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Posts posted by IndyThorpe

  1. My friend overstayed for 4 years and she got married and got her green card in 6 months. So whats your point? I really also feel like lawyers don't guarantee your approval. At all. All they did is conduct an investigation and ask them about their marriage because my friend has been married twice. So her case was really sensitive. Even worse than mines in my opinion. And really i am trying and it doesnt matter because me and my husband could still go live in switzerland :) I understand that I shouldn't have overstayed. But USCIS don't separate families in general let alone a marriage!!

    i know i am late writing this but medryl mentalia dont know what she is talking about all overstay no matter how many years is forgiven when married to a usc please hun dont get nervous or anything..you will be fine..good luck on your green card process..

  2. hey everyone we are doing just fine..we will be going back to drop of the lease and some other documents ( affidavits from friends and relatives) and yes to medryl you will be fine dont listen to all these ppl saying its not true love how do you guys know whats going on in our love life?? yes me and my husband are young but we love eachother yes we got married fast but we love eachother so u cant bash our relationship when you dont know anything ..but thanks for all the positive and mostly negative post's but yes we are good and enjoying our marriage 78 days till one year married..so happy


  3. I read it, I see nothing that says money. I see pay stubs, which are completely different... You should get affidavits of proof of you're living together etc, if you have any friends whom are teachers, police officers or anything else similar. We used my friend Jeff whom is a police officer for a supporting letter.

    THANK YOU!! someone finally see's it .. i have about 5 affidavits so far but all i need is two but im bringing all 5.

  4. I've read through this thread a few times. I would absolutely think fraud if I was reviewing your file. Your posts just add up to fraud on numerous accounts. I know you don't want it to seem so, but the way you phrase and write things... almost everytime you post a new red flag comes up.

    My big question... Why did you guys get married in Nov of 2010? You had only known each other for 3 months, you state in this post that your answer to the interviewer that you were planning a wedding reception in December. Your timeline states that you are planning a "big" wedding for Sept 2011. So if your plans were a wedding reception in December or a "big" wedding in September 2011, why didn't you just wait till Sept 2011 in the first place to get married? Answer, because he would then be out of status. That is an issue you are going to have to overcome IMO. Why did you get married after just 3 months, with no money, where no family could come, didn't put hubby on the lease, and his visa was going to expire shortly. A lot of hurdles to overcome, but you need to stop answering questions with responses that throw up even more red flags... such as your most recent response in this thread. It seems like your defensive nature responds with a new flag and you are constantly opening a new can of worms each response you give. If you do it here, they certainly felt the same way... just something to think about.

    I know i have bad wording sorry about that!!

    on my timeline i said september but i am actually going to do it in december 2011 down in jamaica when we go visit to see the rest of his family that i havent seen yet.

    Okay first of all i know we married fast but it was what i felt in my heart. i loved him and he loved me and my son. I wanted it to be official i had no idea at the time about immigration and AOS. in february my mother had started her K1 so her hubby can come over and she was telling me that my husband and I can do AOS and i was all for it because i didnt want him to leave me and go back home. Next question why didnt i put him on the lease because i could not i tried and my landlord told me he would need a ssn to do cori and background checks ..he didnt get his SSN till late july so i just had him do the cori and background check and it takes a couple of weeks to get those results back. i wish i had more knowledge about this whole process i thought it would be easy but its far from it..im not giving i am fighting for whats mine even if that means leaving US to be with him i will...Thanks for all the replies

  5. Indythorpe please don't take anything personally... there are many reason why certain things happen. For everyone on this forum to speculate, you are going to get many different answer as to why you needed and RFE. However, the majority of the people in this forum have a lot of knowledge in this field.

    They themselves have gone through it and had people gone through it so they would know what the IO is looking for. To be honest with you, like many people stated, NOT having your husband ON the lease is NOT a big deal. Having someone on a lease DOES NOT signify its a bonafide marriage.

    Your earlier comment about everyone being separated for the interview is very unlikely, unless they suspected all those couples they interviewed. These stokes interviews are only conducted after high suspicion. Trust me... it takes them MORE time to interview you separately than together.

    Personally, I understand that people want small weddings, but pictures with family members included in the photos would help. I can add just about anyone to my lease, gym membership etc. What do you THINK people with sham marriages do ? The hardest thing to get from sham marriages is for all the family to get together to take a happy picture.

    Your timeline may be of question as well... marriage after 1 month of knowing each other? especially at age 20-22 ? not going to say its not going to work, but there is a reason why divorce rate is so high in America. Expiring visa ?

    I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your process. I think pictures, letters from respectable individuals who know you, not his friend, or not your friends, but people who have nothing to gain from you/him getting married.

    i have tons of pictures with all of our family together only thing i didnt have was the lease and the IO said thats all she needed. but i will be getting a letter in the mail explaining what to bring. i know we are young but i love him and has anyone ever heard of webcam and hours and hours on the phone practically everyday..i grew to know him way before he moved in with me and if this was a "sham marriage" dont ya think i would have gotten the AOS process started right after wedding ...im just saying.

