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Posts posted by angie:)

  1. Really they can still send people back?? that seems a bit ridiculous..do any of u know someone who's actually

    been sent back?.. and what questions where asked? i'm not worried about missing my connecting flight

    since Houston is where i live..also my husband and i have been married for 2 yrs this past april.. but his

    visa still says CR1.. are we still gonna have to go through the removal of conditions?? plz help on this one

    thanx everyone for ur help!

  2. Ok I don't know how to ask this..but here it goes.

    Our port of entry will be in Houston, Texas..now my question is what will they do to my husband there?

    Like will he be taken to a room and look at his papers and x-rays or what? I need some details please because

    we have no clue to what to expect..and how long does this take? thanks in advanced :)

  3. thank you everyone so much!! i will update the timeline and add details as soon as i can

    since my husband went alone i have to get him to tell me everything detail by detail for u

    guys!... as far as AP.. she didnt tell him anything about AP just said that his visa should

    arrive in 1 to 2 weeks.. so insha allah its true...

  4. WoW!!! thank you so much everyone!!! i really really appreciate all the tips and good luck wishes!!

    insha allah everythig goes well.... i also heard that they are not allowing the petitioners to accompany

    them into the embassy for the interview... is this correct? i hope not.. i would love to be there with

    my husband during his interview.

  5. So it says as proof I can get Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties having personal knowledge of the bonafide of the marital relationship.

    I heard that you have to get these affidavits only through the embassy.. but my question is...

    Is it true??..or can I get them through a different place?.. Either way... how is this done and how much does it cost?.....

    Thanx in advance :D


  6. Hi everyone,

    My name is Angie, I'm new to this site. I will be filing for my husband next month from Egypt. For now I'm trying to get all my information ready. My first question is, for the I-864 my father is the one who will be sponsoring, but he is not a U.S citizen, he is a U.S legal resident. Can he still file for the I-864?. Thank you for your time and any help is greatly appreciated. :D

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