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Status Updates posted by WaitinforHubby3yr

  1. Final Interview Date Set for September 1st @7:30am so excited.

    1. jenny8406


      CONGRATS!! and good luck i wish you the best!!!


    1. WaitinforHubby3yr


      After about 3 years of initially filing the I-130 my hubby's I-160 Waiver was approved on the 13th. :)

  3. After 1hr of calling, I finally got through to USCIS Santo Domingo. They received hubby's I-601 waiver application on March 28th. They say they need 2 weeks and then it's ok for me to call about it. So all that's left to do is wait, hope, and pray.

  4. Tried for last 4hrs to call USCIS Santo Domingo to inquire about waiver and didn't get through to an attendant. I'm totally bummed. :(

  5. After 3 weeks of waiting the USCIS Santo Domingo still has NOT RECEIVED my hubby's I-601 waiver application . How long does it take to airmail something? :(

  6. 6 Days waiting for I-601 wavier apporval...:(

  7. 5 days waiting for hubby's waiver approval. Tired of it already :(

  8. Day 4 Waiting for Waiver Approval. *sighs*

  9. 3 days waiting for Waiver Approval :()

  10. 2 days waiting for Waiver Approval ...:0

    1. Nicole-N-Nattoy


      I feel your pain:( Hope not much longer for u:)

    2. WaitinforHubby3yr


      I hope not either. USCIS Santo Domingo said they haven't received it as yet. It was sent out last Friday. Thanx for the support!

  11. Congrats to you and your soon to be hubby!!! :)

  12. Hubby's waiver sent on Friday via airmail to USCIS Santo Domingo from Embassy in Barbados? :) God I pray that it gets approved quickly.

  13. Lord Father God i pray that you guide my hubby's waiver application into the right hands that it may be approved quickly so that this journey can end for us and that we may be together again as a normal family. Amen!

  14. Barbados Embassy says they are sending I-601 waiver app to USCIS Santo Domingo to be "approved" tomorrow.

  15. Good Morning Visa Journey!!!

    1. neko


      Good evening WaitinforHubby3yr:D it's almost 9pm here in JP but I'm still at work somehow... nooooo

      Hahaha;) Wishing you a good day!!

    2. WaitinforHubby3yr
    3. WaitinforHubby3yr
  16. DHL package DELIVERED!!! Next Step: Waiver review at USCIS Santo Domingo!!

  17. $40 extra waiver fee in DHL package about to be delivered? Next Step: Waiver review at USCIS Santo Domingo

  18. How do u guys cope with waiting soo long? I really hope this is the year hubby gets to immigrate and and be with my son and me.

  19. Extra $40 dollars on hold in dhl package. Will b delivered to embassy by tuesday. Then its off to DHS with hubbys case for waiver to be reviewed and hopefully approved. ;)

  20. I-601 waiver fee increased so gotta send extra $40. And then off to DHS with hubby's waiver.

    1. WaitinforHubby3yr


      Wish I knew this sooner. Gotta wait until Tuesday. Monday is a holiday, Presidents Day. :(

  21. Hey Everyone I know it's been a while since I've been on here. I even forgon my password for this account. Unfortunately, hubby and I are still on the visa journey but we suspect that it's coming to an end soon. We're currently just waiting to find out the decision on our I-160 waiver. So if you wanna contact me you can friend me at this new account. WaitinforHubby3yr ...thanx g...

  22. Embassy received requested documents. Will be reviewed and a decision will be made in a week. So just waiting now. *crosses fingers*

  23. Additional Requested Info DELIVERED via FedEx to Embassy! Now waiting for I-601 to be sent to USCIS and hopefully approved. *sighs*

  24. Finished writing up taxes. Have to file them and send them to the Embassy (Barbados) with a new I-864. So hubby's I-601 waiver can be sent to Santo Domingo USCIS and be reviewed. *sighs*

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