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Posts posted by Antwan&Yuli

  1. They have been telling people who call, "we are processing applications submitted on July 10th" for the last month now. As you can see from Igors list on this site http://www.visajourney.com/timeline/monthly_filers.php?cfl , this is a total lie. They have been working petitions with NOA1 dates all through July. Just seems to be another one of their scripted responses to people calling.

    I hope you get your NOA2 soon :thumbs:

    Hello my name is antwan and i filed in july as well and i still do not have my noa2 and i am almost at the 6mo mark can any1 help me or tell me how this Igors list works and how i can read or or how i even no if im on it or not iv lookedon there and didnt see my or my wifes name what do i need 2 do?

  2. Look at Igor's List to see the NOA1 dates of people who have been approved and are still waiting:


    It looks like California SC hasn't gotten much further past July 14 so I wouldn't worry too much yet. They've been approving tons of people lately so I'm sure you'll be approved soon.

    hi i looked at that link u put up and i have a few questions about it 1st ? is do i need 2 reg. 4 that 4 my name 2b on that or should it already b on there i filed in july wit vermont and my noa1 is dated july 20th and i looked on there and didnt see my name at all plz help my understyand that thanks

  3. Same here. One day closer right? Every week, I think this is going to be the week for the NOA2, then when that week is up, well we all know how that feels........ Then the new week starts the whole thing over again.

    To quote a Mr. John Lennon: "While there is life, there is hope". I was hoping to get the NOA2 this month..........still hoping.

    looks like u got aproved 2days god god bless u i cant wait til my time looks like ur noa1 was 2days b4 mine so i hope this is good news i hope this up cuming week is my week congreads btw

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