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Posts posted by XXXXXXYYYY

  1. The SS# usually comes within a few weeks, or not at all, even though you checked the proper box on the forms. While this is a little speed bump that many of us have to endure, isn't it great that he is home with you !!

    Actually NYC has a pretty quick turnaround at the SS office--better than you imagine.

    Oh yes!! I love it!! And I don't care if he ever goes to work.. but, he wants to so much and is going crazy not being able to do something...But, this is heaven!!

  2. Let me just clarify--the I-551 stamp in his passport is his temporary green card and he can use it to travel or to work, however, he needs his SS# to get a job, so I think you should go back to the SS office with him and get it. It is normally no big deal, so it is possible he misunderstood what they needed.

    Thank you! I will try to go back with him, it's just hard to go there when I have to work... (you know how long you have to sit and wait at that place?? :-)

    I was hoping they would mail him the ss# too, but if it takes up to 3 months, he may go crazy.. haha

  3. We entered the US on August 17th on a CR-1 and are unsure of the next step.

    The border agent told my husband that he should receive his green card AFTER he started working, but I don't see how that can be. Will they mail his social security card and his green card to us directly?

    He went to the social security office and they just told him he needed more paperwork? We checked the box that he would like to have a SS# issued to him on our application forms, so just wondering if there was anything else we had to do?

    Make sure to ask lots of questions when they take your packet at the border... They aren't too good on explaining anything.

  4. The stamp on the visa page of your passport acts as a temporary greencard valid for one year. It allows you to travel, work etc. Your physical greencard should arrive within 3 months- most likely sooner- at the US address you gave in your paperwork.

    Thank you very much for the information!

  5. Hi everybody,i am a spouse of US citizen i entered to the US on 17th august 2011, without any problem and handed away the packet brought from the embassy to the border agent, the border agent said that i would get my green card after i start working in the US but i don;t have anything that shows the address even if i find the work, except i have my passport and the stamp that i entered the US soil,

    is it true that i have to wait till i get my green card? or what step should i take after entering the US, any suggestion will be valuable. Thanks for your support that made my journey so smooth, i am greatful to be member of this site.

    Thank you in advance.

  6. The consulates are U.S. soil, and USCs have every right to enter. If some foreign security guard tried to keep me out, I would play the "USC" card: "Are you an American? No? Well, I am. Explain to me exactly what right you have to keep me off U.S. property?" Upon any resistance, I would insist on meeting with higher authorities until I was granted entry.

    OP, that's a heckuva story of persistence and triumph. Much happiness to you, si man!

    Thank you TBoneTX!! We appreciate your sweet words!!!

    I was kinda like that... I told the security guard... 'Listen, I just flew exactly half way around the world to be with my husband for this most important day of our lives...AND I have sent an e-mail to the consulate asking if i could be here...and was told that I COULD be with him... and I am going in!!! :) They made a few phone calls and I was allowed in. The security guard said it was the first time an American has EVER been allowed in during this time. :o

    You just never know about these things I guess.... and always pray for your consular before your interview that they be happy and full of love themselves. (L) He did question my husband, "When was the last time you saw your wife?" and my hubby said, "She is here! Sitting right there! Do you want to see her? and here is her plane ticket." The consular just smiled and said "Oh!" B-)

    So...in this case. I am glad I stood up for my rights! :dance:

  7. So, the first thing we both want to acknowledge is how extremely important and helpful this site has been to us. I am absolutely positive that it is because of finding this site that our journey went so smoothly. THANK YOU VISA JOURNEY COMMUNITY!! and a heartfelt good-luck along the journey for each and every one of you. (L)

    We had so many "red flags" in our case that there were times we both felt so helpless and were convinced there was no way we could ever be approved, but yet we continued to pray and persevere...and continued to read visa journey to get more tips and ways to be prepared.

    A few of our red flags are... I am the petitioner, a woman, 19 years older than my husband, divorced twice and 3 grown children. He comes from a small village in a country where people don't marry someone this much older, much less who are divorced or have children. BUT... one true reality is... We truly love each other. There are no doubts about this.

    We lived together in Nepal for over 6 months after getting married. We started a trekking business and began a life, however when the holidays arrived I became homesick and wanted to visit family in the states. So, we tried to get my husband a tourist visa.. (knowing nothing about immigration do's and don't's...) He was denied. I went to the embassy and complained a lot and was told by a consular that pretty much the only way my hubby would be able to travel with me is to get a green card. So, thinking that was an easy process... :lol: we thought we would do it from Nepal. Boy, did we have a lot to learn.

    After realizing the reality of the situation, (and realizing that we could not to financially afford to live in Nepal) I returned to the US to re-establish life and to begin this long, and painful journey. There were honestly days I did not think I could breathe and didn't know how I could possibly live another moment without the person I love most in the world. (L) We spent hours upon hours on Skype, Facebook and Yahoo Chat. Sleep was only an illusion over the last 8 months, as our time difference is almost 12 hours and to be able to talk we both gave up having any kind of life outside of cyberspace.

