just not good in explaining the whole situation.

    Even though I know she lied, I still have this feeling to help them because I don't want that my friend will be dissapointed. So, I need your advice guys. She said they went to the court to delete her NEW name and want her OLD name back. Is it a good idea? Or is it easier just to retain her NEW name and just amend her passport and other papers that she got now? How about her name in the K1 petition, is there a way to change her name even though they got a NOA 2 already?

    What IF (a big IF, I hope not) she's trying to anull her previous marraige (that's why she can't get a CENOMAR), and make it before the interview, is there a big chance that she will get a K1 visa? If she got denied to get a K1 visa, her fiance can still petition her again after she got her marraige annuled? I appreciate any help and advice. Thanks in advance.

  10. i had to get my fiancee birth changed when her name was wrong it took me 8 months and that was with a very good lawyer cost me 800 dollars. Might take longer if your lawyer doesnt have connections mine was married to the judge

    My cousin's case, just took her a year to amend her birth certificate. She just went to the local registrar where her birth was recorded and fill out the forms and pay all the fees including the court fees. The Local Registrar Office did the filing to the local court then forwarded it to the NSO. My cousin's birth certificate was not change at the NSO, she still got the original birth certificate, but it has notation that it was amended.

    The case of this woman (my friend's fiancee). She's working abroad for 3 years now and she said that while she was working abroad her name was amended. Because it would take 10 years to amend her birth certificate, she can't wait so, she used her old birth certificate when she applied a job abroad. She's 34 years old when she go to the other country to work. This 10 years to amend her birth certificate is a big lie. And she said she got 2 NSO birth certificate now, one has her old name and the other one has her new name, another lie. And I don't understand why she go all the hassles of amending her birth certificate while she was working abroad. She can retain her old name to avoid problems. I felt like something wrong going on. I still hope and pray that all these problems will be fix because I hate to see my friend to be dissapointed and be depressed. He's a good guy and he deserve to be happy.

  11. yes its easy to changed her case, just get a lawyer and be ready that there will be fees to it, i am just wondering that if her BC was already amended, why she did not tell her fiancee that she must use this name...or the surname that's being changed. I just hope that she must told everything before filing the visa...i know what u feel and think about ur friend, my hinala ako na maybe something wrong talaga sa girl, but sana hindi...sana maayos yan..and it must have been better if she fixed everything before filing. about the CENOMAR, it will immediately change as long as u have the new BC being amended. :( Sana di ito tulad ng nangyari sa friend ng friend ko na my fiancee na filipina before. God Bless...

    She's working abroad at the moment and she said that's why she is still using her old name because it's the name that she use in her passport, working visa, nbi clearance etc. But when they got a NOA 2, she said that she applied for a CENOMAR for her interview and it has her amemded name on it not her old name. Then she told her fiance about the amemded name just now. I'm also wondering why she didn't tell her fiance about her amended name from the start. All her papers she used her old name, why bother to amend it. I won't amend my name just to screw up. I felt like she's hiding something about her status. I hope I'm wrong because her fiance spend a lot of money already. He's just an ordinary guy with an ordinary job but he works twice as much to save the money for her to come here in the US.

    "( Sana di ito tulad ng nangyari sa friend ng friend ko na my fiancee na filipina before. God Bless..."

    So what is the situation of your friends fiancee? what happend to them? please tell me. Thanks

  12. It is not easy changing information on a birth certificate in Phil.

    I don't know that is takes 10 years, but it requires a judge

    to get it changed, if it is anything other then a clerical

    error. I am wondering why at this point she even is going

    through the hassle of changing her birth certificate.

    Hope this helps,


    To amend a birth certificate in the Philippines is easy. It will takes 8 months to a year in a normal process. All you have to do is go to where your birth was registered and fill up the forms and submit the MC of your parents, then pay the fee and they will file it and send it to the NSO. I know this because I have a cousin and her birth certificate was amemded.

    She said her birth certificate was already amended but her name in the K1 petition was the old name and her passport and all her papers that she got now because she used that old name while working abroad.

  13. Hi, I'm new to this site and I need advise for my USC friend. He got a fiancee from Philippines. He filed a K1 petition and just got a NOA2. He told her to get a CENOMAR but she said that the CENOMAR that she got has different family name.

    This is her situation. According to her, on her birth certificate she got her mother's family name because her mother and father was not married yet when she was born. But her parents finally got married she didn't say when. She said her birth certificate was amended and her name was change with her father's family name on it. She work abroad and she still used her old name because she said that it would take 10 years for her new birth certificate to be amended. It's not true, she lied when she said that it would take 10 years to amend her birth certificate. She said she got her new birth certificate now but since she use her old name in her passport and all her papers abroad that's why her fiancee used that name in the K1 petition. But when she got her CENOMAR at the NSO office she said she got a CENOMAR with her new name on it. Is this possible? I think when you applied a CENOMAR you'll get a CENOMAR or a CEMAR. Is it possible that she lied about her real status? She been working abroad for 2 years now, since she used her old name in her passport and all her papers abroad I'm sure she submitted a NSO birth Certificate. If it's true that she got an amended birth certificate it should be noted on her birth certificate that her family name was change.

    Her USC fiance believe her stories. I want to tell him the possible problem but I don't want to dissapoint him because he's a good friend. Maybe I am wrong and she's really telling the truth. I appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance.

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