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Status Updates posted by kmankind

  1. Thanks everyone!

  2. Thanks everyone

  3. Hi Tomi,

    I've been trying to reach you to share experirience on the K1 process. We got NOA2 on Jan 26 but I havene't been able to reach either NVC or Lagos. NVC is asking for NVC case number which I don't have. Please let me know what you think.



  4. "Congrats again"' that was. Typing so fast and the spell checker wrongly changed the word to "Contests" LOL!!!

  5. Congratulations on your NOA2!!! Our noa1 is a day after yours and we pray fervently that we are approved tomorrow so we could all rejoice together (Amen). Contests again and good luck in the remaining steps ;-)

  6. I called and was told they were still processing July 10. Of course I didn't believe that standard answer. I believe I'm pretty close though.... I can hardly sleep anymore. Please wish me luck!

  7. Congratulations!!!! I have a similar timeline. How does one reach a live agent? Tried calling the customer service number multiple times after 8am EST with no option to talk to an agent. Please help!

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