    I followed the directions from this site on what i submitted to the USCIS and front-loaded our petition with every scrap of evidence we could muster. Shockingly, our petition was approved with the USCIS within 4 months.. NO RFE's!! :wow:

    Then, following the instructions on Visa Journey on how to fly thru the NVC, we were approved there as well within 23 days and had an interview scheduled at our consulate 5 weeks later!

    Because I didn't want there to be any "what if's" I decided to pay the extra $1600 to fly back to Nepal to be there with my hubby for his interview. It was worth it just to see his sweet face again... :ot:

    Going to the embassy, was almost a disaster. Before flying here, I had sent an email to the consulate office asking if I could join my husband for his interview. They e-mailed back and replied that I could come with him, but only he would be interviewed. After we arrived at the embassy... they would not let me in!! I complained a little loudly and told them about the email..and finally, I was allowed in. (I was hoping my loud mouth did not do any damage..but just wanted them to see that I was serious about this and had just flown around the world to be here for this moment!)

    The interview was easy, according to my husband. (I couldn't hear everything that was being said, but could hear his responses and watched his eyes for any signals...) But, as soon as I heard him say, "Thank you very much sir." I knew it was over! This 8 long months...had come to an end... and our hurdles were crossed effectively! 8 months of worrying... crying...no sleeping... DONE!

    They did not ask for ONE SINGLE DOCUMENT!! They checked in the pictures we had taken, but not sure if he even looked at them.

    My husband said, the consular watched him intently and stared directly into his eyes for almost all of the interview. He was glad he had prepared for this and never let his eyes shift from looking directly at the consular.

    I just want to be able to share this story to give others hope.. even if you feel like your obstacles are huge.. If you have love and your relationship is real... It will be rewarded. (I also prayed a LOT! :) and will now give lot's of THANKS!!! )

  8. I cannot believe that the visa for my husband was denied at the interview. We have been married for eight years, I have a secure job with the federal government and make more than enough to cover our expenses until he can get work. They kept him at the consulate in Juarez all day, and in the end, they pointed to my 1040 tax forms which have my salary as low, because I only worked in the US from August to December, and from August to October I was working part-time only. My substantial earnings in Mexico during the first half of the year don't count apparently. They are requesting a joint financial sponsor for him to be issued a visa. I cannot believe that they cannot consider my current position and salary when making a decision. What a bunch of morons! So now, I have to succumb to their wishes and ask someone else to help out when we don't need it. So awful! I'm so tired of all of this. Don't know what to do now. Any suggestions?

    I am so sorry for your snag... that is terrible!

    Can I ask, was the income below the guideline levels?

    I, too, lived in Nepal for 1/2 year last year so my income was lower...

    Thank you! and good luck on the co-sponsor.

  9. Hi everybody,

    This is the spouse of US citizen, we have already got the interview date at the Embassy in Kathmandu Nepal and preparing some documents regarding the interview, I have a question in the forum, do the consular expect me to bring in documents showing my property like I have a house and land in Nepal although it's in my and my moms name like fifty fifty , also a business that me and my wife have started I am running it currently. And also some of the documents are in native language so do the consular expect me to translate it in English or can I just give it?

    Any advice suggested will be great.

    Thank you.

  10. Our case was completed at the NVC today.. I can not believe it!

    They said that all the appointments were filled at the Kathmandu embassy for July and they will schedule our interview the second week in July for the next available appointment. Do they really only schedule appointments the second week of the month? Any ideas what to expect?

    THANK YOU sooooo much to this forum...I know it is what has gotten me this far!!

  11. My wife is upset she says AMerican government treat her like criminal.. All she wants is to be with her husband.. This what she tells me

    "The government does not understand how difficult it is to be far away and wait wait wait

    I am not a terrorist thug is not no mafia is not a spy I raise good family

    I am a woman and a loving wife"

    My husband says the same thing! This is an extremely hard process and very demeaning, I feel. Nothing like being told "we don't believe you…" and having to prove every moment of your life and love to people who don't know you from a hole in the ground… :-(

    My best to you all… This process definitely bands us all together..

    After this is all over…and we can all start our lives… we should plan a big party/get-together!! :-)

  12. Places where my wife lived for 3 months she lived at 16 years of age in her home town.. She went to school in different city at 16 years and 3 months..

    I completely missed this one.. But it should be fast.. they told me over phone too fill out second page of DS230 and resubmit with cover page..She said that this RFE will go fast..

    She said you only lose like 3-4 days so we will see

    :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

    Oh my goodness!!! I am so sorry... I can't believe they are that picky!!

