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Posts posted by peterah

  1. Hello Guys,

    I am wondering if i could petition my sister as an employee ( baby sitter ) or an employee at our company, but if we will go this route it would be hard because she didnot finished college, and she didnot have work experienced.

    Also, i am wondering, would it be easier for me to do it if i'll operate a restaurant here( a filipino restaurant)so that way i could hire her? but really at the end she will be babysitting my baby, but still she could work when i am at home.

    How about if shell go to school here but we will shoulder her expenses? what are the steps for that? thank you!

  2. Yep. Sounds like someone they know. I'd start by calling the police - they'll be happy to pay a visit to their house and tell them to stop. That might be enough of a scare.

    we were able to report to the police the incidents that been happening lately but not the old once because we are trying to be protected to the kids. before if something happen we instead cover her to the kids.. but not anymore cant take it anymore.. ohh will.. thank you though..i appreciate it... im now slowly steping..

  3. If the situation is escalating and includes physical violence then you need to get the police involved.

    Sounds like a jealous ex-wife?

    I think she is.. and just miserable too...:) thank you

  4. While you may be able to adopt your brother in the Philippines under Philippines laws, US laws will not allow you to petition for him as your adopted son. First, an adopted parent can only petition for an adopted child if the adoption was completed before the child's 16th birthday. Second, the adoption of a family member is highly scrutinized when seeking an immigration benefit. US laws frown upon circumventing immigration laws with adoptions of a family member.

    thank you so much.i appreciate your reply

    You may be able to adopt him per Philippino law, but as he is over 16, his adoption (even if an orphan) will not count for immigration purposes. If you want him to come over her,e wait till you are a citizen, then petition for him as a sibling.

    thank you so much. you have a point. think il just wait then.. specialy that now he is over 16. i appreciate your reply

  5. I would charge them with harassment and take out a restraining order (order of protection or whatever it's called in your state).

    I wouldn't SUE them, unless their abuse has resulting in monetary loss. Speak to an attorney.

    thank you so much.. yeah il speak to an attorney. thanks again

  6. Are they sending that to your phone?

    I'd file a police report and then block their number(s).

    yes they are sending it to my number and to my husband number as well.. even emails...we already have couple of harassment report and assault...thank you so much

  7. Yes, you could sue them for harassment, or the police could maybe do something under the heading of threats of bodily harm", depending on the exact wording of "you will die".

    thank you... i am planing on talking to the attorney.. specially because this case have became more physical... i appreciate your opinion..thank you so much

  8. I am wondering.. if you can sue someone who has been sending email and text to a person sayinng the words.. mail order bride, maid(iv never been), hope your baby will die, the plane will crash, you will die. illiterate of english language. telling lie to the step kids (story that is against you)all of this has been going on for more than 2 years and is just getting worst. The sentences that is used of that words were mean. this has cause me countless of sleepless night and countless of tears. is there anything i can do with this?

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