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Russ and Jie

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Status Updates posted by Russ and Jie

  1. Congratulations! How exciting! And thanks for taking the time to describe the interview.

  2. Thank you for the review of the consulate, and congratulations!

  3. For anyone that has a fiancee, or wife in China, Jie told me about a chinese website that might have some useful information. The website is called 001. Just thought I would pass this along.

  4. How wonderful that you two have gotten to see so many great places together! Good luck on your CR1 journey!

  5. practiced interview questions for the first time today! :-)

    1. Ryan H

      Ryan H

      My wife and I started doing that last night.

  6. Congratulations to both of you! How exciting!

  7. Hey Abu and LiLi, thanks for the great review and congratulations! That is so awesome!

  8. Hang you guys, it looks like we have the exact same time-line and going to the same embassy. It will be interesting how our time-lines match up the rest of the way. Good luck you guys!

  9. Congratulations! And thanks a lot for the welcome, I appreciate it!

  10. Thanks for the welcome Rictodd! Congratulations on making this far in the Journey! I found your post on the Guangzhou embassy very informative, thanks!

  11. Is there anyone else from the Eugene, OR area going through this process?

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