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Posts posted by NiNi123

  1. My sister is under diabilty benefit. She is consider handicap. Coz she has seizure sickness. And under her mother care and also under SSI benefit

    if the husband and her get divorce. Can she have the custody for the child? I really dont' want this guy to take the baby for his benefits. He don't have a job no place to leave. He cannot take care of the baby. As for my sister she has a place to leave her mother her sisters. They are willing to support and help her with the baby. What you think? can she win?

  2. She can petition for divorce and 100% custody of the child. So all he can do is pay support money.

    If you believe that the divorce path is most likely, contact a qualified family law attorney. Don't settle for someone that is a friend or close by. Get good advice and let him have it!

    Thank you

    One question if he decided to go out there and applt for the government benefit such as welfare, foodstamp, housing, etcc.. Can he be qualified? will the place check to see if he had a sponsor? I afraid he will do it behind our back if the government didn't check. And me and my cosponsor will be liable, Can we stop it?

    Thank you again.

  3. I am very sorry to hear of these situations, and really feel for your sister and her new born baby. But from everything i have read on this forum, regarding the AOS, it is really a binding 10 year agreement that you will be held accountable for, even after they are divorced.

    As to get him deported that will be very difficult (considering he is not even on conditional status), she will need to prove that he married her only to gain immigration status, and with a baby, sounds even less likely. On the other hand why would she want him deported, she should just take him to court for child support and make him get to work, if she gets him deported he probably wont have the chance to help at all.

    Best of luck.

    Thank you.

    What if he turned around and want to take her baby with him just to get the welfare and medical and all the benefit through a baby.

    Is not fair for her and her co sponsor. Also, what if he don't want to get a divorce? Thank you


    Hello All

    I need your advise and this situation.

    Make the store short. My sister sponsored her husband over to the U.S. He automatic got his 10yrs GC. She is just gave birth to their first child. Just a week old. Her husband want to leave her after he got his green card. As a co sponsor for my sister, I want to withdraw the Affidavit of support. IS that possible? also, can my sister deport him? She feel hurt that he has been decieve her alongs just for the GC. And she is just gave birth. The issues is that she want him to go work and bring home money to help her out with the child instead of depending on her mother income. He got mad and threated and want to leave her, if she continued pushing him to go find a job. Please help. Thank you. Most people said that we can't do anything. There got to be a way to protect those who sponsor this type of person. Who later find out to be a lier. Which we thought he is honest and love my sister. It is all a setup. My sister is deeply hurt and now she has his baby.

    Thank you.

  5. And we have ongoing relationship since 2007 to to date by phone eveyday chat and phone. Also I was I. Ahurry to marry coz I have to go back to the u.s so everything. Is in a rush. The engage and wedding ceremony is just a traditional respect. Our parent have know each others a long time and the marriage talk have been verbally agreed between them ways before the wedding. They should have take a look at the evidence more. How I can proof them? Thanks

  6. This is All misinterpreted by the interpreter. He meant 2009 we are seriously step to marriage. Also I have seizure disorder I don't drive no friends most of the time I stay home the only thing i so is clean and gardening and tv. This is true. We have dated since 2007 to 2009. . My husband said interpreter mistake transelate. In theis case how to appeal what evidence to use. Thanks

  7. Do you know what was asked?

    Can you list the questions and answers given?

    photographs submitted as evidence of the relationship indicate that petitioner and beneficiary have spent only one or two days together .

    It does not appear that the claimed relationship is continuous and on-going .for example ,petitioner has not returned to visit benneficiary since their wedding ceremony in december 2009

    In contrast to vietnamese social and cultural norms which mandate a lengthy and careful period of pre-nuptial arrangements ,petitioner and beneficiary beceme engaged after beneficiary proposed three days before.

    beneficiary's chronology of the claimed relationship is not credible .for example ,beneficiary did not know what year he met the petitioner.

    beneficiary is una ware of basic facts regarding petitione's interests,hobbies and-or pastimes .for example,beneficiary could only state that petitioner enjoys cutting her grass or cleaning her house .

    beneficiary is una ware of basic facts regarding petitioner's locality and-or hometown <features,characteristics,etc.>.for example ,beneficiary could not describe the city where petitioner resides .

    petitioner's and bebeficiary's chronologies of the claimed relationship contradict each other on one or more key points .for example ,beneficiary stated he and petitioner started dating in 2009 .however in a notarized statement,petitioner started she started seriously dating beneficiary since 2007.

  8. After interview my husband they gave him a case number for visa status. A few days later the cosular send him a letter said they refuse to provide a visa to him due to section 212 a fake marriage. They said the case is now send back to uscis for revoke or review. What can I do now to appeal my case. how? When will uscis send me the notice so I can rebut? Thank you

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