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Posts posted by googled

  1. My wife is from Thailand and we live in the United State.  One of my wife's best friends from childhood married a French citizen and currently live in Lyon, France.  She is a permanent resident in France.  My wife's friend want to come to the U.S. to visit my wife.  Do you know what steps she would need to take to get a U.S. visa.  Do you think it would be difficult for a French permanent resident to get one and would she need to travel to Paris for an interview.

  2. We recieved the approval letter on November 1st. Sorry it took me so long to post. I was out of town.

    California Service Center (24 applicants, 20 approved - 83%)

    VJName............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date.....Biometrics.....Approved
    CARYH................04/01/14.......04/03/14......04/30/14......06/24/14(Early Bio 04/18)
    PURSUEURDREAM........04/03/14.......04/07/14......05/02/14......07/07/14(Early Bio 04/28)
    LAINIEB..............04/08/14.......04/14/14......05/07/14......06/26/14(Early Bio 05/01)
    PENNY LANE...........04/08/14.......04/10/14......05/02/14......06/24/14
    SIMPLYNICE12.........04/14/14.......04/15/14......05/09/14......06/23/14(Early Bio 05/07)
    CANUCK JULIE.........04/24/14.......04/25/14.......CURRENT......06/25/14
    N_KEVIN..............04/25/14.......04/29/14......07/07/14......06/29/14(Early Bio 07/01)

    Vermont Service Center (48 applicants, 15 approved - 32%)

    VJName.............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
    MIKE N SANDY.........03/28/14.......04/01/14......04/30/14......--/--/--

    MILKI422.............04/03/14.......04/07/14......05/14/14......--/--/--(RFE received 10/30)
    GEORGERAMSARAN.......04/04/14.......04/07/14......05/13/14......--/--/--(Early Bio 05/09)
    DC85.................04/04/14.......04/07/14......05/13/14......10/16/14(former myafi1985)(Early Bio 04/23)
    UP AND AWAY..........04/07/14.......04/09/14......05/08/14......10/14/14
    MAKA.................04/08/14.......04/10/14......05/25/14......--/--/--(Early Bio 05/13)(As of 11/01, waiting for an Interview date to schedule)
    NEELA & JITU.........04/15/14.......04/18/14......06/04/14......--/--/--(Early Bio 05/16)
    BLANK STARE85........04/17/14.......04/21/14.......CURRENT......10/31/14(RFE received dated 10/07, responded 10/14)
    ALEX AND SOFYA.......04/21/14.......04/28/14.......CURRENT......11/04/14
    DLR & M..............04/26/14.......04/29/14......06/03/14......--/--/--
    PETER D..............04/26/14.......04/29/14......06/10/14......--/--/--

  3. We received our NOA1 today. It was dated April 22nd, but we just received it today.

    California Service Center (14 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

    VJName.............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved

    CARYH................04/01/14.......04/03/14......04/30/14......--/--/--(Early Bio 04/18)
    PURSUEURDREAM........04/03/14.......04/07/14......05/02/14......--/--/--(Early Bio 04/28)
    LAINIEB..............04/08/14.......04/14/14......05/07/14......--/--/--(Early Bio 05/01)
    PENNY LANE...........04/08/14.......04/10/14......05/02/14......--/--/--

    Vermont Service Center (32 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

    VJName.............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
    MIKE N SANDY.........03/28/14.......04/01/14......04/30/14......--/--/--
    MYAFI1985............04/04/14.......04/07/14......05/13/14......--/--/--(Early Bio 04/23)
    UP AND AWAY..........04/07/14.......04/09/14......05/08/14......--/--/--
    NEELA & JITU.........04/15/14.......04/18/14......--/--/14......--/--/--

    ALEX AND SOFYA.......04/21/14.......04/--/14......--/--/14......--/--/--
    PETER D..............04/26/14.......04/--/14......--/--/14......--/--/--

  4. I dont know about being a real jerk but you have managed to disregard the only info we have to review. It also a direct statement for the OP about his understanding of what went on. You have changed that by pure speculation into something entirely different. Your wife had added for effect her rendition of the infamous " stories". Stories I have to assume she has no real knowledge of other than Thais passing it along. We all know these things happen but to turn this event into one of those should indicate to you how those stories were born. Seems they came from your " wifes friends" . Her friends are doing these things? You can see the damage a story can do. Fiction becomes truth if sold well.

    I have heard the stories too. In my own village some say myself and my daughter were sold into slavery by my evil husband. My real life is less exotic but the village folks still like to talk. This even though I call people in that very village at least 3 times per week.

    The OP has said she turned in the laundry list of info. If she hadnt would they have even given her the interview?

    He says she works as an accountant, speaks English well. This isnt the description of a bar girl ect. He says he met het 3 years ago. Is she that type of Dr Evil? Planning this long term scam right down to the last minute? He went there 3 times and still couldnt see what was right in front of him? The very evil women in your take on his story? Not one sign in 3 years that he was to had? This women is a master thief worthy of a movie deal. Grifters gone wild ! Her police record is clear so this must be her first attempt at crime. She has pay stubs showing a fair income over a long time period. Probably uses the office as a cover while running the scams at night.