  6. I never said pay me or give me money..and it wasnt actually denied I just got RFE so when I say next time I mean when we go back to return the rest of the paperwork..but everything is working out I just left my landlord my husband will be on my lease and my landlord requires an ssn so if I was to add him to it when he first moved in it would not have worked so when we go back we will explain everything

  7. When I read the things you say , you keep saying I had to wait until he gave me money so I could ... for things that should cost nothing ( such as adding him to utitily bills or bank accouts. ) If I were a CO already suspecting fraud I could easily jump to the conculsion that you are "charging" him for creating evidence. Bad wording on you part.

    i tried to add him to my insurance and seeing that he is working they said they need pay stubs. no one is charging anyone i dont see how you can say that. if you know anything you cant lie and say he is not working so he can be on my insurance's faster nope i said he is working and they said well we need pay stubs. sorry if my wording is bad but i hope you can understand me!

  8. Ok. I am in the same boat as you as I cannot add my wife to any of my financial things because they all want a social security number. We tried applying for that, but because her i94 card expired, they denied her application. I also will not be able to add her to anything, but here is what you should do.

    First, did you tell your friends and family about the wedding? If so, get it in writing from them, and why they could not attend, if you invited them.

    Second, affidavits from friends and family that know about your relationship, and that know you live together.

    Third, even though you did not add your husband on the lease, I hope you did tell your landlord who he is and that he is living with you, if so, get a letter from him for the same.

    Fourth, if your husband has a social security number, there should not be any reason why he should not be on your bank account, if it is still difficult to add him, for whatever reason, add him to your credit card accounts.

    Eighty seven days are plenty, but make a list first, and then cross them off. At this time, your best bet is to get as many affidavits as you can to vouch for your relationship, ie that is what we will have to do.

    If he doesn't have a ssn and you already applied, you should have a letter of denial stating why, and you may also submit that.

    Good luck.

    okay last month he just got his SSN and i added him to my bank and i am waiting to add him on my health and life insurance. i looked up my rights for adding someone to my lease and i couldnt because he didnt have an SSN at the time of marriage. just about a week ago i got my renewal of my lease so i plan to add him soon i am just waiting for his pay stubs or maybe they can do it without pay stubs and i send them in later when we get 4 of them. i knew all of this but i totally was caught off guard at the way the woman was drilling me ..this is my first immigration experience now i know how to go about it next time..i will have tons of paperwork and pray they can understand. i hope you get you GC with out a worry. just as soon as your spouse gets her SSN add him/her to everything!!!! the IO will find something wrong so try get Affidavits of a bona fide marriage,gym memberships,cell phone plan, life insurance, health insurance, tons of pictures and emails if possible ( i had hundreds of emails my saved and they are gone because my computer crashed in june. i should have just saved them to a yahoo folder but i wasnt thinking my new laptop would crashh errr) anywho good luck :)

  9. Doesn't matter if you add him now.. it's not valid proof of relationship if you do it AFTER being told. You need to present them with evidence from BEFORE the interview. Anyone can go and do this stuff if told to...

    As i said to your previous post about doing stuff "now".. it doesn't count. You need proof from BEFORE. Affidavits from your apartment super/manager who knew you lived together. Licences with same address. Him being on your car insurance, having him as an emergency contact on stuff.

    Nothing you do after the interview counts so while it's great you're doing it.. they're likely to not accept it. You need to find stuff from BEFORE the interview.

    Also, you were separated at the start? They already suspect your relationship is fake. That's a Stokes interview and it's rarely done FIRST, it's usually a second interview. It's only first (like in your case) if they already suspect fraud. What questions did they ask you? What questions did they ask him? Did you compare your answers? Did you answer the same? How many did you answer differently?

    everyone was separated for the marriage based interveiws, i have pictures of us at family gatherings, i will have letters from friends and family, he has been getting his mail at my house since november, i have purchases we bought together, gym membership,bank accounts and debit cards with same acct#, we have gone on a day trip back in june and i have ticket stubs. but i will have him on my health insurance and life insurance as soon as he gets his first pay stub seeing that he just started last week thats a reason why we didnt have much more evidence on paper such as health and life insurance,we just recently got a family plan cell phone under his name. i hope this is enough because i cant imagine being with out him .

  10. You mentioned you were waiting until after recertification , are you on public housing of some form? Are you getting benefits based on income and not reporting his ? If you are collecting means tested items you have to be carefull as he is not allowed to. Even though you and your son can it gets strange about him ( His incomes counts as house hold income but his body doesn't ) What red flags do you have , besides the expiring M1 , age differences ? Race , previous immigration petitions ? You have to figure out what caused them to interview separately , as they could be looking for you to submit something that proves what ever they suspect and that would not be good for you.

    okay i am in public housing, my husband just started working last week and my lease is up for renewal so i am going to add his income to it and i am 22 and he is 20 not much a difference this is our first immigration process for green card and like i said before everyone who was there for the marriage green card interview was separated.

