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Posts posted by sarfaraz

  1. Hey guys,

    My fiancee has her interview on Aug 3. She has paid the interview fees and submitted all her documents. However, she has not received a confirmation email or appointment letter. Also, I she has not received any other packets from the embassy. What are we supposed to do?

    I have heard a lot of people mention packet 4. What is packet 4? What does it contain? and how is this different from packet 3?

    Also, she has been stressing a lot about the interview. I was wondering if anyone has a "Frequently asked questions" list for interview questions.

    Thank you,


  2. Get this: I sent Kadir a Valentine's Day card with our Engagement pics in there to his parent's home. OK... good. Since he's on base outside his country I figure his parents would just hold that for him until he gets back. Next thing you know his sister calls me and tells me, "Oh thank you for the pictuers!" Me: HUH???? She and the entire family thought that envelope might have had his "Konsolosut" papers and so she opened it! Then, they handed out all our engagement pics amongst themselves! :angry: I was pissed! I told her that unless my mail to them has their individual name on it? That only HE opens it! ONLY!!! Then, I told her get all those pictures back and Kadir has to bring them to Embassy when he gets home. "Ohhhhhh OK Mariye... sorry... we will gather them back for Kadir and keep them safe." Me thinking: Yeah *^%$%& I do NOT HAVE TIME TO MAKE MORE COPIES and RESEND THOSE! *it takes 10 days min to Turkey* This morning I was about to add photos but then I just relived that little experience all at once (and without my morning coffee yet too!) lol lol lol .... geeze.

    Carrie, aside from our engagement pics and ring receipt copy, I only have fone records, a few colour copies of my cell phone--- our dated texts [all holidays since he's been gone] and congrat letters/ cards from my side of the family.... that's it. We didn't have use of internet and Iraq doesn't have snail mail. So, K will have to add the US Posts Envelopes/ letters I had previously sent him plus the scattered ones while he was away. I front loaded the Initial Petition anyhow, so any repeat would be redundant and unnecessary.

    OK, back to work!

    Love ya,


    You could have just emailed the pictures and he could get them developed (printed) anywhere. It's the digital age...lol

  3. aside from the required forms, what are you guys putting together for proof of relationship for the interview? we have letters, engagement ring receipt, some pictures and Ems life insurance policy that has me on it, but I feel like I want more just to be completely sure they believe us! lol

    I have the same question. Looks like you already have a lot more than me. All I have is some pictures and maybe a screenshot of my facebook page that says I'm engaged...lol

    We use IM and Facebook for our conversations (not sure if I want to give them copies of that). Other than that, don't really have much.

  4. Hey,

    I signed up for an account on this site but never came back after filing. You guys are extremely organized here. I should have come in early.

    Well anyhow, CONGRATULATIONS to all that have received the NOA2. We are a couple days away from reaching 5 months since filing. I'm hoping to hear back from VSC by the end of this week.

    Oh and here is the link to our timeline (I'm not sure who manages it, but would appreciate if you could add us to it). http://www.visajourney.com/timeline/profile.php?id=97228


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