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Posts posted by cmhs1977

  1. I-864W is for waivers, as in intending immigrant had worked in the USA and has been credited with 40 quarters or work, immigrant would become a citizen upon entry to the USA, self petitioning widow, Battered spouse.

    Yes a copy of a lease for a place in the USA is sufficient to establish domicile.

    Part #2 can be address at which you are living, or the domicile in USA

    Part #3 is signed by parent if child is less than age 14

    OK! Thank you!

  2. Hi Everybody

    I'm new to the site,but love browsing and have gotten many great tips off of here.

    My question is about the I864W. I'm DCFing in Ecuador and must fill out these forms for both of my children who were born here in Ecuador. In Part 1, question #2 what address should I put down? I'll be re-establishing domicile and have a just leased a house in the US, but we're still living here until visas are approved then we will all be travelling together to the US. Also in Part 3, what name should I write? I know I have to sign for the kids but do I write their names or mine?

    Any advice is much appreciated! :unsure:

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