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Posts posted by alibaba16

  1. If applying based on marriage to a USC - from when does the 3 year window start?

    -we are now in the process of removing conditions on the temporary green card. Will the 3 year waiting period start from the date of the new green card (conditions removed) or from when my husband originally entered the US and received his first green card 2 years ago (Sept 2011)? We've been married since 2010 but I don't think that year will count at all.

  2. Just sent off our packet a couple days ago, but reading on this forum it sounds like a lot of people send a cover letter. This was not listed as a requirement on the USCIS site - it seems nice, but it's not required, right? I guess if they don't approve of our packet which really only had 3-4 items for evidence of relationship, we'll get a request for more evidence and then I'll add the cover letter.

  3. 1) there is a section about children. we have 2 kids who are american citizens already. do they want information about them or is this section just for children of immigrants who are applying for removal of conditions. Since this form is for my husband only, I assume I only have to fill out his information.

    2) They are also asking for the Alien registration number of the petitioning spouse! Since that's me and I'm American, I guess I just leave this blank - not sure how a petitioning spouse would have an A-number.


  4. this is all we plan on sending - birth certificate of our daughter, tax return summary, joint bank statement, maybe mortgage statement. From reading various threads on visa journey over the years, it does seem like people who send in piles of photos and copies of emails are somewhat desperate and don't have any good real evidence. Why should I let some bored bureaucrats look at pictures of my daughter?

  5. Hi - My husband entered the US on Sept. 20, 2011 with a CR-1 visa. We were married in Sept, 2010, so less than 2 years prior to DOA. In his passport, there is a handwritten date on the admission stamp next to his visa which says 18 Sept. 2013. I assume this is our 2 year "anniversary date". His green card also has an expiration date around that time.

    So if I'm not mistaken we will need to file the I-751 packet around June of 2013.

    Question #1: Do we need to do anything before this time? My husband is under the impression he needs to send in some sort of letter around now (1 year after arrival)? I can't find that info anywhere and I think he's probably confused :bonk: !

    As far as evidence, I'm not worried - he works, we own a house, have a newborn, bank account, etc. I don't plan on sending in piles of info as it's pretty obvious we have a life together, but is there anything else we could do just to make the process faster.

    Question #2: we plan on visiting his family next spring - do you think he'll have trouble coming back into the US on his passport and green card if it's well before that 2 yr anniversary date?

    Thanks so much!!! Was glad to be able to take a break from all this paperwork over the last year, but looks like there'll be a bit more coming up... :blink:

  6. When did you last see each other? I know the process has been going on forever but you have to show that even in the interim you are maintaining your relationship.

    I'm 9 years older than my husband, but we'd known each other for 7 years, been living together for 4 years in his country and had multiple visits to family back and forth to the US before we married and applied for our visa, I was also pregnant at the time. They never once asked anything about our age differences. There must be some problems other than age that made them think twice about issuing your visa.

  7. So my husband received his green card a couple weeks ago, we're still waiting on the actual social security number though. Should I still be on this forum or maybe it's time to go to another?

    As we've been married for less than 2 years, we'll have to apply for his permanent status within 2 years of his arrival date in the US. Anything else we need to do in the meantime? After all the hassle and paperwork we've gone through it's easy to become complacent!


  8. Hubby just got here! :-) We're trying to care of stuff like signing him up for health insurance and lots of places ask for the social security number. Can I call and get the number ahead of time? If so, who would I call? Are there any other forms we need to fill out? During the whole visa app, I always checked that we wanted a SS number but I'm not sure if I need to do anything else now. He gave his sealed envelope to the immigration people at the airport..what should we expect now. Thanks!

    (if this should all be on a different forum let me know!)

  9. So my husband is finally on his way and will be here in a couple of days. He has the (unopened) envelope to give whoever at immigration and a stamp in his passport. What will we need to do next to get his official green card and social security number? I'm also wondering when the best time to change our address will be. I just recently moved back to the US so during the whole visa application process we used my parents address. When would be the most convenient time to change that?

    Any tips?..not really sure what comes next and what hassles to anticipate.

  10. A job for her is not possible. She is disabled. In another year she MIGHT be getting social security for her disability but I don't think that will be 125% of poverty level.

    If you are able enough to go on a cruise, you're probably able enough to find some sort of job. Nursing admin? - not on the feet all day...not sure of the situation, but going on 7-8 cruises makes it seem like you can find some sort of owrk

  11. All went well! They didn't even ask to look at any pictures that my husband had brought with him, just chatted for 5 minutes about traveling in the US.

    Only glitch: they claim that the statement I submitted about why I didn't pay taxes the past 4 years (full time student) was not signed!! So I have to sign the letter and then my husband can send it in with his passport, should only cause a delay of a week.

    My big question: If everything was accepted at the NVC, no RFE, no problems why would the consulate suddenly demand this???

    Anyhow..overall quite happy at how easy the interview was for him..though we will be happier when the visa is in hand :whistle:

  12. Don't be discouraged!! You're getting an interview - if not in July, then probably the beginning of August. :dance: My case was complete at NVC June 1st but we didn't get our interview until July 26th. I was bummed at first, but then realized I should be happy - a bit more time to schedule the medical, etc. I imagine it all depends on the embassy/consulate and how busy they are. Maybe a lot of people take vacation in the summer too. It will all be over soon....

  13. I'm all for age differences - I think if 2 people are compatible and enjoy their time together age shouldn't matter at all. The only thing I wonder about is children. Aren't you worried that the much younger husband will want children eventually? Especially when the men are from a society where having children is expected and important. This is the one thing I'd definitely be worried about - unless he already has children or can't have children, etc. Have all of you discussed this in depth with your husbands?? Are you trying for kids now?

  14. You know I have lived here in morocco with my husband for 2 years 3months and we were still refused at our first interview so there is nothing really that u can do! casa is truely a hard consulate they have had lots of fraud here in morocco! but it is good for her to come here so you can have your wife with you get to know her more! and the list that was just posted is a great place to get started!

    Wow!!! That's a crazy list of questions. I've been living with my husband for 4 years and I don't think I can answer them all!!!

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