  13. I'm all for age differences - I think if 2 people are compatible and enjoy their time together age shouldn't matter at all. The only thing I wonder about is children. Aren't you worried that the much younger husband will want children eventually? Especially when the men are from a society where having children is expected and important. This is the one thing I'd definitely be worried about - unless he already has children or can't have children, etc. Have all of you discussed this in depth with your husbands?? Are you trying for kids now?

    Personally, I have worried about that so much... But, my husband keeps assuring me that he does not want children. I have told him many times, if he wants children, we should be doing it right now, but he has assured me that he does not want them. He has even gone so far as saying, if later we decide later we would like a child, maybe we can adopt one from his country that needs a good home. We have discussed this matter many, many times...and I do feel confident he is telling the truth, considering his life and background.

  14. Another reason just to get a second opinion - false negatives and false positives do happen. It could be the clinic participating in some sort of fraud hoping to get some more money out of it to 'fix' things - or it could be an honest false positive. A second test from a different provider will provide you with more information. There is a second, more specific and more accurate test they can use to verify if the first positive is indeed a real positive. If it too comes back positive, then you deal with the situation, get her treated - and definitely get yourself tested and treated if necessary. If it comes back negative - then depending on the type of test it was, you may even need a third test to verify which result is accurate, or if it is the more accurate recommended test, then that would most likely be accepted as the true result. Hopefully it is something as simple - albeit very frustrating and annoying - as a false test result.

    Good luck to the two of you. Have your wife focus on the positive aspects of your relationship, especially with the interview coming up. Having this hanging over her head will be nerve-wracking but it is important that she handle the interview well. There are other considerations in addition to the medical one that she needs to be ready to address and she doesn't want to come in worrying about negative medical results - especially when it can be treated if it does exist.

    You mentioned in your other thread that you had both been sick recently. One of the conditions that can lead to a false positive on a syphyllis test is malaria. There are others that are not as common, but it is definitely worth considering:


    I absolutely know this to be a fact as well..

    I am a nurse and have seen many false positives. Sometimes, they will come back positive over and over, even after treatment.

  15. I get crucified everytime I tell my story on VJ and at my job and with my family, but here goes. I am 29 years older than my husband. We are so perfect for each other. There is no way this man is using me for an American Visa. He wanted me to stay with him in Turkey. He was so happy the day we went to get my Turkey Resident Card. I lived with his family for six weeks in Turkey. I decided to come home because I could not get anything done on the visa application from there. Post office was always closed for one holiday or another. I could see that he was getting his hopes up that I would just stay there forever. My father is the only one in my family that approves of the relationship. My bosses do not want to hear about the relationship again. My children make me feel like a criminal. But the worse thing of all is that we have been waiting for NOA2 since early November. No matter what happens we will be together, but I would love for him to come here.

    If anyone wants to crucify me again, believe me I am already full of holes.


    First of all.. I read your reply and wanted to cry. My story is similar. I am 19 years older than my husband and i have no doubts he loves me and I have never felt love the way I do now. I miss him every minute of every day and feel as though my life just goes thru the motions until the day I can be with him again. I feel so empty.

    We met in Nepal while on vacation, I went back to live and we got married. I lived there for 8 months and decided to come back to the states to work on the visa thing. So far, it has been smooth, and now just waiting to complete at the NVC and receive our interview date. I have every intention of being there for his interview, even though I won't be allowed in...and even though it will probably break me. (The plane ticket to Nepal is definitely not cheap right now.) We just had a short vacation in Thailand together because we had been apart for 4 months and no movement on the visa..but, while there, we were given the notice of the NOA2. It made leaving him a little bit easier knowing this may have an end in site.

    I am scared to death. Scared that some other human holds our future in their hands and that they can deny us the right to live together in the US. I would stay in Nepal, but there is no way to make a living there. Even as a nurse, I only made $200.00 a month and we started a travel business there that he is running, but that is very slow and I am having to occasionally help out with his expenses there too. Which I gladly do as he is my husband.

    My family is coming around. My youngest son (21) is excited that I have found someone that I love and that loves me and wrote a letter of support for him to come over. My other 2 children were not happy at first, but are coming around and are showing more support as they see how much I love him and believe in us. (They live in other states.)

    I want to be prepared. If they deny us at the embassy..what can I do to keep it there? I plan on making an appointment and going in the day or 2 before his interview and I think I will even write my senators and congressman before I go.. in preparation.

    I pray for your fast approval and I would love to stay in contact. NO ONE else can identify as to what we are going thru. The every day angst and longing. I had no intention of marrying someone 19 years younger than me, although, I have always dated younger men, but you can not help who you fall in love with. NONE of us should be denied this, especially because of age..or cultural norms.

    I am grateful for this community as I have virtually cut myself off from everyone else in my life during this process. I miss my husband and best friend...even if some people believe that can't be possible with this much of an age difference.

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