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Rachel and Erico

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Status Replies posted by Rachel and Erico

  1. Interview in Juarez today.... APPROVED!!

    1. Rachel and Erico

      Rachel and Erico

      Hooray!! Felicidades!!! Les mando toda la suerte en el mundo en tu nueva vida juntos!!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. Check cashed! Countdown to visit Erico in NIC: 22 days!

    1. Rachel and Erico

      Rachel and Erico

      Muy bien!! Que disfrutes tu viaje y visita... wow... casi no puedo esperar!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. I-129F delivered Sunday, still no e-mail receipt and my check hasn't been cashed yet... breathe, breathe...

    1. Rachel and Erico

      Rachel and Erico

      Thank you lovelyjoy... this makes me feel much better. I want to just relax into love and this process of being together, but wow... it's comforting to see that we're all feeling the same way! Good luck... keep me/us posted.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. I-129F "delivered" in Dallas, TX, at 9:44 PM last night! Paso a paso mas cerca....

    1. Rachel and Erico

      Rachel and Erico

      Oh I'm so glad for you Runna&babe... what a relief! I'll look for your post about when you receive an e-mail/NOA1... sending good energy to you...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. I-129F "delivered" in Dallas, TX, at 9:44 PM last night! Paso a paso mas cerca....

    1. Rachel and Erico

      Rachel and Erico

      It's so hard to be patient, isn't it? It's so helpful to connect with others who are feeling exactly the same anticipation and anxiety... it's really hard to explain to my friends who haven't gone through this process! Fingers crossed for your USPS status change.... it will happen soon!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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