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Johnny and Mor

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Status Updates posted by Johnny and Mor

  1. Together!

    1. paivaj_n_kubyaj


      Congratulation! So happy for you 2.

  2. Fiancee just picked up her Visa, flight booked! Going to the floral shop soon and then airport saturday a.m.!

    1. Adilet&Venera


      Congratulations on your reunion!!

  3. Fiancee passed her interview!

  4. Just got off the phone with NVC, case has been forwarded to Embassy!

    1. Dave & Rie

      Dave & Rie

      Goodluck! here,still tryn to get NVC case no. thou...

  5. Received NOA2 today!! 5 months exactly!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Johnny and Mor

      Johnny and Mor

      Thanks guys! I hope yall get what your waiting for soon too!

    3. clay and roan
    4. asianmom



  6. Lots of people around our date getting approved! Fingers crossed...

    1. kumiandjoel


      hello Johnny and Mor :)

      i will answer your question!

      we had two touches (July 29th, Dec 8th) but no emails, no updates, nothing at all regadring our approval. it just showed up in Joel's mail box! :) plus it turned out that the Dec 8th touch was our approval according to our NOA2. but on USCIS site, it was just a "touch", no update for approval :)

      i really hope you guys will hear something VERY soon! it's the BEST feeling!! maybe your NOA2 i...

    2. Johnny and Mor

      Johnny and Mor


      Our last touch was 7/27.. I hope to hear something soon too, since all the holidays are coming up,and i doubt think things will pick up the last 2 weeks in Dec... Who knows though, just wishing for the best.

      Good luck on the rest of your journey!

  7. Congrats!

    Curious, did you get any updates? Or did the NOa2 just show up in the mail for ya?

  8. Hey, hit me up. yangj_84@hotmail.com

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