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George W. Bush

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Posts posted by George W. Bush

  1. Already posted and VJers have already chimed in with a cause and a solution.

    The biggest gap I can see that is the cause of such a huge wealth gap is that many of the schools here (I live in a black neighborhood) are absolutely sh3t. In fact from what I've seen, this area is quite similar to my last place of residence (Runcorn, UK) when you have poor performing schools in a poor area, there are mindsets that go with it "what's the point" "qualifications aren't relevant" "what I do doesn't matter" and a common theme I noticed is that people have a hard time understanding that a long term investment can pay off. They want to put in short term effort for long term pay off. So really it has a lot more to do with socio economic class than race to me.

    we just need another government program!

  2. Bit odd, what purpose does it serve?

    A lot of people lost a lot of money when this happened:

    Towards the end of the 1970s the shrinking flow of nuclear power orders in the USA dried up completely, and it has not revived. The most obvious cause was the Three Mile Island accident on 28 March 1979, the first major accident at a civilian nuclear power station. The psychological effect on the population in the neighbourhood, and eventually throughout the Western world, was immense. So was the damage to the plant itself and to the reputation of the nuclear power industry.

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