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Posts posted by TheSantamarias

  1. We were mailed an RFE on 09/11/2012 and never received it. We called and they mailed us a new RFE which we received on Saturday. According to the USCIS website we're supposed to mail it back in the attached envelope. We don't have an envelope attached, so do we just mail it back to the address at the bottom of the I797?? I tried calling the National Customer Service but they wouldn't give me any information since my husband is at work. Our RFE is due 12/04 so I need help to mail it today!!! :) Thanks!!!

  2. They will not approve you if they believe that you will become a burden of the government. If they believe that you'll seek economic support from the government you'll be denied. Does she have family members that can file an affidavit for you? Anyone else that is willing to say they'll support you once you get here?

  3. We all post these things in a moment of weakness. Don't give up. I'm still waiting on NOA2. Just got an RFE. For me, it DID help contacting my senator. I got an RFE the very next day. Hang in there. Focus on the end result. I haven't seen my fiance since August, so that can also be frustrating. I'm not sure giving up would be the best solution, unless you're planning on just packing up and moving there. Otherwise, you could just be setting yourself up for another long wait. Think it through and DON'T act on emotions, use logic.

  4. Finally i see some approvals for the csc nov filers ...guys lets keep our fingers crossed .. congratulations to those who got their NOA2 and for the rest of us lets pray to GOD that rest of us will get our NOA2 soon .. i see a lot of nov csc filers the past five months have been the toughest for us .. our haPPY days are coming closer .. lets be positive n hope for the best.

    AGREED!!!! Lets just get our loves here!

  5. Just thought i would let you all know that we got the news we have been waiting for, we were APPROVED yesterday. I don't know if this is coincidence or not, but the day before we got approved (feels great saying that) we called the uscis and gave them an earful about what we thought about how long we had been waiting. Not saying that had anything to do with us getting approved, but just wanted to share that with people as i know anything, even so little can help on this crazy emotional journey. It still hasn't sunk in yet, but i can promise you guys the feeling is out of this world.

    Hang in there my fellow november buddies your approvals are just around the corner im sure of it.

    My prayers are with you all

    Nathan & Jordan


  6. I just got off the phone with USCIS because I logged onto my account on their website and my NOA date changed from November 5th to November 4th. Has anyone ever seen that happen?

    I asked the man on the phone and he said there was no explanation as to why...

    Also I asked him - just to be sure - what happens once its approved. He said it goes straight to the embassy. I filed an I129F. I was under the impression that once approved it gets forwarded onto the National Visa Center. He said, no that's only for petition for spouse... Is this true?

  7. I contacted our local Congresswoman,to help us with our application just in case we were to have problems, it was going to take longer than normal. I got an email from her representative today saying she talked to the CSC and they informed her they are taking 5 months to adjucate these petitions. She told me to contact her if I haven't heard anything in 30 days. I logged onto USCIS website just a few minutes ago and see a touch finally!! Does that mean anything?? Or am I just getting my hopes up for nothing. I thought maybe since she called them that they pulled our file and it was scanned , and maybe thats why I see the touch. Could this be true or maybe they will work on my case since they recieved that call?

    I believe that most of us got a touch within the past week. I hadn't gotten anything since 11/15, and on 3/15 my case was touched. I am pretty sure it didn't matter that she called them. Had you called, they would have told you the same thing.

  8. This thread has given us soooo many good ideas. We started reading a book together on Friday night. It's been amazing. It had gotten to the point where I just wanted to spend time with him without having to force a conversation. Since October 2008, I feel like we've talked about EVERYTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGG. BUT this has given us great ideas on how to "hang out" without actually being in the same place.

    As for those of you who have a huge time difference, I apologize if my initial post came off in the wrong way. I was having a moment of weakness and frustration and didn't mean it to come off to insensitively.

  9. My wife and I are a few days from 9 month's since NOA1. My Senator is involved. Last letter I recieved from him 1/15/2011 had a message attached from USCIS. It said wait a decision will be given withing the next 90 days case needs further investigation never have recieved any RFE's. That means 10 month's from NOA1. Just returned from spending a month with my wife and family in China. It did help in relieving the stress somewhat. Trying to remain positive thru this. Some are lucky and other's like my wife and I aren't. Wishing all the best this year.

    Bob S.

    I always have been told it doesn't help to get your state senators/representatives involved? In your case it seemed to help... At what point did you contact them? I wonder if its even worth a shot for me being that I'm in Wisconsin and 1/2 of our senators are off on strike in a different state... :( ugh!

  10. My transplant was at University Hospital in Cleveland. Ohio. there were complications but it must be a strong kidney because it survived and is doing good. Yes, the phone calls sometimes you run out of things to talk about especially when you are used to web camming everyday. I call her a couple of times a week but we usually only talk for maybe 5 minutes or so. We web cam for about an hour or so, but that is everyday. Our e-mails are short also. For us, the once a day web camming works great and then by the time the next sessions comes in about 24 hours I am really eager to see and talk to her again.

    How about you guys visiting on occaison? Is it not rather easy for the distance ou guys are apart and proximity to the two countries? Its very expensive for me to visit my fiancee mostly cuz the distance (airfare) and then its so far away (13,000 miles) and she can't visit me at all even if we had the money for it. How often you guys visit?

    TeddyHoney and SqueezyBear

    (Derrick and Ritchie)

    I haven't seen him since August. He can't come here at all w/o a visa. It's expensive for me to go there as well. The flights aren't bad, 400-700 bucks but because of the current conditions where he lives, I cannot go to his house. So ontop of airfare I have to stay in a hotel. We just don't have the fundage to do that. :( I'm going to try some of the things that people have mentioned. We've already started looking for books to read together and movies we can watch... I'm excited for that :)

  11. Just on the question of how to cope and survive the wait. For me, like everyone else my fiancee and I web chat every day and talk on the phone often and do short e-mail updates every day. We send current photos backa nd forth. There are discussions about the process and my family members and hers, etc. here I work everyday and that helps because I can get busy at work and that takes my mind of the longing and waiting (even though there are many pictures of her on and around my desk:), also I am a divorcee and my only child lives all the way across the country with her mom (my Filipina ex - who can be extremely difficult at times) so sometimes that's a distraction but also my daughter comes to visit just about every month and I am responsible for her flight itenerary so that is another distraction that comes up. I'm also a single homeowner now and I live in Ohio and its later winter so maybe you can imagine what distractions that can bring. Also being a kidney transplant recipient can keep me occupied as far as being careful what I eat and what exercises I can do etc. Not that that's a problem at all cuz it beats the hell out of dialysis (that would make the wait worse). But all in all our communication and then the journey of life keeps us occupied and distracted during times we are not in cam. And also I think we just don't think about it so much or don't allow it to get to us buy trying to be as patient as possible. Plus have been thru this before.

    Just habg in there and try to keep busy. Exercise helps me a lot and not just for the waiting.

    TeddyHoney and SqueezyBear

    (Derrick and Ritchie)

    Where did you have your transplant done?

    The thing with being on the phone is, HONESTLY, I get sick of talking. I'm going to try and be more active on Skype because then we can set it up and go about our own business and still "be together".

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