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Status Updates posted by blueskyes

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience. This eases the anxiety for us a tad.

  2. My honey will be heading south tomarrow for a three week visit. It has been 2 and a half months, short two days, since we have seen each other ! I am so excited to see him! Please include us in your prayers for reunification. Blessings to all of us on our journeys...

  3. Thank you for reminding me to trust God...ALWAYS! Congrats on your next leg of this journey. Please include us in your prayers. Blessings....... Skye

  4. Well, three more sleeps and many prayers to go....... my honey will be coming down to visit for three weeks to see me, to attend a 60th Wedding Anniversary and meet our puppies! I am so thrilled, as it has been more than 2 months since we touched.

  5. Hello, I live in San Diego and am patiently awaiting my honey's arrival. He is living with family in Vancouver. Has your fiance been able to come to Cali and visit you while your petition is being processed?

  6. Hello, I am new at this. This website has been very helpful with our personal journey, bringing my fiance and best friend to the US from Canada in order to provide care and support to my elderly parents. We had NO idea what we were in for!

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