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Status Updates posted by akamama

  1. hello everyone need help. My husband is a green card holder and applied for i and my son which has since been approved and at the moment we are at the stage of waiting for NVC status to change to paid for the IV fee. The problem is i just had another baby last month and was am confused as to how to go about filling for the new baby. Your assistance will be most appreciated.

  2. hello everyone need help. My husband applied for i and my son which has since been approved and at the moment we are at the stage of waiting for NVC status to change to paid for the IV fee. The problem is i just had another baby last month and was am confused as to how to go about filling for the new baby. Your assistance will be most appreciated.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      To post the topic you've typed, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and select "Post New Topic". To monitor your replies: Visit your own page and under your personal photo select the "Find My Content" tab. You will see how many people have read your topic and how many replies you have received. Click on your topic to read all replies! God Bless your Journey! Sorry again for the lengthy instructions, but I don't know a faster way to post them! :D

    3. Zuru Love

      Zuru Love

      From my understanding, it will take longer to registar the new baby, because they will require another paternity test and will hold things up either longer and cost even more if you tell them. Anyway you can keep it from them? I too will be keeping my pregnancy a secret as to not delay my husband coming home to his family!

    4. Zuru Love

      Zuru Love

      From my understanding, it will take longer to registar the new baby, because they will require another paternity test and will hold things up either longer and cost even more if you tell them. Anyway you can keep it from them? I too will be keeping my pregnancy a secret as to not delay my husband coming home to his family!

  3. Hi everyone, wondering if any one could help me out as per the police report. I lived in the uk for 11/2yrs while doing my masters am back in nigeria and so guessing i'll need to obtain a police report from there,how do go about it as i have no plans on going there, can i apply for it through the consulate here in Lagos? Many thanks for all ur help.

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