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Posts posted by crazykuya73

  1. Thank you everybody for the nice replies..

    Jim N Augie... I know how you feel too. The Philippine courts are a class of it's own ! :wacko: Waiting all that time to fix a birth certificate is a pain that I wouldn't wish on anyone too. It was something that I had to do and I knew that we would've never been approved unless we fixed it first. I wish you and your fiancee the best and your life will be normal again soon.

    JimVaPhuong.. I hired the agency to get us thru the visa process.. We can do the rest, ty. I'm already got her daughters favorite colors for her room I will be painting real soon. There is a small filipino community here and they been anxious to meet my new wife. One gentleman that used to work with my dad is married to filipina lady from Bohol and he told me to bring my wife there anytime. As for foods, well we will have to make do with what we got here in Arkansas. There is no asian food markets here unless you go to the bigger cities. I will just let her order some stuff online if she wants to make something special. So, I got it covered and ty for the advice.

    Sassytay.. Thank you for the compliment. My parents taught me to follow my heart and sometimes it led me to the wrong direction, but this time its on the right path.

  2. Before I tell our story.. Just a quick update, she recieved her visa yesterday from the courier service. She texted me all excited and I called her soon after. We are both thrilled that our three year journey is about over.

    This a long story and hope anyone who reads this have some time on their hands..

    Way before I met my fiancee.. One of my uncles told me I need to go the Philippines to find a good wife. I thought he was nuts and even though he and my dad's other brother are married to filipino women. I thought of them being too bossy and one of my filipina aunts is the BOSS of her house. It's her way or no way.. The other one is not that way at all, just a sweet and loving person. I was afraid to take a risk and decided to marry someone close to home. It turned out to be five and a half years of pain.. As my divorced was getting finalized and I dated a few women along the way and got hurt time and time again. The same uncle of mine told me to go the "Filipino" route again. This time, I figured I give it a try.

    I looked over the internet and found some dating/penpal sites. I decided on Cherry Blossoms and put in a ad. I was amazed how many hits I got.. There was many I chatted with who kept asking me about my job and of course, "How much money you make"... I finally decided on one lady and after a few months I grew tired of her getting mad at me for not giving her money like she wanted. I did help her get a plane ticket to Dubai and she got a good job now. We remain friends to this day.

    I went back to Cherry Blossoms and eventually found my soulmate, Rizel. Her ad was pretty straightforward and said, she "wanted to be loved and have a family." Her picture of her sitting on a couch and looking so beautiful really caught my eye. Little did I know then, she was even more beautiful on the inside too. We emailed back and forth.. We finally started chatting and even though she saw me on webcam, I never saw her face until 2 - 3 months later. She was worried that I wouldn't like what I see, but she was even more beautiful than in her pictures. I discussed my trip to the Philippines with my aunts and they gave me alot of advice and some emergency contacts with their family there, in case Rizel and I didn't hit it off.

    I haven't flown at that time since a few months before 9-11-2001 and it changed in a big way since. All the extra security checks and my longest flight at that time was from Little Rock to San Diego roundtrip. I can tell you, flying twenty-something hours was truly painful ! The whole time I was questioning myself, but so anxious to meet her. I finally arrived at Cebu and while I was in line to go through customs. I saw a beautiful lady staring at me. I thought she looked familiar and when she smiled, I knew it was her and I waved at her, she waved back. When we finally met, I didn't feel nervous and felt so comfortable with her. Only thing I was worried about was meeting her family and being in a strange country far from home.

    Soon as we were outside, the humidity hit me like a ton of bricks ! It was very hot there and when I left home it was in the 50's. It felt like I was in the middle of August again ! I rode with her family to our hotel and it was nice to finally get some rest from that long flight. After our second day I finally proposed to her in private, just between us. Maybe kind of quick, but I knew she is one of a kind. After a few days in the city, we went to the province and stay for several days. I met her mom & dad and her other siblings. They are wonderful people and of course, I got many stares from people in the province. At first I didn't care for it, but I gotten used to it. I guess they don't see many foreigners come their way. I see how many people live in primitive conditions there. I seen houses no bigger than my living room and no electricity. Even though they lack some of the things we have here, I always see them smiling. Makes you appreciate what you have.

