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About TeddyHoney

  • Birthday October 8

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Aviation and its history(military, civil), Marine life, Jazz Fusion, History of the Philippines - its people and culture, Old movies, History of WWII especially in the Pacific and Philippines

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Ritchie (Squeezy Bear) and I met online October 2008. I was still married to another filipina then but we were separated and knew we would divorce. I had married her some 13 years before in the Phils and brought her and her then 3 yrs old son here. I started looking online for another filipina when I knew we would divorce. I love the filipina and the filipino culture and style. But as for Ritchie I knew there was something even more special about her right away the first time we exchange e-mails and even more so the first time we chat and webcam. I can't explain it but even now almost 2 and a half years later I still feel that. I first went to meet her is person in May '09. The most wonderful experience of my life. I have not been there since due to a messy divorce and also a kidney transplant. The transplant was September '09 and the divorce started soon after and completed August 2010. My 10 yr old daughter of my ex and I went with my ex to California with her half brother who is 15 now. Him and I had problems always and his mom never really emotionally matured and those are main reasons we had to part. That and her sleeping around in the later years. But there was much I did wrong also. Maybe I wasn't ready for the intense level of love the filipina can give? We both had equal parts in our marriage coming apart though I never cheated on her. My parts were more in not being more patient with her and not paying enough attention to her and things like that. I am not rich by any stretch. Very middle class here in America and we had some money problems. Also I had some health issues and had kidney failure in 2002, 4 years after she got here and I had to be on dialysis, but I don't use those things as excuses, but they did have negative affect on our life and marriage. But Ritchie is so different in many ways. I was still on dialysis when we met and she accept me anyway. I had dialysis treatments when I was there in May '09. She is wiser and so much more emotionally mature and we easily communicate - something so important that was very difficult todo in my first marriage - and not because of any language barrier, but my ex could be very immature and pout a lot and shut down and not talk things out. Perfect ingrediant for the destruction of any marriage! So I will be going back to Ritchie next month, March 2011 for first time in almost 2 years! I learned much from my first marriage to a filipina. I know now that I love filipinas so much and thier ways and culture and also everything about the Philippines including thier historic and proud history of involvement in WWII and so much more. I will be married to a filipina or not be married at all. And Ritchie is the one for me. We have e-mail everyday since our fist and web chatted everyday since about January '09. I so admired that she did not reveal her feelings for more until we had communicated for almost 5 months! But I fell for her right away and had to be patient and wait but I told her I loved her long before 5 months - but she held out until she was sure what she felt, and was sure about what I felt for her too! I so admired that! She's my Squeezy Bear!

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  1. I see. Please let me know once you get yours. Just wanna have an idea when I can get mine since you're only a day ahead. :)

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