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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    General Santos City
  • Interests
    Driving, Adventures, swimming, nature, drawing, singing & Dancing :) movies, music. GOD!

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
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  • Our Story
    We met in Cebuanas.com May 24th,2010
    I am 4 days old in the site and he was just 24 hrs. old :)
    (didnt wait that long to find my true love lol)

    I dont have any intentions of finding someone.. cause ive gone through a hardship w/ my past relationship. I am a single parent of a boy and been through heartaches with my ex so I didnt thought that LOVE like this would stil come my way..
    I made a profile cause i was just curious about that advertisement of cebuanas.com "Want to meet foreign guys? be a member" my intention is just to look around and see the people, read testimonials and successful love strory..so before i could complete my registration i should put some pics and fill my description section.

    I was a member since May 21st and I met him May 24th..

    The Story started when, in the first 4 days i got a bunch of messages from many guys telling they are interested. But none of them got my attention.. So I was just looking around again when I clicked the "who's viewd me" I told myself, why not try to send a guy a message of my choice? who knows? so as i am choosing from 170 guys who already viewed my profile from day 1.. Roy got my attention because of his profile picture.. I clicked his profile and saw his picture.. I saw his funny side, we have the same religion and his self description was so great. We have a lot in common, His self description and my Who "who I want to meet" fits the same.. So I sent him the message telling "Hi, i found ur profile interesting and your photos are cute..hope could hear from you and we could get along"

    In the other note, the story of him viewing my profile.. He couldnt believe i was real, so he was afraid to send me a message but he told himself "I need to get to know about this woman" Though he got a lot of messages from many girls too. He didn't paid for the subscription for him to reply or write... Not after seeing my name sending him a message :) He paid the site right away so that he could reply to my message..

    We had our exchanged of messages in that site, where we learned that we enjoy talking to each other and knowing each other so deeply... until such time that he decided to get my yahoo Id so we could chat on cam..

    May 25,2010 - Our first Chat on cam.. We are so nervous.. We are both shy at first but we must admit, the first time we saw each other, We heard that magical music, the butterflies... the bells :) that day was so magical, thats why after few minutes we started talking and we kept on laughing.. seems like all are just natural.. I am so comfortable talking w/ him, and he was too :)

    May 26, 2010 we started dating... we transfered from yahoo messenger to MSN so we can do Video calling.. the first time we Heard each other's voice & laughs.. Love has arrived..I can tell :) He is a goofy , funny guy who make jokes all the time, w/c is what I am too :) We are so open to each other, tells everything about me and about him, NO SECRETS.. Negative or positive!
    Along the month of June I met his Sister , mom & step-dad.. We also started writing each other a letter.. First letter i received from him is w/ a necklace :) I wrote him a letter w/ bracelets (native bracelets) a product of philippines for his family.. We see and talk with each other each and everyday, Everynight :) We watch each other while sleeping... Talk before and after work! Love and connection becomes stronger :) to which he is already sure i am the one for him, and im certain he is the one for me :) We talked about marriage and future...

    Everyday was a happy day, My day isnt complete w/o seeing and talking to him.. I smile just by thinking of him.. I giggle everytime i remember his jokes :)

    July 2010 his mom suggested to him to plan a trip here in philippines, His mom is so cool, so great so kind so loving :) She wanted us to be w/ each other's arms already cause she was so happy, atlast she saw his son very happy & I changed his life.. He quited smoking & drinking cause he knows im not into guys like that w/c his mom was so happy seeing his son changing for good :) Im a good influence LOL

    July Last week - Ticket to Philippines was booked. YAY!
    We talked and planned about the engagement dinner, about asking for my hand! cause he wanted to ask for my hand already in marriage :) no doubt He don't want to let go of already.. he asked me if I could see my future w/ him? see my everyday life w/ him.. If I could see my self as a wife of him, and him as my handsome.. Looking forward in the future, YES he is the one i want to spend my lifetime with.. weird but Love strikes to anyone, anywhere, anytime :)

    August 30 - He arrived :) The day that we are waiting for.. I picked him up w/ my dad, a friend & a videographer to videotape our first meeting.. My dad was the one who drove the car since the airport was 2 hours drive from my place..
    I cant explain the feeling.. Im so excited and so happy.. but weird didnt felt nervous..

    Airplane Landed YAY! was just waiting for him in the arrival.. Me and friend was holding a tarpaulin w/ his name and pictures when a porter came up to us looking at the tarpaulin saying
    "Maam, he is inside and going out in few minutes already" That porter came inside and went to him told him " Sir i saw your girlfriend there, she is pretty" LOL

    Until He went Out... OMG!!! my first impression, He is so tall hehehe and HANDSOME... We met in the middle of the road, He hugged me and kissed me :) WE ARE JUST SO NATURAL :-* My Soulmate indeed..

    So from the airport we go directly to my city and went to the restaurant where we booked our "engagement" dinner.. There he met my few friends, relatives and my family.. We ate dinner first and the Interrogation started LOL I saw his sincerity when he face everyone, answered all their questions and told them He loves me and would do anything for me.. I cant explain the happiness im feeling.. feels like im stil dreaming, i couldnt believe.. after 1 hour of interrogating him LOL my dad & my mom already gave my hand w/ their blessing to him :)

    August 31 - I brought him to my grandmother's place where he met my cousins, grandma, aunts and uncle :) and bought the shirts for our pictorial that we have planned :)

    September 1, 2010 ----------- One of the best day ever! we woke up at 6 am to prepare for our pictorial :D we went to sarangani highlands with our photographer/videographer to have our photoshoots.. after 1 hour of working under the sun, we enjoyed each other's company and enjoyed the photoshoots cause its all natural.. until we went the lower part where there's a bench, beside is the tree, and front you can see the view of the sea.. we sitted there when the videographer already gave the signal "Roy Go on"

    He held my hand and said lets stand.. I said why? He said, Look from behind, look that house "Bahay kubo" i said yeah? what about it? he said, "Just look at there and dont look back at me until I say" I said, " okay babe" so after few seconds.. he said, "okay look at me"
    Dang made me all smiled, happy, nervous, shocked when I saw him, One bended knee holding a ring.... telling from the first day I saw you i knew already your the one for me, youre the only one i want to share my life with..will you marry me?" without any hesitation.. I said YES! and he putted the ring in my finger... hugged each other and kissed! We both are so happy... Thank you God for such a great gift and blessing.. I couldnt ask for more..
    We went home happy and excited to tell my family that he popped the question and gave me a ring.

    So one sunday the family, me & Roy talked about the wedding plans.. We planned on having our wedding March 2011.. all are set.. until November 2011 - He got a new job w/c pays more good than the other one so he accepted it, but the consequence is, He couldnt get a leave off for the march wedding.. So we changed our plan.. He told me to why not file a fiance visa since he couldn't wait too long after he could get a leave from the new work cause he needs to 1 year before he could get an off.. So I thought of it and told my parents about the change of plans and they dont have any object about it, what makes me happy makes them happy too :) So november.......... Paperworks for our petition..

    December 22, 2010 Sent the Petition and NOA1 on December 27,2010 :) So just waiting for our NOA2 in God's perfect time and willing...... We could be in each other's arms again :) I cant wait till the day we will exchange our vows and start our life living together forever.. till life after death.. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! he is so amazing & the best, and i cant thank God enough for that, THANK YOU SO MUCH OH LORD! Please bless our petition and our journey :)

    You can check our video in youtube

    thank you and goodluck to all :)

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