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Posts posted by Daniel1980

  1. Hello Carla,

    I hear you and agree with you. At 53, I am no spring chicken either and, just like you, I have no time to play the government's idiotic waiting game..

    There are some things you can do about it, but unfortunately not much. I already contracted my Senators and Congress Member even though I have not reached the 5 month mark. But it helped, maybe not now but it probably will once 5 months comes. At that point, they will already have files open on me, so I can spring them into action in a day or two instead of in a week or two. They already contacted me and told me about the 5 month deal, which I already knew, and I thanked them for the information even though I knew it already. I just wanted them to open files so they would be ready when I needed them.

    The other thing you can do is to be firm, yet polite, when 5 months comes and you need to call them. Most of us reported zero help with this step, but some made progress in doing this, and since the only cost is some of your time, it is worth a shot to see what happens.

    The third thing you can do is to fire your lawyer, The one you have seems to do this very badly, but even if you had F. Lee Bailey, the fact remains that you simply do not need a lawyer to do this. If you can read, write, and use a computer, a lawyer is useless.

    And now for the most important thing, some advice from one angry petitioner to another: Find a constructive use for your anger. First, make the aforementioned Congressional contact like I did. Then research on the internet as much as possible. I learn new things every day, including knowledge I can use when the embassy interview phase comes rolling around. And then use what you learned to help other petitioners. I am following my own advice right now. You will be surprised how much satisfaction you will get channeling your anger into a productive exercise like this.


    I'm Carla's fiance, and I thank you for your comments.

    It is true, your words are not consolation, but give us new energy to continue learning, documents and prepare everything at our hands..

    Sometimes, the wait exceeded all capacity of resignation, and to read your words I understand that all this anger should we use in our well-being and future welfare of others who will pass through it.

    I copied and pasted your letter on my desk, and every day I log on to the Immigration Department, hoping to see something new .... ...... I read is what keeps me from grabbing my head against wall .. jajajajaja (lololol)

    I always try to give reason to laugh, to Carla, during this long process, but I ran out of reasons, and not find motives to joke with this, and the measure I've lost that ability .... We both have become sad.

    You have given me motives to joke, because for now we have no many more options! ....

    (In any case will be a great story to tell in our old age!)


  2. Don't worry Lisa,its not your fault. I didn't know that we had to be careful with VJ's police :rofl:

    I understand that we have to write in english so everybody can understand on the forums but i was just sharing a song and you were responding to me personally so I don't know why such a drama for one sentence in spanish.

    God bless you Lisa and don't worry, we have enough to worry about dealing with USCIS

    by the way, thank you for your response I'm praying for all of us having our approvals really soon, Hopes up always!!!

    chao...oops! Bye :P

    jajajajaja....LOLOLOLOL....."chao....oops!"........Our sense of humor, always emerges!!!!

  3. We wish you the very best, Carla. Hang in there and do what you have to in order to maintain sanity, hope and reason. You can do it!

    At your request, my words are not meant to be "encouraging", but simply supportive and admiring of your tenacity and determination.

    Channel your anger into energy that will push you through to the finish line. You will persevere.

    ps, your story is AMAZING that you first met D. in HS, and are trying to be together again despite thousands of miles and decades later.

    Not many people I know have the fortitude that you are showing. Peace and best wishes to you.


    Thanks for your words.... our story is really amazing....and we just want to continue it...

    Daniel y Carla

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