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Posts posted by Badgerbabe

  1. 'm so jealous!! One day though in the near future.....I will finally get to visit Green Bay and one dream in life will be completed....

    I don't think I will ever get to see a game played at Lambeau Field, but I did get to see the Packers kick the Bears butt a couple of years ago when Chicago was redoing Soldier Field and they played at U of I in Champaign!! It was so cool!!

    Hey Lak& Ajm

    I live 2 blocks from Lambeau Field - It's pretty cool on game day.

    You can get to see many of the players for free during open practice in the Summer and some of the kids take their bikes over and when they've finished the players ride their bikes back over the road to the stadium which is great. Chance for a few autographs too !

    Make sure you don't ever go to a real Winter game unless you want to freeze as it's all open !!!!

    Let us know if you're ever coming this way !

    Adele & Kevin

  2. It's hard !

    I decided to paint the inside of the house - kept me busy !

    It wasn't so difficult here in Wisconsin as as soon as I got the EAD then I got a state ID and then they also let me get the driver's permit and then do the tests and get a licence before the green card.

    We didn't have enough for a 2nd car at first so I got a local server's job that I could walk to !!

  3. Hi

    Not sure if there is anyone here in Green bay or nearby that would like to meet up ?

    Am almost at the lifting conditions stage but would love to meet others going though the immigration process and maybe we can help each other get through it together and be a rock of support.

    Let me know.

    PM or email me if you are interested or respond to this thread.

    I've met a few people through my job working in a Bank here and I know there must be more ! Let's help each other get through this ! I know how hard it was for me !

    Let's get together !


  4. Dan

    just some things I thought of is -

    Did you have her as beneficiaries on anything ? 401k ? Life Insurance? Will IRA's ?

    You need to get these changed.


    I presume you have the Bank letters re her trying to change your address - I'm sure you could use those as evidence as well as a closing statement you would have received from the Bank when you closed the account. It will show what date it was closed.

    I would also get a free copy of your credit report to see what is on there - you are allowed one free one per year from Experion/Transunion or Equifax.

    If your employment offers a payment on death then you would normally have her as the beneficiary so hopefully you have that changed too.

    I work for a Bank so I can give you numbers for the credit reference bureaus if you need them just pm me. You can also sign up with a credit bureau to let you know about any enquires or amenedments are made to your credit bureau at any time. Does cost but it's piece of mind.

    Your Bank will have a security person so see if you can get them to put a permant comment on your account to check ID and notify you immediatly if any changes or inquires are made on your account.

    Sorry I can't be of more help but I wish you all the best and hope that things only get better for you in this difficult of times

  5. Hi

    Unless your case is complicated then you can do it yourselves with help from this site for anything you don't understand on the forms.

    We did it and had no RFE's or trouble at the interview - everything was plain sailing.

    Only thing that happened to us is my son's Green card had Female instead of male on it !!!

    Good luck and don't waste your money ! It's costly enough !

  6. I work for a Bank too and credit scores can range from 150 to 900.

    The Best rates for loans/home equity will be for people with a credit score above 700. If you have a credit score below 550 then you will have difficulties !

    To increase your credit score you need to have credit cards not up to their max but somewhere in the middle and get rid of any store cards you don't use with no balance - close them off as this affects your score too.

    Make sure all loans/creditcards/mortagages are paid on time.

    If you apply for a mortgage /equity line/loan you can apply for a free copy of your credit report within 60 days as the Bank has pulled your credit score.

    As a Us resident you are able to go to any of the Credit Bureaus once a year for your free copy of the report thanks to the Government.

    These include Experian/Equifax and Transunion.

    The scores may vary by a few points but will be pretty close.

    Hope this helps.

  7. It would be easy to add yourself onto a joint account now.

    Idid this before moving here just with my passport as ID and you fill out a W9 at the Bank because you are a non -resident and don't have a social security number.

    I work in a Bank here now and we have to see ID because of the patriot act - a picture ID is required. Passport/driver's licence state ID.

    The problem will come once you are married as you will need a picture ID in your new name to change it over - the marriage certificate is not enough. Once you have a social security number then you would go in and give them this and sign a W9 form to say that this number is correct.

    I managed to get a card from Capital One with a small limit without a major problem.

    Hope this helps

  8. fyi

    From: USCIS, London

    Date: 07/10/06 09:54:31


    Subject: Fwd:FW: Green Card Error

    It should not present a problem, however your son should file Form I-90 to

    correct the error. Please see our website at www.uscis.gov for the Form


    and instructions on where to send the Form when a replacement is needed due

    to a

    USCIS error. No fee is required in those circumstances.

    USCIS - London



    Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2006 1:08 AM

    To: London, Consular

    Subject: Green Card Error


    My son is visiting his father in England and he's just noticed that he has

    an F

    for female on his Green Card.

    Everything else is correct and he has his UK passport which is also correct.

    Will he have trouble at Immigration when he returns in a few weeks ?

    Thanks for your help

    At least he won't have a problem !

  9. Do you know yet what school she will be going to ?

    I looked up the schools on-line and emailed the principal before we got here to make sure I could get him in to the school and they may even send you a list of supplies that they will need - best to get them her though !

    She was really helpful and told me what I would need to complete for paperwork and what to bring with me which was just his birth certificate and proof of vacinations.

    Hep B is required but you may not be able to get them to have all the shots before moving here but that's not a problem as long as they do get them eventually as if they don't they can't attend.

    If your child doesn't know imperial measurements - feet /inches then that's useful to go through that before you come and also the money. This will help with Math and also start looking at some American history too.

    hope this helps

  10. I did some written tests on a site called driver's Ed - cost about $10 for 50 tests.

    You can choose the state.

    For the DMV exam there were 40 questions - multi choice and also then 10 seperate ones on road signs only. You have to pass both.

    The practical test wasn't so bad - paralell parking/reversing straight ( not round a corner like the uk) no emergency stop !

    Make sure that when turning left you follow the lane around and not pull over straight away into the curb lane.

    Just remember to look in your mirrors often and also look over your shoulder when moving off and checking in the blind spot. They seemed pretty hot on this.

    good luck !

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