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Pedro Thiago

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Posts posted by Pedro Thiago

  1. My fiancee had her interview in Almaty, Kazakhstan on the 31st of May. They asked her how did you meet? What will you do in the states? And that was all! They didn't even look at any of the evidence for a relationship. I immediately got my bride-to-be her plane ticket and now it's time to start planning for the wedding! I am sooooo excited and happy about this. :D :D :D :D :D :D

  2. I would certainly be perplexed if I were to review a case of a couple who has been together for two years, met eight times, and not taken a single photo together. Of course, everyone has different circumstances and preferences, but if no photos of you two together exist after all of that time together, it will probably send up some red flags.

  3. My fiancee will be interviewing tomorrow morning (tonight for me) but she had to travel to Kazakhstan for the interview so I can't even call her to see how it went! I will have to wait either for her to find a net cafe or to travel back to Kyrgyzstan where we will be back in communication. Don't look forward to a lot of sleeping tonight, but how wonderful it would be to get that good news in a couple of days!

  4. My fiancee and I decided we were going to get married (got engaged) a number of months before I got down on my knees and presented her with a ring. In international relationships, its just more complicated because you might not be there in person when you decide to get married, but deciding that you will get married is an engagement.

  5. If you think about the long-term future of the relationship, it seems like you might have a difficult road ahead considering where you are at this point. Of course, only you know that person and your relationship, but perhaps you should gauge that feeling and go where it honestly leads you. Just my opinion. I hope everything works out for the best for you.

  6. After seven months my fiancee will be going in for the interview next week. We were given three weeks notice from receipt by the embassy to the scheduled interview, so we have been scrambling like insane people to get all of our documents together. Many loose ends got tied and impossible things seemed to fall in place. Now I'm just going over everything that can possibly go wrong at the interview. I can only pray and have faith in God that she will have her visa next week. So nervous/excited!

  7. I agree with the others. That does seem strange that they would advise against stops, there probably aren't too many countries from Ecuador to the U.S. that would require transit visas for Ecuadorian citizens anyway, but it wouldn't hurt to check. Also, there are many countries in Asia, Africa etc. that have no imagineable direct flights to the U.S.

  8. It's impossible to really predict every single expense of this process, and some big ones pop up here and there (I didn't consider the price of sending documents FedEx to my fiancee) but like others have said, they will also need food (!) and shoes (!) when they get here, and that will be expensive, but then they will be here!

  9. I met my fiancee in October of 2008 while we were both studying abroad in Japan, though at different universities. I remember being immediately stunned by her but not having the courage to talk to her because she just looked too cute. Somehow we ended up talking, and then dating, and I have been to visit her in her home country twice now. Her interview for the K1 is coming up this month and I am praying that we will soon be together. I am amazed to have such a wonderful woman in my life.

  10. Congratulations on starting your journey! I completely agree that you must strive as much as possible to set yourself on calm mode and be open to bumps along the way without stressing yourself out too much over them. Stay on the forums and you will constantly find answers to questions that you hadn't even thought to ask! I agree also, that for the spiritual individual, prayer is a wonderful way to keep things cool and in perspective. Best of luck on your journey and I hope you can be with your loved one as soon as possible!

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