  11. Was this your first interview? Either way, if you were split up to be interviewed, they are already (very) suspicious that your marriage is fraudulent. It may well be because, according to the timeline in your signature, you were only officially dating for 26 days before you got married. That's an extremely short courtship, especially given that his visa was about to expire within a few months (and I may be wrong, but if I recall correctly I believe M-1 visas are generally only valid for about a year or so anyway).

    Regardless, the lease was probably something that just added to their suspicion. Whether or not it was in violation of the apartment complex's rules is not something they most likely really care that much about, so while they might point that out to you they're almost certainly not going to deny you or give you an RFE because you violated the rules of the apartment complex you live in. You are certainly not the only one who has ever gone to an interview without your spouse on your lease - my husband was not on my lease at the time because the apartment complex was fine with just waiting to add him when our lease renewed in a couple of months - and while the immigration officer did question it, once we told them why they simply asked what other evidence we did have.

    Gather any evidence you have now, and send it in. Again, it would not hurt to consult an experienced immigration attorney since you've already had one Stokes interview.

    everyone who came for green card interviews were split up..i was surprised too and about the lease i thought i was to wait till it was renewed to add someone ..my mistake..when i go back i will have about 5 letters from friends and family, life and health insurance policy,cell phone bills, cable bill and the lease.

  12. Add your husband to your lease would be step 1. I agree with others. If your husband was already here on a visa which was about to expire and you guys married after only knowing each other for 3 months and invited no one to the wedding... lots of red flags. They then see that your husband was not added to the lease, which is the law. Your response was something about breaking a lease. You answered their question with a remark about not adhering to a contract of some sort, i.e. a lease. Ultimately this means, you are in breach of contract by not adding him to the lease and then your reason for not adding him to the lease is something to the effect that you plan on breaking your lease... breach of contract again. Uphill battle IMO.

    Step 1 , add him to the lease

    Step 2, follow the good advise given here by the experienced posters (which may recommend getting an attorney involved).

    his visa expired in may so when we filed he was in status..i did a justice of peace wedding and my family is out of town and country so that's why no one attended plus i always wanted something private and i want a big reception with everyone when they can all be here. but thats my choice and i hope im not being judged for it

  13. I am confused :unsure:

    Your earlier posts here on VJ say that you are the immigrant, not your husband...?



    I don't understand how something like THAT can be mistaken :blink:

    Are you the beneficiary, or is your husband the beneficiary???

    What is the point of posting something that is untrue?


    i am the petitioner and in my earlier post's my hubby was writing them sorry for the confusion!!

  14. we had separate interviews i went first and when i told the IO that my husband was not on the lease she said that she can approve the i-130 but not i-485. she was a little funny about our wedding because it was only me and my husband and son that attended but my reason for that is i didnt have alot of money to have a big family wedding plus all my family is in different states and out the country so i am planning a wedding reception for december where everyone can attend.

    and the reason i gave for not having him on the lease was that i didn't know i could " break" my lease early i was waiting for my re-certification in october. also she said i am committing fraud by having him live with me without having him on my lease. i honestly never knew about an addendum which is to add someone to the lease in between the lease period. but i just signed up for joint life insurance and i will be adding him to my health insurance once he receives his first pay stub ..this is so stressful but i have 87 days to get everything together and hopefully then they grant my husband his greencard.

  15. I think that this process just makes you nervous regardless of what the issue is. As long as you are not a criminal and aren't married in order to solely get immigration benefits then your nervousness is just part of the process.

    I met my husband and married him about a month later, in our belief there is no dating before marriage , so if you are serious about practicing your religion you will make a contract to marry called the Khitbah and then you will actually marry which is called the Nikkah. I think USCIS are very familiar with different styles of courtship and subsequent marriage.

    Some people know from the start that that is the person that they want to be with, some believe that marriage should be arranged according to cultural values, needs, desire to have children etc, some people need a longer time.

    In human culture all roads that lead to love and marriage are acceptable as long as the participants are wiling and able.

    Make sure you merge your lives as much as you can. Joint bank accounts, insurance, joint lease, affidavits, photos etc. Im sure the IO knows when someone is faking it and when someone is not. For the most part.

    All the best

    Thanks!! at least someone understands me ..yes we have joint bank account ...

  16. first of all he is not a random guy ..second i have been married for six months now...and i have tons of pictures, emails etc. and third i would not be that stupid to just marry someone but im not sure if your married but when i met him i knew he was the one ..we been chatting online for months then we met so basically i have known him about 3 months prior to the marriage. everything is legit just curious of similar couple like me .

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