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Posts posted by destiny64

  1. My husband and I are planning a trip to Morocco in November, we filed his removal of conditions in March 2015. I'm hoping everything goes smoothly and his green card arrives before we travel, however if it doesn't we will travel with the receipt saying its extended for one year.

    My question is, has anyone traveled with this certificate and made a connection via Spain to Morocco? I'm a little worried that he might have an issue traveling with the expired card and only holding this extension paper.

    We usually travel direct to Morocco but found some amazing prices that we would love to take advantage of if there aren't any issues.

    Looking forward to hearing what experiences people have regarding this.

  2. When getting a marriage annulled vs divorce, correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't it mean it wipes out the marriage as if it never occurred? How can you remove conditions on your green card based on marriage if signing the annulment means there was no marriage? Not only that but she's signing it saying she married not in good faith if you read his post discussing it. So , unless there is other ways around it she pretty much is giving up her green card by agreeing to annul and sign that she married him just for the card.

  3. Bring all your documentation with you for proof from Morocco and Germany. You have your birth certificate to show that you are who you say you are, and many people have different aliases for whatever reason, that's why USCIS has a spot for it on their forms! When I was married in Morocco, we had to put my maiden name on all marriage documentation (Moroccan rules, they go by birth certificate), however I had never changed my name after divorce here in the states from 3 years earlier. So our marriage certificate said one name while I still was going by my married name. No one ever questioned it.

  4. She seems pretty cooperative to sign the annulment and go back to her own country. That does not sound like a scammer to me.....her motivations to marry were not purely based on wanting to stay in the U.S. Sounds like you two just had different expectations. She might not have expected to have to have sex with a much older man. While you expected to have sex with a 30 something year old Filipino woman as part of the marriage.


    Despite a previous statement of mine, I will talk for a moment about sexual expectations of my soon to be ex wife. We had disused our future sex life together on skype. We also agreed that she should be on the pill as she would be going back to school upon her arrival in the US. She had gone to her doctor in the PI and came to the US with 3 months supply of birth control pills. And yes, I saw them. So much for her expectations

    Right now, I am very bitter and for once understand why so many males consider filipinas little more than sex toys to use and throw away. It kills me that I have to keep her under my roof and look at her face until she signs the annulment and is dropped at the airport.

    Isn't it an expectation when you get married that there will be sexual relations ? Come on, be realistic here! Why would he be shouting scammer ? Many men marry women a lot younger than them and you can bet they expect sex, why wouldn't they?? It just seems pointless that you needed to explain yourself Palu.... some people and their judgemental thinking about age differences ! Ask me how I know? My father is married to a woman from Thailand, he was in his late 60's and she was in her late 30's when they married. It works for them....

  5. thank you destiny64 for your constructive advice. Even though this is an open forum I still am amazed at the number of truly nasty people on it. Even though I am trying to protect myself from a terrible situation this coming week will be one of the 2 or 3 most painful of my life. I would like to curl up in a ball and stay there for a year. I deeply loved the girl (still do) and it is hard to go forward but know I must.I am sure at least 1 shithead will attack me for this....a three fingered solute in advance

    Yes, some just come for entertainment to make others miserable , makes themselves feel better about their own lives. At the same time there are many people who come here to give good advice , sometimes advice we don't like to hear but nonetheless perspectives people may not have thought about. It's all in the way it's presented. There will always be those that just come here to poke fun at people who put themselves in a bad situation by being naive and trusting. Maybe some are even doubting that they aren't in the same situation as you , and just haven't figured it out yet. Just get through this the best way you can , move forward and don't look back.

  6. All you need to do is notify them that your marriage is being annuled based on fraud. I would even go so far as sending them the signed agreement that she will sign from the lawyers office so that they can put it in her file. I do believe that is all you need to do, since no AOS from you. IF she stayed she would have to adjust status on her own with proof that your marriage was bonafide , however she is signing something that states your marriage is annulled and admitting to fraud. Sooooo, that will take care her chances of doing that on her own as well. Keep your fingers crossed that she actually does what she says she is doing, and do the happy dance when she does leave. Lesson learned for you I'm sure.

  7. I hope the problem will soon be over. She has agreed to sign the annulment in my lawyer's office the middle of next week. Of course I had to sweeten the pot ($), not a huge amount but worth it to get rid of her. In the agreement is a clause that states that neither parties emotionally abused the other. I believe I might have mentioned that her new filipina friends gave her a course in immigration law. After she signs the lawyer will hand her a plane ticket for the next morning. As my lawyer has told me, he will tell her that will be the only ticket she will receive. By the annulment will state that she committed fraud.

    Her only concern now is what is she going to tell her parents.....maybe the truth? NO!! Can't do that! She will think of some lie and her parents being her parents will accept it.

    I do worry that some other poor westerner with a shix eating grin on his face will be her next victim as I believe a annulment in the Philippines will erase the record of her being married. I guess in the end it is a case of you throw the dice and take your chances.

