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Posts posted by ami19

  1. Getting married in Denmark was easy for us. I was living in the US at the time, all I had to show was my divorce papers and something from the court saying the divorce was final and could not be appealed. Getting married in the US is fine too, just check your locale (like the poster said above). Vegas, no wait time :) You can fly in, get married then fly back to Germany and apply for DCF once your 6 months have elapsed. Since you are there on a work visa (not a tourist visa), you should be ok.

    Thank you for your response. Looks like America is the best option for us!

    A very happy Ami19

  2. Nothing wrong with getting married in the USA, that is perfectly legal- lots of tourists getting married in Vegas for example. Before you plan this, check out the requirements of wherever (near your family?) you want to get married, as some places take longer than others to get a marriage license etc. If necessary, go to Vegas :)

    To do DCF, you mjust be legally resident in Germany, not just a tourist- do you have the relevant visa and/or residency permit?

    Thank you for your response. I am not a resident in Germany, but I have a worker visa and have lived here since January. I know German residency is hard to acquire, and I really just want to move to America with my now German boyfriend (soon to be husband) and allow him to work and live there legally :0.

  3. Hello everyone,

    I am an American who has been living and working in Germany for the last eight months. I now live with my German boyfriend. In about six months, we want to be able to move back to America together. This would mean we would

    A. Have to get married

    B. Obtain a work visa and green card

    c. I am sure there are more than those two things.

    I have researched a lot about the Dcf, however we aren't married yet. Today we went to the Standesamt and talked about marrying in Germany. The woman there told us that we would be smarter marrying in the states. SO,with that said we are going back for three weeks to visit my family for vacation in December. I was wondering what would happen if we randomly decided to marry in the states. We both would return to Germany, we both have jobs and he goes to school, and then begin applying for Dcf? I must apologize for all of the questions, however I am absolutely lost. I just recently read about other couples going to Denmark and getting married as well, but the Standesamt woman said it isn't smart or easy as it used to be. Also, if we wake up one morning while on vacation in the states and marry, will we be able to go back to germany. We both have jobs in Germany we must come back to until July.

    If anyone has ANY information on what I should do that would be great. Getting married in Germany is a pain, will take a long time, and put a dent in my wallet. I don't want to do a fiancé visa, that takes FOREVER, is expensive, and we want to be married and have the ability for him to get a job when we arrive.

    Thank you again for any help. Sometimes I feel like I am going in circles, no answers, just more questions :wacko:

    a very confused ami19

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