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Posts posted by NICK AND FI

  1. hi everyone...i need help!!!

    i understand that i have to list any and all children on the K2 paperwork but...

    my 19 year old daughter does not want to move to the US with me,she doesnt want to go for medical etc,she is obviously and adult by UK law and so i cannot force her to do so...

    what do i do???

    many thanks for listening guys...

  2. hi friends...

    joined here couple of days ago and just trying to get as much info as possible before we decide what to do...if you get married then i come home to apply for a K3 from england....can i still go visit him in the US whist waiting for the K3 approval like on a vwp???

    thanks everyone.been reading some really good info in here

  3. hi everyone...

    ive myself just put post up about the same issue...im in exactly tha same boat....i guess my only way was for court order and my daughter is 17 and we havent seen or heard from her father for 14 years..what i was wondering is there a cut off age in the UK for this parental consent or does it make no difference as its US law????

  4. hi everyone,new here..

    just about to start the K1 process,reading and getting as much info as possible before we start...lol.

    wanted to know if any body has info.i have a 17(nearly 18) year old daughter who wants to come with me....her biological father is spanish,we havent seen or heard him for around 14 years,have no idea where he is or if dead or alive.i understand that i may need a letter from him as she is under 21 years of age,stating that she can come with me to live in the US...we were married when she was born.i divorced him over 10 years ago.

    can she still get the K2 without this letter or do i need to get some sort of letter from the courts...

    i have read loads of other cases like mine but non for the UK....

    hope someone has some info...

    many thanks

    fiona and sal

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