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Status Replies posted by Alex&Joan

  1. Every day as I sit on the train for an hour I picture the interview...and I see the possibility of them saying no and me having to beg for them to change their mind;((( I need this over with already. It's kiilling my heart

  2. Every day as I sit on the train for an hour I picture the interview...and I see the possibility of them saying no and me having to beg for them to change their mind;((( I need this over with already. It's kiilling my heart

  3. Medical tomorrow! Most documents collected including police certificate...now time to finish gathering evidence and find a way to organize these pictures...TICK TOCK TICK TOCK...10 more days to be in his arms again!!

  4. Yayyy! to Alex on her approval...now its you Angela!!! Lets do this!!!

  5. Yeyyyy!!!! We have an interview...Dec 13th is the big day!!! Words can't describe how I feel...Thanks to everyone for all the support!

  6. Thanks everyone..I had some time to kil so I just posted the review!

  7. Visa approveddddd

  8. Visa approveddddd

  9. I think we are ready for the interview, medical done, BC, Police report, 100 pics, 1-134 w employer letter and tax returns for last 3yrs, along with paystubs for the past 2months, DS-230, DS-156, 156K, 157, chat logs, msn,text mags, emails, cards, hotel/restaurants receptis, Am I missing something?

  10. WE ARE APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. YAY!!!! Its going to be a Happy New Year. Interview date for December 28!!!! So amped

  12. I think we are ready for the interview, medical done, BC, Police report, 100 pics, 1-134 w employer letter and tax returns for last 3yrs, along with paystubs for the past 2months, DS-230, DS-156, 156K, 157, chat logs, msn,text mags, emails, cards, hotel/restaurants receptis, Am I missing something?

  13. We're approved! Visa came in the mail this morning!! Going home in Nov. whoo!

  14. I think we are ready for the interview, medical done, BC, Police report, 100 pics, 1-134 w employer letter and tax returns for last 3yrs, along with paystubs for the past 2months, DS-230, DS-156, 156K, 157, chat logs, msn,text mags, emails, cards, hotel/restaurants receptis, Am I missing something?

  15. I think we are ready for the interview, medical done, BC, Police report, 100 pics, 1-134 w employer letter and tax returns for last 3yrs, along with paystubs for the past 2months, DS-230, DS-156, 156K, 157, chat logs, msn,text mags, emails, cards, hotel/restaurants receptis, Am I missing something?

  16. sorry, haven't been on for a while.. things are going good here, not married yet. will be in November. and what can i say, just taking this one step at a time. hope everyone is doing well!

  17. We have been approved today!!!!! I just received the text message while I was at work. I jumped and clapped from excitement!!!!! Thank you Lord!!!

  18. I need to know my appt date!!!! Its killing me to have to wait!!! ARRRRRGGGG

  19. 4 weeks till interview date..Hoping this months goes by fast!!

  20. When I post a topic...and someone chooses to answer spitefully...I would suggest you use your valuable time on another persons issue. I have no tolerance for ignorant people.

  21. Visa In Hands Mi mor is coming on Sunday, God willing.

  22. Visa Specialist: ROLLER COSTER TODAY, NO, YES, NO, YES AND YES (Same woman that said yes second time). DR Embassy useless. But At least they were consistent in that no documents is missing.

  23. DOMEX call yay!!!! pick up manana

  24. in AP right now.....and anxious.....anyone else of the recent approvals have this with it released quickly?

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