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Posts posted by gland

  1. I am an American who became friends online with an Ukrainian woman about a year ago. I was initially attracted to her personality, education and worldliness. As time went on I fell deeply in love with her heart and gentle nature. At this time I was planning a trip to Europe with my best friend. He unexpectedly canceled on me just a few weeks before we were set to leave. Instead of canceling my flight I decided to backpack across Europe solo just to meet this mysterious woman whom I had grown keen towards. She was delighted that I would travel to Ukraine to meet with her, and as soon as I arrived I swept her off her feet. This was the first sign that maybe our destiny was to become more than friends.

    Over the course of 14 days in Ukraine, we fell passionately in love. After holding her in my arms and looking into her eyes I knew she was the one I longed to spend the rest of my life with her. She wanted me to move to Ukraine and be with her, but after several discussions with her family, we decided that it would be best if we get married and she comes to live with me in the USA. As soon as my flight landed back in the USA I applied for a fiance visa. The world was ours..

    After 5 months without holding her in my arms I flew back to Ukraine to propose to her on her birthday. One day later her visa to the USA was granted.

    The moment she touched down in the USA my life changed forever. I landed a new job and we bought a nice apartment in the Bay Area. We even exclusively decorated the entire flat like an Ikea catalog to make it feel more European. I was happy, but little did I know she was severely depressed inside.

    After several weeks she became very quiet and distanced herself from me. Occasionally she would explode and tell me to send her home now, and other times she would say she loves me and wants to spend the rest of her life with me. I did everything in my power to make her happy, because I thought my love could cure the sadness in her heart. I spent time with her, and tried to communicate with her the best that I could, but nothing seemed to work. After 2 months had passed, I had gotten used to her behavior and chalked it up to her being homesick. In the back of my mind I was starting to doubt we would work out because she makes irrational decisions constantly. She even went as far as giving me back the ring and deleting our engagement from Facebook along with all of our photos. She said Facebook is pointless, but I told her it was about the principle, and it was a sign of something worse to come.

    As things continued to take a turn for the worse, I decided that it would be best that we reach out to her parents to consult them about our issues. I was hoping they could help us to understand each other and fix our communication issues. After several weeks without arguing we were able to fix our communication issues and we decided to finally schedule our wedding ceremony.

    The night before our wedding we got to talking about money. When I talked about saving for a house, it got very awkward, just as every conversation about money typically goes. She proclaimed that it was my job to save for the house and that when she is capable of working her money is hers and my money is ours. I was completely shocked by her response. We had completely done a 180* and now she lays this bomb on me that she refuses to contribute her income. While living in silicon valley at the age of 25, I could not possibly commit to marrying a woman who refuses to contribute financially.

    Our wedding was supposed to be right now. In hindsight, I have to blame myself for not asking more financial questions. I had always been around strong hard working women and it never crossed my mind that some people do not believe it contributing financially in a relationship. I thought the happiness and love that we shared was enough, but at the end of the day two people have to share the same vision about money. I have to book her flight home soon, and the pain is unbearable...

    Sorry that happened to you. Sounds like you put a lot into it. I hope you can find someone more suited to you and what your looking for?

  2. I came up with a question. During a K-1 interview (If both petitioner and beneficiary go to it), how do we know who's supposed to answer the questions? I'm talking about, like...

    - How did you guys meet?

    - How did he propose?

    - What do you guys plan to do when you get back?


    Is the CO going to look at whoever he wants to answer the question or can either of us answer?

    In our interview I was there only for a part of it. They asked me a few questions then told me to take a seat until they asked for me again. Which they didn't and we passed.

  3. Thu just sent me a text...that she got the pink!!! I am trying to confirm it by calling her...but she is refusing to answer my calls. #######? Vietnamese women sometimes.....

    Anyways, I am just trying to make sure that she did not make a mistake in her text. Here is a copy of her text:

    "Hallo baby I get pink paper. But iam tired so much I wish you can hold me. g9"

    Yeah her English sucks.I just tried calling her 3 times but she does not answer me. I know how to read her text messages...but I need confirmation from her just to be sure. My goodness if this is true, this is unbelievable. Unfreaking believable we did this! Finally, this ridiculous wait is over!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

    Congrats! Vietnamese women are the best.

