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Stephen Dedalus

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Posts posted by Stephen Dedalus

  1. I've told this story on here before...when I was living in England we were remodeling the bathroom and the guy was either installing the new toilet or fixing something on it because it wasn't installed properly. anyways he didn't have one part so he had to run to the store. neighbors weren't home and we only had one bathroom and I had to pee really bad so neil suggested I pee in the bath. the guy's tools were in the bath so he said to pee in the sink. I had to pee so bad I didn't even care so I took a pee in the sink and didn't make a mess. then I bent over to pull up my pants and I smacked my head so hard on the bath I busted it (my head, not the bath lol) open.

    At least you can look back and laugh at it and yourself now. :thumbs:

    You joined yesterday you have lots to learn.

    That is the nature of this thread Pee-wee. This account is an anonymous one that I made yesterday so as to confess some personal details that I didn't feel comfortable saying under my real account.

  2. Why are all your embarrassing stories so very unembarrassing?

    I have lots of embarrassing stories, but they are too embarrassing to tell here. Selective memory function is in effect.

    Goodness, It seems this thread has veered off course. The whole point of the thread is contained in the title. I don't think I would ever admit to people I know in real life, and I know people from this forum in real life, some of my more embarassing moments.

    About 18 months ago, my wife and I had just returned from the movies. We had seen 2 movies, so when we got home, we both bolted straight for the bathroom. Of course, I let her go first, but I really couldn't hold it in, so I went into the kitchen and grabbed a vitamin water bottle and peed into that. Unfortunately, the capacity of the bottle was not equal to the capacity of my bladder. My wife finishes her business, and walks out to me standing there with my pants open, a bottle filled with pee that has since spilled about 1/4 of it on the kitchen floor. I told her the truth, but she never believed me.

  3. I think everyone has something that they have done in their lives that they are both ashamed, and cavalier about. I am not talking about minor, petty things like farting in a staff meeting. I guess the best way is to start off with my own contribution. About a year ago, I woke up one cold morning. I didn't want to get out of bed to let a fart go, so I tried to do it silently in bed. It turned out, it was more than a fart....... I immediately jump up and run to the bathroom to clean up. As I walked back into the bedroom, I see the duvet and the sheets on the floor, and my wife just waking up. The only thing that I could come up with at that point was "I thought I felt a spider" :blush:

    I encourage others to share your embarrassing moments that you want to get off your chest.

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