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  1. really upset :( Oshane went for his medical today- they told him that the shots he got before the medical means that we wont get to get his last shot till the 21st and out interview is the 14th! any advice?!!! could really use it

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mr&MrsSmith


      did he get the rest of the exam done..drug & hiv test?? what did he do at the medical today??

    3. Flowerslove21


      ya everything else they did.. they said that he just needs to come in on the 21st get the shot and they will give him his paper work.. and then thats all we need for the interview.. i hope iot works different for you.. who knows .. what happened and why

    4. Flowerslove21


      ya everything else they did.. they said that he just needs to come in on the 21st get the shot and they will give him his paper work.. and then thats all we need for the interview.. i hope iot works different for you.. who knows .. what happened and why

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