    After the second day at the province, I asked her dad for her hand in marriage. I studied the words that Rizel told me to say and he gave me his blessing. Even appreciated I tried to learn their language and I continue to learn much as I can. I bonded with her daughter and so glad she liked me. We went to the Simala later on and it was amazing. I never been inside a catholic church before and all the decor, the artifacts and the painting of the Lord's Supper on the ceiling blew me away. We went back to the city for a few more days before going home. It was hard leaving her behind, but I knew it wasn't forever and we will be together soon. So I thought anyway.

    I hired an agency to do our paperwork and by the the time I paid the fee and two months later it was completed. I was about sign it and send it in, when they called me about my fiancee's birth certificate was incorrect. It's not like here, you go to your local govt office and have it changed in a few weeks or much less. It took us nearly two years ! Our first lawyer was a crook and never did file one piece of paper. My fiancee would go see him and he would ignore her. She would call and he just yell at her for bothering him. I even called him and he assured me that he was working on it. By the time I went back to see her a second time, I called him and he would say, "The other lawyer you want is in Makati" and I knew it was him. I called him back the next day and he never would answer. I was angry and part of me wanted to give up, but I knew if I did, I would never find anyone like her again. So, I waited and she hired a different attorney. It took another year before they finally corrected her birth certificate. After that, we finally got the ball rolling again. I did see her again for a third time and spent two weeks with her like the last two times. Every time I left, it hurt more than the last time. I finally broke down into tears. I finally sent off the paperwork and waited & waited.. We prayed and hoped the Vermont Service Center would approve our petition pretty quick. It was faster than some others and I can't complain about waiting as much as other people who waited alot longer. After the NVC letter, it went along pretty fast and finally hearing that she was approved for her visa was the best news I had in three years !

    As I look back.. All the money spent on flights, hotels, money sent on Xoom, and all the other fees that I had to pay to get to this point. Some of my friends and some family telling me I wasted my time & money on her.. Would I do it again ? Do I really want to go through that headache one more time ? I would.. only for her. I truly love my gwapa Rizel with all my heart & soul. She will be here in December and it will be truly, a Christmas gift I would always cherish for the rest of my life.

    If you truly love someone.. good things will come to those who wait. I never believed in those words before... I did when I met my Rizel. Take care and God bless everyone here on visajourney.

  3. I thought all Darren's threads were locked ? I guess there is still one more left.. :devil: Let the bashing BEGIN ! J/K !

    Darren.. You are marrying your filipina soon and you ranting about the Philippine people is not only inconsiderate towards her, but totally embarassing for us Americans to be anyway associated with you, much less live in the same country.

    I served in the US Navy and currently work for the DOD for the last 10 years. I was told when traveling to another country, always "RESPECT" their habits and their culture. People like you give us Americans a bad name. I would say it was good of you to go there to be with your fiancee to her physical and interview. I wished I have done that, but spending all the money to do that was unnecessary and she needed to learn independence. I'm proud of her and looking forward to having her here soon.

    I have a story about UGLY AMERICANS... I was on my second trip to Cebu to see my fiancee when I encountered some at Gerry's Grill. There was two guys talking to these girls and pretty much trashing their country (doesn't say much about the girls since they just laughed about it)and they were talking pretty loud.They were at a table next to us and my fiancee and I were trying to eat dinner and they were talking too loud and getting on our nerves about the put-downs on the Philippines. I just stopped eating and started to stare at them. They asked me, "Can I help you ?" I said nothing to them. I kept staring at them until they realized they needed to tone it down.

    Another time, my fiancee and I was walking in Ayala Mall near McDonalds when I saw a fat guy who really needed TWO chairs to sit on and he was talking to two girls in front of him, acting like a stud with his collar up. As we were walking by, he looked at my fiancee and shot me a "Go to Hell" look.. I stopped and asked him, "Who the hell you looking at ?" Of course, he was stunned and started stuttering.. The girls he was with started laughing and my girl was telling me to let it go and pulling me the other way.

    We were at a resort in Mactan and there were kids and people on edge of the property trying get us to rent a boat or a jet ski from them. I was told not to do it by the staff at the resort, but I didn't mind giving them a few coins and having a chat with them. The economy is bad everywhere and we all need to make a living somehow. One of the guys tried to introduce me to his niece, but I already told him I was engaged. I talked to him in Visayan and he was shocked and tried to give me the coins back. I told him to keep it and he said, "You good Americano". I appreciated hearing that. Having two Filipina Aunts did help me understand the culture and the way of life there. I just hope all Americans can show some respect to the country they are visiting, even though we may not like or agree with what the people do there.

