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Posts posted by Sugardoll

  1. Nope.

    You filed as married, so you're fine, totally fine.

    Well thank you for the quick reply Just Bob!!! I thought that maybe the IRS uses USCIS applicants and their process as a way to forcably make sure that all citizens, like my husband, are up to date on their taxes. I'm worried that they will delay my acceptance until he submits his taxes. I really hope not but you never know.

    By the way I was just looking at your journey - WOW - you've had a long hard road to citizenship. Congratulations on the recent Naturalization!

  2. I'm a Canadian who has received my 10 year Green Card through marriage. My husband was not my financial sponsor as he had a bankruptcy and a failed business right before we got married. My step dad was the financial sponsor. Getting the conditions lifted on the temporary GC was not a big deal, no interview or delays - maybe it was because my step dad was the financial sponsor. And of course we were able to prove that our marriage is legitimate because we have joint cars, health insurance, credit cards and bank accounts etc.

    For the last 3 years I have filed my taxes as "Married Filling Separately". We decided to do this because of his bankruptcies and failed business issues. It makes things less complicated and prevents me from becoming liable for his IRS debts, if there are any.

    So now to the questions. I sent in my N-400 in Dec. I have did the fingerprinting on Jan 5th, 2011 and have had no correspondence since. I sent in the N-400 with all my taxes from the last 3 years but not my husbands because they are not done. He's giving me a hard time about getting them done. He's lazy. Do you think that the delay in getting my interview has something to do with his taxes not being filed? I did manage to get the conditions of my permanent GC removed without requiring his taxes so I wonder if it's any different in this case?

  3. A very close friend of mine filed citizenship based on 3 yr marriage to USC. She only sent the application, 2 pictures and copy of GC.

    When they sent the RFE, they listed the items to take to the interview. She showed the io the tax returned she filed but io wanted transcripts from IRS.

    She told the io she didn't have any, so the io wanted to see bank statements. She showed the io the bank statements with all the transactions and that was it, she was approved right there!

    So, it also really depends on the io as well. Some will give you a hard time and some will not.

    Thanks for the encouraging story. I sent my package out on Dec 3 and I expect it to arrive at the PO Box by Monday. I will let everyone know how it goes and whether or not they ask me to bring more evidence to the interview. Here's a list of what I sent:

    -N-400 Application form, photocopy of GC on both sides, hubby's birth cert, proof that he is divorced from his 1st marriage, our marriage certificate

    -my 2007, 2008, 2009 taxes (1040's) that were filed separately.

    -our rental lease

    -some joint bank account statements.

    -check for $680

    - Two 2x2 photos with white background

    My husband is starting on his taxes this Tuesday so that we are prepared if they ask.

    Wish me luck!

  4. Thanks so much for the advice. When filing my taxes I have always checked off the married box and include his name and info. He has not filed for the last 3 years because he went bankrupt and dissolved his business and still has a lot of work to do in order to make sure that he doesn't get stuck paying more then he should. I don't totally understand how that stuff works but I think he is trying to carry over some losses or something like that? I realize that being a procrastinator won't be a good excuse. Fortunately for me, he procrastinates but he's very good at cooking and cleaning LOL..

    One more question: Do you think that if I send in the application with my taxes alone I will get a RFE? Or do you think they will just request that I bring his transcripts with me to the interview? I would like to get the application sent in ASAP and he said he will get onto the taxes this week. I'm sure he can get them finished before an interview is scheduled.

  5. Hello All,

    I'm about to apply for citizenship. I have been happily married to my American husband for over 3 years. We have never filed our taxes together because right before we got married he had a bankruptcy (my step dad was kind enough to be my financial sponsor). My husband is a bit of a procrastinator and has not filed his taxes since 2007. I have filed mine every year, even when I was a student and barely making any money.

    So the question is: do I need to file his taxes as well or will mine ALONE suffice? Can anyone shed some light on this?

    Thanks so much for your time and advice.


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