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Status Updates posted by mrsrosario

  1. So excited we finally have it. Domex delivered my husbands passport and visa to him today!!! They called him first to let him know that they were bringing it to him on a Saturday?! I think that was because I sent an inquiry to domex and provided my husbands phone# and address yaaaaaaahhhhh :)

  2. Update. 2 weeks ago (October 26, 2012) the consulado said that we will be receiving a phone call and that is when they will make a decision. Has anyone else ever received a phone call before? HOpefully this nightmare will be ending soon si Dios quiere!

  3. At the photos and told my husband that he had no doubt that we love each other and our relationship was de la verdad. But my husband overstayed previously in the U. S. so we had to sumbitt a waiver. He was very nice about it and said with our situation it shouldn't be a problem for our waiver to be approved. The interview went well despite not hiring able to get approved

  4. Lamocanita you have your visa interview or the waiver? The visa interview my husband had (I couldn't go because I had just gave birth) was actually pleasant. We had been together for awhile and my husband took photos from 2008 and up of us together and our families. I made sure hr had an exact copy of thell papers we submitted just in case... But the officer was very nice and only really ...

  5. I am trying to be as patient as possible. It's super frustrating when I know with the new processing system, waivers submitted to the U.S. AFTER ours are being processed in 3-4 weeks! It's like why us??? Pero es cuando Dios quiere entonce estamos esperando con paciencia y fe

  6. As of June 29th our case is still "in process". It's going to be 6 months October 3rd. My husband missed our sons first year of life (our baby boy turned 1 on September 11). Our 2 yr marriage anniversary is coming up Oct 11 as well. I can't even afford to go see my husband. I'm so frustrated at the slow pace of the consulate in the DR I don't know what else to do :(

  7. I haven't posted in awhile. But basically after our cita in November, we were told that we had to submitt an I-601 waiver (which we knew). I had just gave birth to our son so it took me a little while to complete the waiver. In December my husband was told that he had a waiver appt pero in April!

    We waited and April 3rd submitted the waiver to Santo Domingo.

  8. Lareinanegra,

    Gracias por las bendiciones. Si Dios quiere mi esposo llegara pronto!!!

    cuando te das cuenta de la fecha de la cita, lo mas probable que tendra cerca de 2 meses para comprar el ticket antes de que la cita. Nos dieron nuestra fecha en septiembre para una cita en noviembre. It will be soon, but try to keep your sanity!

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