  4. I just got recently approved too. Before my interview, I never thought my fiance was nervous. But then while talking to him, I sensed that he was not just telling me he was nervous coz he want be be the strong part of me when I feel weak or like that time nervous. But then when I knew he was way too nervous than me, I called him up when I was at yet outside the embassy telling him not to worry. I am positive and confident enough that we can make it. I believe in instinct and do believe that as long as we believe, we drive positive vibes and make things happen..ofcourse I have strong faith in Heavens above and lift everything up to Him. It took me until about lunch time before we finished, and he wants me to let him know if we got approved or not. Sure enough, he kept waiting and was relieved to hear such a great news.

    Goodluck to you both!

    Good news...Congratulations!

    Yeah, I tried to be the strong one for her, but she knew I was more nervous than she was. Congratulations to you both as well and good luck to yall !



    Thank you ! :lol:

  5. To all of us who are going through this process.. How did yall feel when your spouses/future spouses is at the embassy getting their interview ? I don't know about yall.. I do feel more nervous than I ever have in my life. Part of it is being anxious and other part is being worried too.. :unsure: I guess it's all normal ? She is in Manila and I wish I could be there with her.

  6. I have sent letters to my fiancee by US Postal mail and it doesn't take long getting there and it's cheaper, but the Philippine postal service isn't like ours and not too reliable. Some of the buildings there in Cebu don't have numbers on them and I can't figure out how they deliver mail there at all ? :unsure:

    It took about three weeks to a month by the time she recieved them and it's always best to mail several letters at a time, just in case one or two gets lost somehow. Fed Ex is good, but expensive ! I only used them to send some important documents to her and sent a Christmas package to her once before.. Not only was it expensive, they charged her a customs tax on the package too. She will get her mail, just keep sending her letters..

  7. Anita,

    You have pretty much summed up what we have been feeling on reading this thread and past threads too. My fiancee is in Manila with her daughter getting their physical today as I'm typing this comment. Much as I love to be there with them, I would just be in the way and out more money than I want to spend. I don't have alot of it anyway ! I knew from the begining not to make advance plans until it was a sure thing ! Common sense !

    It's obvious he doesn't have a clue about the filipino culture. Tribalism ? :huh: My aunts had a field day reading his comments on this thread and wondered what planet he came from ? His mind must be in the 18th or 19th century.. Totally clueless and a jerk too. The age difference is entirely up to the people involved.. It's their business and if they truly love each other,it shouldn't matter. The comments said about "control" should've never been said.. Darren.. Google "Filipino culture" and if you read carefully, it doesn't say anything about CONTROL or OWNING your spouse. Read the part of TODAY.. The 21st century of the filipino cuture as it is now !

    Your lady will be "American-ized" sooner or later and you might as well be ready for it. She eventually get tired of you controlling her and disrespecting her family. You both want children ? Cool ! More income for her when she hooks you up for child support. If you think that filipinas don't believe in divorce ? You need to read some threads on here and quit blabbing about your pathetic life.

  8. Hello everyone who already had interview, is it required to bring your kids in an interview bcuz i will apply them for K2 visa...Thank u in advance vj friends

    I was going to ask that question.. My fiancee has a little girl and she was told she had to bring her to the interview. I knew she had to get her physical like her mom, but I never thought the child needed to be there for the interview. So, better off bring your kids with you.

  9. Harder ? You are completely insane. I'm sorry this process has been too EASY on you, but for me & my fiancee, its been really hard. We are still going through it and we both had to wait almost two years just for her birth certficate to be fixed and pay for the totally unneccesary fees that goes with everything. You are so full of ####### about your estimates about how long our marriage is going to last. Why don't you write to your congressman and whine about the process. Go get a life while you are at it !

  10. I love reading these threads ! :lol:

    Last year I had my roof replaced and hired a contractor to work on it and I happened to notice all his workers were all mexicans. The contractor asked me what I did for a living and I told him I worked for the federal government (which is true), but I lied and told him I worked for ICE... He sent his wife over to my house to pick up the check for the insurance deductible two days later. What a coward !

    I have no problem with immigrants coming here, as long they do it legally and pay their taxes like the rest of us. It is not fair that we have to wait so long for our loved ones and some can sneak across the border and reap the benefits.

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