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Posts posted by Habakkuk2vs3

  1. Boarding passes showing you were in mexico as well as hotel receipts with few pictures showing you were together within the dates on the boarding pass should be sufficient,also both of you should have letter of intents, the sample on here is very good. I know it can be nerve-wrecking but you will be fine. MAJORITY of the people on here are here to help/coach you through the process like they did/and are doing for me. Dont be shy to post any question or concern and good luck

  2. Thanks so much for all the help!!


    ok another thing that i have ben debating recently and maybe some one can give me an answer-

    like ive said, my fiance is from Mexico, and all of our evidence (boarding passes pics etc) is good to go. But i have wondered if it was a good idea to send some letters (actually by mail) that he and i have sent to each other. I originally didnt think i could/ should send those because i didnt know of an "offical translator person." Now im thinking of sending a copy of a little letter that i sent him and one that he sent me. although it is is spanish, i was wondering if it would be good "evidence" to send this. (obviously on letters it says it's from me, to him, and at the end it has hearts and says "i love you" (in english)... etc.

    I guess it would be evidence. ..... but i wonder if they will get mad that it's not with a whole translation of the letter.

    please please please let me know! this is THE LAST STEP before i do the final check and recheck, :)

    I dont think you need the letter, but it says if you must send anything other than in English Language it has to be translated, When I sent in my package, I even translated some phrases in the emails that were not in English just to be on the safe side.....The worst RFE would be a letter saying "what does this mean? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  3. OP, please make sure you "clear the air" about this issue because if she keep saying "think about what i gave up to be here with you", every moment when an argument or an issue comes up, you will be reminded about how she was "doing so much better before coming here". Inquire about how much she really cares about you and tell her to weigh the love between you two vs. "what she is leaving behind".

    I wish both of you good luck, try to be gentle when you are having this conversation with her because she seems very fragile and sensitive and this is a very delicate matter to her.

    Once again good luck with the rest of the journey and your life together

  4. Hello Majid, sorry to hear about your situation, the flag here was when you are already thinking of marrying another woman so you can stay here when you just claimed you left your country for her not America. If i were you I would focus on ONE THING AT A TIME, which is to put your energy into trying to safe your relationship. Good luck and I sincerely hope things work out for you.


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