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Status Updates posted by happilyinlove

  1. Se me olvido preguntarte hace cuanto fue que llenaron el DS260 por el internet

  2. bueno, estamos esperando su pasaporte que dijo que so lo hiban entrgar el martes, para poder tratar de llenar los papeles (Ds-260). Le mande todos los papeles incluyendo lo que me dijeron que le hiban a perdir en la embajada. Estoy desesperada, y nerviosa. Suerte con todo!

  3. Congratulations on the interview date!!! How did you find out about your interview date? Did they give it to you in the packet or did you call and set it up? I'm so happy and excited for you

  4. thank you so much, I love this website, it has given me so much guidance, it has really helped me to speak with other members, because it has been a long and rough journey

  5. Hi, I was wondering how you found out when the consulate had gotten the petition

  6. Thank you so much!! I was starting to become discouraged completely, and the same day...boom...I saw online that I was approved for the NOA2. Now I cant wait for "mi amor" to be here!!!!

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