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Posts posted by Jamaica2009

  1. I have never seen them bend this rule. They tell you at the interview you must get married within 90 days. You sign a letter of intent that states you will get married within 90 days. At the POE they told my wife that she had 90 days to get married. You have 90 days to get married based on a K-1. PERIOD. If you miss that then you need to file the I-130 with the I-485 AOS rather than wasting time seeing about a waiver due to unforseen circumstances. All the OP has to do is file the I-485 with the I-130 which is adjusting status within the US for a spouse of a USC. No need to go back to the home country and do the entire I-130 spousal visa. It will cost more than just the AOS and will take more time, but that is the penalty for not following the rules.

    Good luck,


    They also tell you again and give you a piece of paper that tells you this as well at POE!

  2. She will get the 10yr GC since you have been married 2yrs. I would just get a lawyer get her served with divorce papers and have no contact with her. Just because you still have feelings for her does not mean she does has feelings for you. Many ppl try to get back with their spouse when they realize they can't adjust status without them.

    Are you able to show an immigration officer you have been living together as a couple since your marriage, did you add her to your bank account did she? Did you put her on your insurance etc. Since you have had 2 yrs the IO could be harder on the 2 of you then a newly married couple since you have had the time to make a life together. Think long and hard before you do something you already have doubts about.

    Why would she get a 10yr GC if they never filed for AOS?

  3. I don't think using your 2010 transcipts should be a problem as long as you file AOS before the tax deadline.

    Doesn't it state in the requirements that you need a employment letter and it may be good to get one with a recent date on it.

    You can send pictures with the I-485 but you will probably need to bring them with you as well to the interview, if you are given an interview date.

  4. Te sugiero que esperes despues que tu bebe venga al mundo,en el embarazo se atraviesan etapas frustrantes que es algo mas que normal por el cambio de hormonas,date un tiempo para que arregles tus problemas y quizas se mejore tu matrimonio los hijos cambian muchas veces a los padres,te lo digo por experiencia!!! Deseo Dios te de sabiduria y todo te salga bien Dios te Bendiga


    I suggest you wait for your baby, come to the world, in pregnancy through frustrating stages which is something more than normal by change of hormones, you date a while that you fix your problems and perhaps improve your marriage children change often to parents, I tell you from experience! Desire God you of wisdom and everything comes out well Dios you bless

  5. Hello VJers,

    My husband and I went for an interview September 19th, 2011. The interview went well and at the end of it the IO said he approved my green card :-). He said I would receive the card within thirty days. I checked my portfolio on- line and I haven't seen any updates as yet.

    I was wondering how long do they usually take to update the information on-line and would I be waiting a long time to receive my green card?

    It hasn't been 30 days yet.

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