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Status Updates posted by Ebun12

  1. Interview Day today.... so nervous.

  2. Children's case is complete...now waiting for an interview date. November would be awesome but December would be great! too...

  3. Interview 11/05/12... Praise God

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheresaAnn
    3. Kazulie


      Congrats!!!! So excited for you!

    4. 2HeartsR1


      That is wonderful! Congratulations. Hopefully, the kids will follow soon behind. God bless

  4. The hubby's case is complete and just waiting for a Ghana interview date.

    1. Ebun12


      The children have an RFE because SOMEONE thought it was ok to use a notarized birth certificate instead of the original.

    2. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Good news and not so good news! It's okay though. It can be fixed. Try not to kill him just yet! I pray you get your date soon!

    3. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      Good news and not so good news! It's okay though. It can be fixed. Try not to kill him just yet! I pray you get your date soon!

  5. Hi Dana

    No case number yet but I did call twice this week and they said they had just gotten the file on Monday and to check back in 10 days. so I'll be calling on Tuesday since I read that is the day the case number are made available! Thanks for the welcome

  6. Hi Debbie Thanks for the welcome.. I think we are on the same time track. I'll update the time line now.

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