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Posts posted by BenjAshley

  1. Due to personal reasons i need to delay out interview until possibly feb 2012 at the earliest.

    Can i do this and if so, how?

    I have already sent Packet 3 in to London, along with DS-2001 but since then our circumstances have changed where i dont want to have the visa issued before feb next year as i would like to visit Texas under the VWP in october for a couple months.


  2. Im sorry if i have been unclear, but it is ashley (usc) who has the doubts, and yes they are simply down to marriage. Nothing else, we are awesome together, but the fact we have to marry is scaring her i think, mainly as she will lose her 'freedom' i guess. She is very independantm and like i said earlier, went through a rough devorce with her parents. So the last thing she wants is, is it was to go wrong in a few years is a devorce. But my view is, why think the worst, we are v good together and it most likely wont even be an issue!!

  3. I am fully aware this is not a period for trial, and believe me when we applied for the visa in january we were happy to marry. But it is not un human to have cold feet about marrying.

    After exploring my options i will not be overstaying, no way!!! But i think ill either go out there in October and if we do not marry within 90 days ill return home and see where we go from there.

    Thank you for all your responses. I am very grateful for each of them.


  4. Thank you!!

    The money isnt really an issue. Not totally rushing into a pressured marriage (pressured by the system, not each other) and being happy long tem is more important.

    Perhaps we were to keen to apply for the visa, but we have, and im just exploring all the avenues right now. I would think what i will more likely do is go over for 90days and if its not right and ready ill leave and come back to the UK and hopefully apply again in the future.

  5. Ok, so i know this isnt ideal, nor right really after all we all go through. But due to cold feet/uncertainties over marriage i need to ask this question.

    What happens if we did not marry within the 90 days, could we still marry a couple months after, obviously if i didnt leave the USA?

    Ive read about filing the I-130 along with I-485 to enable this to happen. Is this true??

    What problems may it cause in the future, if any?

    Thank you for all your help in advance...

    Im just considering every angle at the minute.


  6. I sent my Packet 3 back in today. And also had my medical last week.

    I have a slight concern though that i put on my cover note that my wedding is gonna be aug 12th. Basically i did this because Ashley is visiting me in england on the 11th for 2 weeks and we;re travelling a bit of europe so ill need my passport!!! so i bumped it up by a month hoping to have it before then, but now im worried im not going to recieve her tax return and i134..... shes still waiting for the transcript.

    So if i do get an early interview, i may just go along with a transcript, and her paystubs... (she earns $30000 a month)

  7. Soooooo.. just an update.

    Nvc logged my packet on MAY 31ST, and so i booked my medical for the day i get back from dallas - june 30th. I could have had it on the 15th just for those still waiting and wonderings information.

    They sent it out to London on June 1st and it was logged at london on June 6th, and then i got my packet 3 on June 11th!!!!!

    So all really fast!!!

    I am in dallas until the 30th, and although i have all the forms with me and could mail them from here to London, i intend to wait until i am home as Ashley and I are in no real rush for me to move over here.

    We have already set a provisional date of OCT 1st to move, which allows me time with friends and family, plus time to tie up any loose ends ect.

    Hope you all are well, and i wish you all continued luck and love.


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