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Posts posted by Edwin87

  1. i might be wrong here but i believe this happens because they have a certain number of visas that they issue in a certain period of time. (that's what i've heard) it could be days but i've seen cases that it last up to two months. so it shouldn't take more than that. patience....i know is wearing thin but...like i said don't worry everything is done. just wait....

  2. everything checked out all right... you guys just have to wait. when they tell you that you are going into an administrative review is because they are going to check everything. Not because something is missing (they already told you everything was ok). It's standard procedure to double check it. just wait for the call that will inform your husband that the visa is approved. Gotta be patient. For some reason they put few(i think it's randomly but in your case i think they saw an opportunity because you missed some stuff) people under administrative review but it's a done deal....

  3. Hola a todos, paso por aqui para avisar que la visa de mi esposa fue aprobada hoy. Yo no estuve con ella en la entrevista porque me gaste todas mis vacaciones con ella en Colombia. Nosotros pensabamos que todo los tramites se tardaba mas o menos un año y pues saileron mas pronto. Alrato entra ella para dejar su review de como fue todo alli en la entrevista. Para los que aun esperan terminar su tramite, sigan adelante que para atras asustan. Hasta luego

    Juan. :dance::dance::dance:

    me alegra mucho!!!! felicitaciones

  4. mi esposa viajara pronto y el vuelo tiene escala. Ella viaja a miami y a las dos horas debe de tomar su otro vuelo. kisiera saber si dos horas son suficientes para ke no pierda su vuelo, ya ke tiene ke pasar por imigracion y no estoy seguro cuanto tiempo ella tardara haciendo eso. agradeceria la ayuda :D

  5. hola a todos. A mi esposa le aprovaron la visa y keremos ke tenga el viaje lo mas pronto posible. Hace una semana se la aprovaron y llamamos a Domesa para preguntar si pronto nos llegara. La operadora nos dijo ke para visa de residencia se demora un mes aprox. Es esto cierto? la vdd necesito comprar pasajes y planear todo el viaje pero ahora esta senora sembro dudas en mi cabeza ( claro esta ke ella era un simple operadora, depronto no sabe lo ke dice). me podrian decir a los ke la tienen cuanto se les demoro enke se la entregaran a un domicilio en Bogota.

  6. that's not true as long as you have an sponsor that exceeds the poverty limit, you should lie because they will require an employment letter with affidavit of support if you tell them that you have a job. put currently unemployed. and make sure you have a good sponsor. http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-864p.pdf this link shows you the poverty limit. If you have an sponsor then there is nothing to worry aabout.

    i meant shouldn't. sorry :blush:

  7. that sucks man... i'm sorry about that. well, make sure she gets her migratory record from DAS and you should get an original copy of your birth certificate and your wife's if you hadn't already given one to the NVC. they are going to request original photocopies for the marriage certificate, birth certificates for both of you and baptismal certificate for your wife. she has to get a new passport ASAP. Get the medical exams and the vaccines (go to the Cruz Roja for the vaccines), get the pics, Tell her to get a CONTRASEÑA and the passport that'll make up for the stolen ID and print extra proof of your relationship such as pictures (wedding if possible), e-mails, if you ever sent her money show the receipts, phone records, etc . About the visa paperwork. I'm guessing you sent all the documents that the NVC requires. they won't be asking for that again unless, you send ordinary copies. If you were applying for a Fiance visa that would been a real disaster but you are a CR-1 visa which means that you already sent most of the documents. That's all i can think, i hope everything goes ok. God Bless you

  8. tengo una inkietud... mi esposa y yo no somos catolicos pero a ella la bautizaron catolicamente cuando era bebe. Somos cristianos y nos casamos en nuestra iglesia y obviamente civilmente. Mi preocupacion es si pondran algun problema en la embajada pork en el certificado de bautismo no hay notas marginales diciendo ke mi esposa esta casada por la iglesia...alguien me podria ayudar?

  9. well it doesn't hurt to add a 864A. i didn't know if i had to earn more than the poverty level for the past three years. i didn't meet the poverty level in 2008 because i didn't have a job but for 2009 and 2010 I did. To make sure that i didn't have any problem with that i asked my stepfather to be my co-sponsor and the only thing that went wrong was that i didn't provide evidence of my relationship with my stepfather. so i sent my mom's marriage certificate, and family pictures.

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