    The OP can easily figure this out if you are right. Contacting the embassy to find out what was submitted ect. What is strange is what she says the officer said to her. Then again Karee says something similar happened and I believe him. All but one of the officers I dealt with in my 4 times inside the embassy were very nice to me. One was a very short with me while denying my tourist visa.

    Rather than condem the OP or his fiancee it would serve the situation better to help him figure out what really happened and what to do now. How would you or anyone else figure out if she is lying to him? Should he accuse her of that? I am sure we all notice the OP hasnt responded to any of this.

    Honestly I can't remember ever saying that she was a bar girl. All I said is that maybe she had gotten cold feet and that from my experience (and yes I do have experiences) the whole thing sounds a little fishy. I know the OP probably does not want to hear it, but I only said what I did because I wanted him to keep an open mind. Sometimes people get blinded by their feelings that they cannot see obvious truths right in front of them.

    The info that I read is that the Embassy said they did not get any proof of relationship and the OP said that he sent it. The fiance carries this info into the embassy and gives it to the CO through a little window. At which point did they not get it. My hope is that the OP starts there and finds out what went wrong. maybe that would save him some time. For me time is more valuable than money. I would not have cared if my fiance had cheated me out of a few hundred thousand baht, but if she would have wasted my time I would not have been happy with myself.

    The OP wanted advice and opinions. I gave him mine.

  5. I wasn't gonna go down that road.... yet. Of course it was the first thing that popped into my mind as well. Especially when I saw 4k USD. I hope everything works out as well. Experience tells me otherwise.

    Thanks. I was afraid I was the only one who thought that. I kept thinking to myself when I was writing, "When did I become so negative. I used to be such a positive guy." I do hope all this turns out good though.

  6. Honestly I might sound like a jerk for saying this, but maybe you fiance has gotten cold feet. Before you think I am crazy look at what I am seeing. You say that you sent the evidence and the 221g says that they never got any. Your fiance was the one who is supposed to give it to them. You said that she said the CO said that you did not love her and would never marry her. My wife is Thai and she tells me all about the crazy stories of her friends back in Thailand and that sounds like the ####### they would say when they are trying to take advantage of some "dumb farang". I also think that mentioning the 4K was a bad idea and from my experience from giving your Thai inlaws money, they are not saving it for your wedding. It is probably half spent on gold and Thai Whiskey by now.

    I am not saying that you should accuse her of anything. I hope the everything she says is true and that this is a big misunderstanding by the embassy, you get it straightened out, and you two are together here in the U.S. Just be careful and protect yourself.

  7. Usually the best idea is the simplest and to me the simplest way would be to take care of the arrears and get your passport back. That is what I would be focusing my efforts on. Not taking care of the child support issue might come back and bite you later on in the Visa Process, so I think it would be best to get that straightened out first.

    You have to show proof that you two actually met in person. One of the best proofs is your passport with stamps from her home country in it. My wife came here on a K1 and the only proof I gave was pictures of us together and my copies of my passport with the stamps of her home country in it.

  8. As some of the others have stated you will need the birth certificate translated into English for the Adjustment of Status here in the United States. It would be wise to have a couple of extra copies translated there before you come. However, there are translations services here in the United States that you can use. That is what I did and we had no problem. I think it cost $30.00.

  9. Is your lawyer in the U.S. or is he in Thailand. You have time to shop around for a different lawyer in the U.S. since you have 90 days to marry after she gets to the port of Entry.

    Have you spoken to your fiance about the prenup? It might be a good idea to see how understanding she is about it. One of my wife's friends went to France on a fiance visa and right before she was to get married her fiance presented her with the prenup. She was shocked and ticked off and within the week she went home to Thailand. Needless to say they did not get married.

  10. I was in the same situation that you are in and I had to wait until the six month period was over. Read your divorce petition. If it says that you are not able to marry another person for six months, then you are not legally free to marry at this point and you are not able to file the petition until you are legally free to marry. So you have to wait until February to mail it in.

  11. Hang in there buddy. All of us in this forum have been there before. I remember laying in my bed night after night missing her and worrying about everything that might go wrong. It really did me no good to worry, probably hurt things even more by worrying. Everything worked out. We have been here together for over a year now and are expecting our first child.

    As other have suggested just try to find something to take your mind off of thinking about the waiting and keep yourself healthy. Everything will work out.

  12. Hi,

    I actually just went through the same thing and all we needed was the passport and green card. My wife is from Thailand and on her 2 year conditional Green Card is her maiden name and on her Thai Passport is her Maiden name. I was wondering about this also, so I brought a copy of the marriage certificate with me just in case. However, I did not need it.

    My wife went to Thailand at the first of October and I joined her there at the first of November. We then came back together in the middle of November. Our point of entry was in Los Angeles. When we got to the immigration official I walked to the window with my wife. The immigration officer asked what our relationship was and I told him that we are husband and wife. He then looked at my Passport (USA) and then he took my wife's Thai passport and her Green Card. He looked at it and then checked my wife's fingerprints. After he was satisfied he gave use back our documents and told us "Welcome Home" and sent us on our way. He was very nice.

    They took my wife's fingerprints at the biometrics appointment, so I am assuming that they were checking her fingerprints at the point of entry with what they had on file. You still might bring a copy of the marriage certificate with you if you want, but I do not think you will need it.

    Make sure you book the plane tickets to match the name on her passport though, which in your case is her maiden name.

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