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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #627

Sydney, Australia Review on June 8, 2006:


Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I arrived in the city about 6.30am for an 8am interview (I wasnt taking any chances on being late as I usually am for most things lol) Sat down in a cafe to drink lots of coffee to keep me awake as I hadnt slept all night.

Arrived in the foyer of the MLC building at 7.15 and met up with andy (another VJ member who was seeking a K-1 visa) Was kinda soothing having another member there. Just after 7.30 we took the lift up to the 10th floor and waited for the doors to be opened to the US Consulate waiting area. I was 4th in line to go through first lot of security. I was asked if I had anything metal on me before he did a body scan with a hand held device. 'Does underwire in a bra count cause Ive had that set these off before' He laughed and said 'we'll see in a minute'. All was cool no having to take my bra off this time lol Collected my belongings and said 'Thanks darlin''.....oops thats #1 for saying darlin'. I told him I'm working on not saying that today. He laughed and said 'thats ok, because no one else says it to me'. Toddled off to another waiting area bootless. Wasnt long before the first 6 of us where bundled into another lift for the ride to the 59th floor. Ear poppin' time. Second security point. Put my bag and belongings down for them to go through xray. No cell phones to be on but they allowed us to keep them on our person. So then had to walk through that thingymejig metal detector. 'buzzzzzzzz' hmmmmm the metal on my boots. Off come the boots for a rerun. Selected my number...002 for immigrants. Andy got 001. Waiting, waiting, waiting. It was probably at least 8.20 before andy's number came up. So Im still waiting, waiting. 8.30 I finally got called to hand my paperwork, passport, and photo in at the window. I think this was Rose. Asked if my husband had happened to send me 2005 tax returns. (had only submitted 2002,03 & 04 as that had been all required at the time.) Handed it to her. She didnt smile much, but all was in order and took all of 30 secs. Back to waiting. Really important to have all the paperwork in order and out of any folders and plastic covers. Seen so many for various visa's taking forever just doing this part and you can see the frustration on the officers faces.
Waiting, waiting, & waiting more. The much talked about view of the harbor was crappy from the glass windows because it was raining Just after 9 I was called to another window. I did manage to burst into tears at this step when the nice lady told me that everything was in order and handed me paperwork, and some more sheets and said to read this on conditional PR for when you arrive in US. I said 'Im going home to my Baby', tears rolling down my cheeks. She says 'awwww look at you, all emotional' She was smiling but her eyes welled up with tears too. Then she asked me when I would like to pick my visa up, cause had already said was doing that. Told me to sit down and wait to be called again.

9.50 andy was long gone after being granted his K-1 visa..Woohoo andy I'm called up to window 4. I heard my name this time as opposed to a number showing up on the board. I couldnt even tell you the name of the Conofficer, but we got on just fine. Really nice young guy. We had a great ole coversation. Thats how the questions and answers happened.....in conversation style rather then just question and answer format. I know I probably offered him up more questions to be asking me but the way our convo went, it just seemed to be a natural course of events as some questions clearly where more out of interest.

Some of the things asked in brief.....
Are you with your husband?
(Wasnt sure what he meant by this and I think he seen the confusion on my face.)
Is your husband here with you?
Oh no, he is in FL, he filed the I-130 in the US...we didnt file here at the consulate.
(Guess that threw him as its not the norm in australia to not DCF when married hahahaha)
Where did you first meet?
On the internet.
Oh really, how long ago was that?
late august 2004.
So what was the name of the site?
Hot or Not...and he was hot.
(he laughs) "I will have to check that one out"
You found him then?
Yep, sure did. I was only just looking for intelligent conversation and friends and I got a husband instead
And your giving everything up and going to the US?
Sure am, I love my Baby so very much. Not easy to leave my children and family though.
So your children aren't coming with you then?
No, they are all grown up....the youngest is 19 and my eldest is 28...as long as my 28 year old doesnt get down on the ground and latch hold of my leg to stop me leaving like she did when I went to the US for a visit, I'll be right.
He laughed.
Some other questions asked.......
He asked how many times I have been married? Told him twice. He checks the forms and says 'so you are both even then'
What does your husband do for work?
Told him he was retired but had started working again few days ago.
What did he used to do?
He was a resident agent in charge with DHS.
'so he's double dipping' said with a smile.
He didnt want that answered lol as he knew already....was just trying to be funny.
Lots more questions came about Dans prior career.
Hard to remember all the questions that where asked but really there wasnt that many, and it was all very pleasant. I wasnt asked to show any evidence at all of an ongoing relationship or bonafide marriage.
And last of all he said 'welcome and congratulations'

So glad it is over now. I almost fell asleep on the train ride home. Battled it all the way.

For anyone going through US Consulate in Sydney, as has been said time and again...just have all your paperwork ready as per the instructions...it really is that easy. Oh and do remember to go to the bathroom before you go up

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