    Thanks to everyone and may your journey be a happy one.

    That's great news. I hope she shows up and completes what she has agreed to do! I would still report her to USCIS just to cover yourself in case she doesn't leave.

  8. :no: "I didn't know it was illegal" isn't actually a defense. But sure, you've never heard of it, clearly it's okay to advi-oh.

    When must you get permission from everyone involved before recording?

    Eleven states require the consent of every party to a phone call or conversation in order to make the recording lawful. These "two-party consent" laws have been adopted in California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington. (Notes: (1) Illinois' two-party consent statute was held unconstitutional in 2014; (2) Hawai'i is in general a one-party state, but requires two-party consent if the recording device is installed in a private place; (3) Massachusetts bans "secret" recordings rather than requiring explicit consent from all parties.).

    Of course, that's a general overview of state law, not federal law. I don't particularly know if immigration issues will automatically become federal issues, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to be the case study for that.

    I can clearly advise anyone to do anything at any time. It's anyone's choice in life to make a choice to do or not anything anyone advises them. You are advising me not to advise, why should I listen to you??? Thanks for your wealth of knowledge that no one except yourself is interested in.

  9. Actually, I think anyone who sees people advocating members do illegal things should speak up, since the general running rule seems to be "don't tell people to do illegal things." People suggesting mail fraud and potentially illegal recordings are giving not only bad advice but advocating criminal activity.

    Stop being so dramatic. You've spoken up , thanks for protecting us from the life of crime.

    I have never heard of anyone recording someone being illegal, and I'm sure that is only if being used for criminal cases in court, not in immigration. Donald Sterling is a good example of recording someone without their knowledge, depends on the state as I said in my original post. Stop being so dramatic. You are just looking for an argument.

    To the OP, I hope you find a "legal" way out of this. Hopefully nothing I have stated to you causes you to run out and do illegal activities that will land you in jail. I'm sorry that you are finding yourself in this sad situation and I only mentioned the annulment for physical reasons to help you get out of your situation legally and swiftly. Seems your lawyer is on the right path to try for annulment on these grounds as well.

  10. "Our laws" also work in other ways, like many states making it illegal to record someone without their knowledge. Folks shouldn't give advice like this without knowing the very specific details of where someone lives and what the laws in that particular state are. <_<

    Apparently you think your job here is to tell others what is legal or not. I never told him 100% he could do anything. I also stated its different in each state, so go stir your pot somewhere else . We all come here to try and help people , not to attack and tell other people what they should or shouldn't say here or no one would use this site. Its his call whether or not he takes anyone's advice here!

  11. This is the second time I've heard of a witchcraft/Jinn mentioned as a person's spouse or fiance scapegoat for leaving. It's just plain craziness and

    an excuse for justifying what they have done. When I told my husband about it , he laughed and said they are crazy.

    Maybe it should be a prerequisite when marrying a Moroccan is to bring up whether or not they believe in that hogwash!

  12. I didn't realize you filed while still legally married. That is one of the biggest qualifications to file a k-1 is that you are both legally free to marry when filing.

    If you don't have time to go there and marry , and you don't want to wait then maybe your best bet is to refile k-1. However make sure your funds are going to meet requirements or you have a cosponsor! You will have to address all the issues when filing, including why you filed while still married.

  13. I've been in your shoes , and I know how difficult and frustrating it can be! If you look at our timeline, it was hell. We didn't have the issues you had and they treated my husband the same way. It's just how they are trained to handle things, and its so very easy for them to deny non-immigrant visa's than an immigrant visa. Not saying people never get fiance visas because they do! However with the flags in your case they definitely are looking at your fiance under a microscope. Yes, you should have addressed these issues when you filed, but you can't go backwards, decide whether or not you will continue on the k-1 path or marriage and address the x-wife issues! As far as they are concerned , if you didn't mention her..they probably think you don't know about her. Best of luck, and my advice is don't wait around for any type of "review" on your current petition....it will be a miracle if they ever look at it again. My congressman (Vermont) was advised from VSC liason , that k-1's basically close at the Vermont Service Center when returned.

  14. Just file your marriage petition, they will send you a letter stating it's closed once they receive your I-130. I know this because I filed for k-1 for my husband , after TWO years we were married (yes it was in review until we filed for I-130) You really don't need to do anything at this point, the letter will just say you aren't eligible any longer for k-1 because you are now married.

  15. FYI...I didn't pay much attention to where your petition is going , but k-1's that return to Vermont are basically dead. I was told this from our congress person, and I've been in your position of being denied a k-1. Unless things have changed , they just don't have time to review the returned ones. You will wait and wait, and they will tell you it''s being reviewed. When we filed two years later for marriage visa, we got the notice that they were closing the k-1. It was just crazy. Refile for k-1 or get married, its what I would do if I was put into your situation again. However when you refile , you need to address them about the past U.S wife.

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