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Posts posted by Mike&Rach

  1. hahah I so want that t shirt, You could wear it and flash it at the appropriate moments :rofl:

    I love those dresses too I havent decided on a dress mainly because we haven't really decided on what type of wedding we are having. Did we talk wedding already in this thread? If not what are you all planning? I want (if this is possible at all) kinda low key, married outside wherever with a party and cake but low cost and low stress :unsure: Even though we have said we could have a big day later on I have a feeling that later on would not sort of happen with everything else we want to do you know.

    I'm sorry you guys who's partners parents don't like you :( that's really sad and I've never understood it to be honest, wouldn't you just be happy that your son or daughter is happy? or atleast be 'ok' with it.

  2. Ok if he's having an affair or intending to or not at all the fact still stands that he's lied to you on a number of occasions, you don't trust him and now having to check on him and you've found evidence he was looking at flights to the state she is in. I don't see how you can fix this in any shape or form if he is continuing to lie or how you could work things out when he isn't being honest.

    Whether it is common for people to cheat in a long distance relationship or not is completely irrelevant, you can't move countries to a man who obviously doesn't respect you to lie in the first place about contact with an ex (of all people!) to see if it will stop.

    I am sorry you are going through this because it is a very messed up situation to be in and if you are having doubts about moving, you shouldn't be moving. Has he pulled something like this in the past? What are these other things you have walked in on and he didn't want you to see what he was doing?

  3. That does stink.

    I'm not sure either :S What do the stamps say? and what was the date error on the check?

    You haven't got the NOA1 right? so they haven't opened your case. I'd send it again as new, unless the stamps say something. We held all our papers together with a big clip and put our pictures in letter size photo sleeves... I have no idea if this is right. Plus I haven't really been any help lol BUT I want to show some support for a fellow March filer.


  4. Hi can any one offer some advice. I am a qualified Social Woeker and I plan to continue working would I need to register on the board in USA ? How do I go about this and applying for jobs prior AOS ? any advice will help me I am planning the move in June 2011.... :help:

    You need to have your qualification checked by the Council on Social Work Education- CSWE(just like our GSCC really). They check and see if it meets the requirements of a US qualification and if you can practice social work. I'd love to be able to give you more info on the process but I haven't started it myself yet, it's all explained on their website here http://www.cswe.org/CentersInitiatives/22207.aspx

    You need to have a license as well to practice, it varies depending on what stat your moving too.


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