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Posts posted by england111

  1. hey another1,

    I sent two years tax returns, evidence of joint bank accounts, AAA joint membership, afidavits from freinds, wedding photos, and various other bits and pieces but the RFE states that this is insufficient and require more evidence tp prove that we didnt enter a marriage to "circumnavigate immigration laws". Im at loss because we kept things very simple when we were married, we lived with her grandparents so have no documentation in terms of renting/leasing etc, both cars were in our individual names and we had no bills apart from my wifes phone bill which was in her name, we had no bills because her grandparents paid the bills etc for us.

    Im at a loss.


  2. Thanks mimiye for the advice I really appreciate it. In terms of this point "IF your wife will really help you to get your 10 year green card, then I would reply to the RFE with the same evidence you sent in with your JOINT petition for removal of conditions, and add more recent evidence, such as joint bills, etc, to show proof of marriage" unfortuanatly I dont think that this will help too much because when we split up things were very amicable and once we had divided things up we opened our own accounts etc so we dont have anything else left that is in a join name or anything else that I could add to my original application.

    Thanks again for taking the time out to post that,


  3. Hello,

    So yesterday I recieved the dreaded RFE letter from the Vermont Service requesting that I submit more documents that provides evidence that my wife and I have joint ownership etc of various things. Now, heres the problem, although we entered the marriage with the greatest will to make everything work, to cut a long story short last November we decided to seperate. My American citizen wife, said she would still help me through the Visa process and so last January I filed my "removal of conditions" with the VSC. We have filed for divorce and we will be divorced in just less than 3 months, bearing this in mind what do I do? Obviously I have no more evidence of joint ownership etc so am uncertain of what to do? Do I refile and have heard a "waivor" get mentioned a few times, I assume I need a immigration lawyer?

    Like I said we entered the marriage in good faith but it just didnt work out and now feel rather confused as what to do now,

    I would really appreciate any help/info,



  4. Hello,

    Any advice on this matter would be great! I married my US citizen wife 3 years and we are now at the "lifting of conditions" stage. I applied for that last november, but due to a range of factors we have decided that we are perhaps not meant for each other and have split up. That actually happened about 6 months but she has said that she will help me through the rest of the visa process as I am now settled in america. However, although we are amicable, she wants to begin divorce proceedings, I want us to wait until my 10-year green card has arrived and then we can look into divorce. She wants me to sign papers to start the ball rolling, now my quesion is, will my application become voided if we start filling for divorce now or is best to wait until my visa has arrived?

    Thanks for the help in advance,


  5. Hello,

    So it would be great if I could have some advice from you guys from here, if you can help then that would be great!

    My wife (the us citizen) and I got married in the summer of 2005, however, things have not really worked out for us and we have decided to cut our losses and get a divorce. Sad, but these things happen. I filed my removal of conditions application to the vermont service center in December 2007, I have recieved my NOA and am now just waiting for approval (fingers crossed!) My wife has decided that she wants to get divorced asap so that we can both get on with our lives, now if we start filling for divorce now, will this affect my visa application at all? I really dont want divorce proceedings to be a hinderance, so would it be better to wait until I have a response from the VSC regarding my application and then file for divorce or would it be fine to do it now?

    thanks in advance!


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