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Posts posted by Kaitie64

  1. Hi Chinelo,

    I'm not Nigerian nor am I in Alabama but I do know how you're feeling. I've been in Washington state for almost three months and I'm in the same boat, bored to tears and wanting to make friends. I decided to be proactive and did two things. One I joined a church up the street. If that isn't your thing, the second thing I did was make a MySpace page and I then did a browse for married women (with kids in my case) between a certain age range within 10 miles of my zip code. I sent them friend requests and did a brief introduction of why I was there. Some responded, some didn't. So far after about a week or two I've made arrangements to meet with two women in my community. I don't know if this is of any help but maybe it will steer you in the right direction. I think most of us transplants feel the same for the first while. Hope things go well and you meet some really nice people. Take care and best wishes...Kim (F)

  2. Hi Vanee,

    I'm from the west coast of Canada and my hubby is the easterner from NY. He ended up moving to WA state when we got married and now I'm here with him. It took us a bit longer because we had to petition for my daughter and get a consular report for our son but here we are! Hope it goes very quickly for you, best wishes :)

  3. I haven't been online for a bit and was very happy to see you finally get your date!!! Thank you for all your encouragment and kind words while we were going through it all. Now it's our turn to cheer you on :dance: Huge congrats once again, it will be over before you know it. :luv:

  4. Your case sounds almost identical to ours. I have a daughter and we have a son together and also had to go through so many delays because we didn't realize all that was involved in getting us all across to live with my husband. It took us a year and a half to finally move to the US, which took place just two weeks ago. So it does come to an end, hang in there. I know it's difficult while you are going through it and I thank God for this site and wish I had found it much earlier in our process too. The support and information you will find here is invaluable. We all know what you are going through and are here if you need to unload or ask questions. Good luck and I hope you get to see your hubby soon {{{{{{Hugs}}}}}} :luv:

  5. My daughter and I got our IR1/IR2 visas on August 1st but we had to wait until now to cross because we still had to get our son's consular report of a birth abroad done before we would all be allowed to move to the US together. After many delays, we are all done! There were some days it felt like we would never get to this point. The customs agent who processed our paperwork and took my finger prints was very nice and we were out of there approximately 30 minutes later. I asked if she needed to look in my husband's or brother's truck or at the list of things I was bringing across and she said nope you can go. Lee and I are still walking around with these goofy grins on our faces every time we look at eachother in disbelief that we are living together under one roof. No more visits, no one has to leave to go home. We are home and deleriously happy :luv: I can't begin to thank everyone who has supported and advised us throughout this process, especially in the Canadian forum.

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