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Posts posted by sanaamman

  1. My wife sent me her birth certificate and a translation of it because it is entirely in Arabic. The company that translated did not include a statement that they are competent to translate it into English. Instead, they stamp the translation "Ramada for Translation" with a signature of the translator next to it. Has anyone here submitted something like this and got it accepted without a problem? It's hard to find a translator in my city.

  2. The exact same thing happened to me. There was nothing unusual about our case but it "just happens" sometimes. A lawyer told me I was picked for an interview because they are interviewing everyone petitioning for someone from my country. Don't worry, unless there is something that caught their attention, they'll be asking very basic questions (i.e. where is your spouse living?). Nothing extraordinary. :)

  3. Thanks everyone for your input!

    This didn't actually happen, but I can imagine it:

    NVC Operator: We have received your file sir but it hasn't been put into the system. It is in the building.

    Me: It's somewhere in the building?

    NVC Operator: Yes.

    Me: Can you see it from where you're at?

    NVC Operator: ....

    Me: Can you go over there and put it into the system?

    NVC Operator: No sir.

    Me: Could I come over there and put it into the system?

    lol... :rofl: (taken with slight modification from this hilarious comedian (except he's talking about dealing with the phone company): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohE_edBCM0Q ) :rofl:

  4. NVC said they received my file on March 7 but it still hasn't been put into the system. Also, they say I should wait 4 to 6 weeks?? Are they serious? Has anyone waited this long? Why can't my case go as smoothly as most others have. :( My patience is wearing thin. I already have all the documents ready to be sent. I hate the thought that my file is just laying somewhere "in the building".

  5. yeah you can email it to her and she can fill it out and print it, then either she send it straight to nvc or to you. thats what i did. i let her send it back to me with a family friend and i mailed it to nvc.

    Man I wish I was as patient as you abdulaziz. lol Do you think they would accept a scanned signed form? (to avoid having to wait for her to mail the form back to me). I don't know anyone who will be traveling from Yemen anytime soon. And it takes forever for something to arrive from there.

    I once sent my wife a special gift that never arrived. :( It was just before that bomb in the mail incident. Bad timing!

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