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Posts posted by shauntemoore

  1. It is very difficult to get a tax accountant  who understands the complexity of the foreign earned income two of them advised me incorrectly .   I subsequently found one years after when I accidently read some articles and was still a little confused but knew enough to know who I was about to choose understood this complex tax filing

  2. 1) You can get married in the US on a B1/B2 visa. Declaring, however, at your POE that you are going to get married during that trip could potentially cause problems at US immigration unless you can convince the immigration officer to his satisfaction that you are intending to leave after the marriage

    2) Once you are married to a LPR, you are now an "intending immigrant" and Immigration Officers will be suspicious of your motives the next time you visit the US with your B1/B2. There is also the potential that you could be turned away and your B1/B2 cancelled upon POE.

    Thank you I will wait until after i receive my permanent visa

  3. I know others have started similar threads on here, but I don't care. I want to share my story with others about how all the events unfolded today.

    When this day started, I thought this week would be just another week with no end in sight for our NOA2. My fiancee and I even started this morning with a fight over something stupid after I called her before going to work. I thought this week would be another week of hell since "morning shows the day", literally in our case. After I came to work and started my duties, I felt myself slipping down the slope of sanity, more so than usual on other days. For the past 5 months, I was able to hold on to my sanity and return my attention back to my work with no problems. But today was different. I simply could not take it anymore. My fiancee and I have been praying solidly and consistently non-stop from opposite sides of the world for the last 5 months. Around 12 pm, after checking more and more people on VJ from August were getting approved as the Vermont Service Center had recently woken up from its slumber, not to mention some people who received their NOA1 later than ours were getting approved, I texted my fiancee saying, "I have had enough of this wait", "I simply cannot take it anymore", and "I am losing my sanity". My fiancee came online soon afterward and told me to calm down and then go splash some water on my face and return to work. And she warned me to avoid returning to this website because these timelines were making the wait much more worse for us. I did as she said and told her that I still have faith in God but I am losing faith in myself. I simply could not wait any longer. But I was determined I'd only check VisaJourney once a day from now on.

    After we ended our chat and I returned back to work, I tried desperately to focus on my job, but my brain felt like it was on fire, my head was spinning, my palms were sticky and sweaty, and I was having one of the worst days during this long and arduous wait. After a few more minutes of breathing heavily, I started to place my focus back on my job. Since I normally keep my phone on vibrate and in my shirt pocket, at that very moment, just as I was about to sink into my work, my pocket vibrated. I dismissed the vibration outright since my phone normally alerts me if I get an email, if I get a missed call on my Google Voice number, or if my fiancee texts me. Because I had no desire to check my phone today, I thought I'll text my fiancee later on after I regained some composure and returned to a somewhat normal mood. So I returned to my work. But about 10 seconds later, I get a desktop notification on my computer's taskbar that I received an email on my Gmail account. And I'm thinking to myself, "what are the chances that I receive an SMS and an email within seconds of each other?" Very, very small!! And then I think to myself, "Have I truly lost my mind today?" "Can it possibly be what I'm thinking about?"

    I instantly pulled my phone out of my pocket, opened the SMS app, and read the following: "Your case is now updated. Check 'My Case Status' at www.uscis.gov . . . ".

    I instantly darted my attention away from my work and knew right then and there I would not be able to work today. lol I opened up my Gmail account and read the following message.


    The last processing action taken on your case


    Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

    Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

    On January 31, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.






    The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)"

    Reading only the few first words of that message, I jumped out of my office chair, I opened the bookmark to the USCIS website while standing, and I found the change I've waited more than 5 months to see! The USCIS site finally changed the "Initial Review" status to say "Post Decision Activity"!

    I immediately locked out my computer, ran into the hallway outside, and speed dialed my fiancee while covering my chest with one hand feeling my heart pound as though I just ran up a flight of stairs. My fiancee answered the phone in her normal manner. I told her, "Baby, my heart is palpitating today." She replied, "You saw that website again. Didn't you?" I answered, "No, something else happened to me." And from then on, I was completely mute. My fiancee asked, "What? What happened?" But I didn't answer. She asked again. I didn't answer again. She knew I was on the phone since she could hear my heavy breathing. From the tension in my voice, she instantly knew something unusual happened, but I think she sensed the optimism and excitement in my voice too. And then she finally asked me. "Don't tell me. Is it what I think it is? Are you serious? Please tell me! Please answer me now!" Even at that point, although I wanted to unleash my enthusiasm like a dam with a surging river behind it, I still could not formulate the right words to express those emotions to her. So all I could say was the following, "Baby, I'm putting you on speaker, and I'll read you exactly what was written in the email I got." And next I read the email above out loud. From that point onward, she was launched into cloud 9, I was still reeling from my near brush with insanity, my hands were trembling, and my heart was palpitating stronger than ever. I was literally pacing back and forth in the hallway and almost dancing, and I could listen to her dancing up and down and telling her family that we have received our NOA2!!

    God literally took a day I expected to be atrocious and turned it into one of the happiest days of my life!! God willing, if everything goes accordingly, hopefully I can be with my fiancee once and for all in the next few months, if she passes her interview next! Neither of us have to say goodbye to each other ever again when she comes to me. The most heart-wrenching and crushing feeling ever was when I last felt her hand about 7 months ago at the airport before I boarded my flight to Frankfurt, Germany and then on to Washington, D.C. I have relived that single moment time and time again in my head. I wished for so many days if I could relive the happiest 2 weeks of my life. But now God willing, He will give us both the chance to create new memories just like and better than the memories we created during those 2 weeks of my visit. I still can't believe this as I'm typing it! But it's true.

    I thought I'd share this story with every one here on VJ. What is the moral of the story? Your time is coming. I kept my faith in God, in my fiancee, and in me. But the humorous part of the story is that everything fell into place on the day when I lost faith in myself and I could no longer take the wait.

    I am very happy the Vermont Service Center has finally woken up and has gone through all the July and half of August applications in merely a week! Thank you Vermont! And congratulations to all the other filers out there who received their good news today and last week! Our time is finally here! And to all the others who are waiting, your time is coming very, very soon. After you receive your joyous news, you'll then understand my experience of a day full of a thousand emotions.

    When I read this it My Brother

    was as if I was reading an exciting novel that i could not put down. I am happy for you.

    I wish you both a long and fruitful marriage.

    May God continue to Bless you bountifully.


    My Brother

    When I read this it was as if I was reading an exciting novel that i could not put down. I am happy for you.

    I wish you both a long and fruitful marriage.

    May God continue to Bless you bountifully.


  4. Hire a lawyer to help you. It doesn't matter that your mother left on her own. She overstayed her visa. She had an opportunity to defend her overstay and she abandoned it. She is subject to a ban from the US and a refusal of an immigration visa. You will need a good lawyer to help you. This is not a case to handle on your own at this point.

    Congrats on Yr MOM.

    Can U say

    Which is thev Atlanta Georgia Service Centre and Local Office??

  5. I am the holder of a B1/B2 visa. My US Citizen child has applied for me. The issue here is that my fiance-a permanent resident wants us to get married before my permanent visa is issued. I intend to return home whether I choose to get married now or later and await my US permanent visa. Do What are the implications if I decide to get married in the US?

  6. I think when the update online states RFE - that means biometrics for N-400 applications. I don't know why, but there have been numerous mentions of that here.

    That's highly likely. Happened to my wife. Guess they haven't fix their FU yet.

    You were correct the RFE was for Biometrics!!!!!!

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