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Posts posted by drakkon84

  1. My wife got hit for a sputum test she gets her results on the 10th of June. Her original interview date was the 2nd of June. I am hoping to get her visa in enough time to get her on a plane by the 21st of July. Now I have heard conflicting information I have heard after her missed appointment i am supposed to call the interview hotline and schedule a new one. But some have also said St Luke's will do it. Who does it? As I am under a timeline so to speak i am wanting to get a new interview date as soon as possible. I am a IR1 at this point and i heard St Luke's really doesn't touch our cases for interview scheduling just the k-1's.

  2. Same for my wife. She got hit glad i had her go get her medical done as soon as i did. Hoping we can reschedule her interview right after the results. Her original interview date was the 2nd of June she gets her results on the 14 of June. Hoping to have her interview at least by end of June :(

  3. Well, I have never had any problems with the guards at Manila airport. In fact one time i had a 5 hour delay and i was eating alone and they invited me over and it became a party lol. Apparently one of them was a comedian for his second job. Although if you dont use airport taxi you are gonna get ripped a new one. And yeah the trick is always watch your back and ALWAYS act like you know what your doing even if you have no clue.

  4. totally agree on not using china air and avoiding china if you can ;) I paid 1100 rt for mine from little rock ar to manila on orbitz. cheapest i have had in a while. Only booked month in advance. Was cheapest by far 500 dollars cheaper than anyone else. Almost my cheapest of my four trips out there. Flying Delta and i have used many carriers. But yes stay away from china airlines they are cheap for a reason and if you do ANYTHING that can be construed as wrong in China they will hold you. I had a lighter in my CHECKED baggage (refillable and empty no less) and they tried to detain me from my flight. and i did not get my bags for weeks after i returned to us. I had no problems with that before through US JAPAN TAIWAN and PHILIPPINES.

  5. Right, positive thinking time. My timeline has just been changed again to late Mar/early Apr (NOT happy!). However, this coincides with a flood of approval over in the CSC-TSC thread (thank goodness for them!)

    Now I believe all of them were over their 5 months mark, and most were more like 6, and even approaching 7 months. Dragging down the average?

    Conclusion: Im not looking at the VJ timeline anymore (honest). Our approvals are going to come within the 5 months - i just know it, and refuse to believe anything else.


    I am in concurrence with this statement :)

  6. It is funny these false know it alls. If they are soo backlogged why is September members getting approvals left and right. There is no rhyme or reason to what USCIS does and to say they go in order is a bunch of speculation as well considering there are many aug and july filers who have not gotten there noa2 but September filers have. Just chillax wait till it happens. Don't bash someone and their dreams just cause you are sour in the process. It is different for every case some get touches without being transferred even before 4 months. So get none at all and an approval. Let a person keep hope and I hope it does happen cause that is one less in front/behind me. :) Just cause you think something doesn't make it right nor should you try to push your belief system on someone else or make judgement cause they may or may not be like you.

  7. yeah we got my wife one last year and sent them the passport after they denied my first claim cause it was a notarized copy from the issuing agency in Philippines and low and behold they lost it. But at least i got an extra 2 grand out of the deal. And we have since got her passport replaced so when she has her interview everything will go smoothly.

    worst case you can always wait and amend it later when she gets her ssn

  8. actually the manila embassy is not as bad as other i think we are down to a one month wait on visa interviews and as long as you have your proof and actually have everything you are supposed to have it is pretty easy. The only thing I have heard of them changing is the fees. But k-3 is administratively closed last year sometime and they kill it at nvc. My lawyer agency is one of the ones trying to fight this in court so maybe this is a turn about for this fight many have taken up. But with the faster turn arounds on majority of cr/ir's i do not see a point. used to take a year to a year and a half now they cut it to around 8 months for most. Even though i did get a lawyer this site has helped a lot in my understanding of teh process and been a valuable tool in what to expect after she gets here and giving me the knowledge to just wait the extra month or two after her probable acceptance so we get ir instead of cr save some money in the long run and hassle of aos.

  9. Well the main reason the guys are seeing earlier timelines is because a LOT of the September filers already have their noa2's in hand. This in turn brings our timeline up drastically. If you look at September forum most are getting approvals in 3 months it is crazy. With that in mind that would mean by our calculation not USCIS that we SHOULD be next and done by end of January for Oct and Nov by end of Feb. But we know how USCIS does some crazy math :) But here is hoping i get my NOA2 when i arrive from my mini vacation with my wife the middle of this month.

  10. Also on the birth control issue. They are not taught about birth control in normal curriculm like they teach us americans in grade school it gets earlier and earlier lol. There it is not a common practice which i beleive is due to the catholic influence as well as funding issues. So most of the teenagers or young adults early 20's who do not get married or do not go to college only get hear-say and there are a lot of myths as we all know....mr. pull out. I know me and my wife had to attend a seminar before we got married over contraceptives and birth control. And for a few in teh class it was the first time they had a class on it. Not to mention contraceptives are just that expensive. I think a pack of condoms was 20 or more pesos which if you have to worry about that or some rice for dinner that night pretty sure the rice wins. And the pills are even more expensive. Yaz goes for 700 pesos or more most cannot save that much and it isn't like they have a government program that buys it for them like here.

  11. The Filipinos do have a culture of dependency upon the children to support them when older.

    LOL that is why they say philipines biggest export is filipinos lol :) The chief source of money coming into the philippines has and probly always will be the money sent in from filipinos living abroad to thier families. I mean i send my wife money every month or so and she in turn takes her wages from her job and gives it to her family and uses the money i send her.

  12. I was there for 3 weeks. I noticed that wages are obviously lower, but so are the cost of things. So they balance each other out.

    They do not completely balance out. I lived there for 6 months in davao. While yes for basic stuff it is cheaper by far. it still costs 2 to 3 dollars to go to mcdonalds and get a vlaue meal and even to go to chow king and get a meal and drink it was almost 2 dollars. anything better than lowest grade was not equal or balanced based on wage. I am lucky my wife and her whole family are well educated and have a good business in auto surplus parts. I lived there for 6 months in thier home. I made 700 a month for my military disability. It was enough to get the things i wanted as a spoiled american for me and my wife without relying much on her parents. And this is with helping with the bills which almost doubled cause i used the ac all the time and ran my games and computers a lot. I got my income tax and bought them a new tv and sala set. Bought myself a water heater lol. But my point is the norm is living way below what we would consider poverty here. And no it does not balance out. And I had to take showers in the morning from the barrel and bucket method and had to manually flush the toilet with the bucket. They had no running water from the early morning till early afternoon. made me really think how spoiled i can be sometimes. And in manila you cannot even drink the tap water, which made me worried to even drink it anywhere in phil. So you may not think it is as bad as described above but it is close to what it really is like there for most.

  13. http://www.1-800-usa-immigration.com/ Allan S. Lolly is the main attorney.. He does free phone consultations. He is who I am using so far so good no problems made it all pretty simple process. They have a wonderful staff and specialize in immigration law. They do it all from start to finish. It is never very long to get any questions answered either. Good Luck!
  14. Yea i wanted to go watch trans Siberian orchestra so bad but had to work all day Saturday. Nice to see someone else from around Arkansas going through the process. Also glad you guys got your NOA2 means maybe by the time i get back from seeing my wife toward the end of January I might be seeing mine :) Once again congratz and glad you guys get to spend the holidays together they denied my wife's tourist visa cause well she lives in Philippines and can't get over the yuo can't visit cause your married to an American :( But I will go see her next month :) Wish you a speedy NVC and interview ;)

  15. Well let me tell you form experience getting residency in other countries is not this hard had mine from phil in 2 months lol. Of course there it is pretty much showing the paperwork paying the money and waiting for manila to take two months to print the card lol. Hoping this helps my proof considering i actually lived with my wife 6 months of our 1 1/2 year marriage in her country and the passport stamps and temporary resident card copies sent as proof. Phil is nice just not ready to be that bored everyday :) Maybe when we retire lol.

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