  4. Great advice. It's cheaper to pay the fee to change the flight than to buy a new ticket.

    A couple of years ago, I had to change my flights from HCMC to LAX on EVA. Paid a change flight fee at their office in HCMC, and I was able to change my flight very easily.

    Thanks for all the good advise. Can't just change with my airline though. They say all there flights are full for the whole month of March and I have to leave before that.

  5. Hello everyone. My fiance just had her interview today and she is finally approved after this long journey. I would like to thank each everyone of you for your endless support and to all who are in the process for K-1. Just hang in there guys and soon you'll tap yourself on the back after everything has been taking care of. Again, It's been a pleasure to be a VJ member and always have faith in God to any journey you go through. Have a wonderfull day. thank you all....

    March 06, 2012---- K-1 VISA approved after 2 long hours of interview..

    Thank you all and I'm very excited to see my Fiance(e) soon... GOD BLESS TO YOU ALL...

    Congrats now you can breathe!

  6. My fiance got approved. I plan to take her home with me. The airline says my flight is full already. I will forfeit the money and take my honey home on a different flight. Do I need to contact the airline to cancel my original ticket or just not show up for that flight? Will this effect my passport when I got to the airport to board a new flight?

  7. I've seen photos from quite a few of my Vietnamese friends' engagement ceremonies, and no one has ever worn a Western-style wedding dress in any of them, hence my confusion. I guess the consulate there must really be different if the usual advice (not to have anything that looks like a wedding, for fear of being denied a K-1 due to being presumed already married) does not apply. I wish it were possible for me to take photos in my wedding dress with my fiancé's family in Uganda without having this worry: so jealous!

    Yes to have an engagement party in Vietnam is considered a very big thing.

  8. Hi there Vietnamese VJers,

    Has anyone attempted to contact the HCMC consulate by email or by phone? What's the response time for them to reply back to your email inquiries? And what about calling them?

    Any insights into this would be appreciated. Thank you. :)

    My fiance asked them a question and heard back in 4 or 5 days if I remember correctly.

  9. 200 pics seems like over-kill, everything else is good as long as you aren't including every days work of logs - just sampling. The additional trips with receipts and such from those to me are very good evidence. :thumbs:

    .... just relax and fly the plane! Opps! Sorry different movie.

    I included logs for the last year but just samplings of the actual chats.

  10. I've been preparing everything I need to take to my fiance for our interview. I have taken apart the copy of the 129f and made a different package. I have seperated before engagement and after engagement. I have enclosed chat logs, some yahoo chats, some emails and phone bills showing all of out text and calls. I have also included my travel documents and the travels we made together on my last trip when we got engaged. We have over 200 picks of us together and our hotel receipts. This is all in addition to the documents they want and all my support info. Can anyone think of anything I might have forgotten?

  11. For the declaration of how we met in person within the last 2 years on the 129f, how long does this letter have to be? Do i have to write the uscis address on this letter as well?And how much should i describe. Can i say something like this? Does it sound ok? Thank you

    Dear to whom it may concern,

    i met my fiancee 2 years ago through some of our contact friends on face book. We talked for about 8 months, and then i went to visit her in lithuania. I stayed at her house with her parents and 2 sisters from (this date to this date) and we enjoyed every second of spending time together, very much. I asked her to marry me in her home one day while there, and she accepted happily. I thank you for taking the time to read this.


    Jayson galv


    I put mine together like a timeline story with lots of dates. I was told they would ask alot of questions from it at the interview.

  12. I'm trying to loosely plan out the wedding - more so on the civil ceremony.

    I was wondering whether once I POE if we should just do the civil ceremony pretty quick or wait until I'm in the system and apply for the SSN card then get married.

    Which process would be easier, or is it pretty much the same? If it matters, I won't be changing my last name to my fiance's.

    I planned to take my fiance to get her ssn the day after poe. Is that ok?

  13. I'm so nervous.... my wife has been at her interview appointment for 3 1/2 hours now, still no reply's (via text) from her! They took her phone as she entered the embassy so no contact, this is killing me! From what I read in the reviews of the Seoul Embassy if we did not have all the right things or something was wrong it would have been fast, so a long time is good! I HOPE SO! :) Just the wait is killing me!

    Congrats! A long wait was good.

  14. just give me an idea that is it possible AS IN OUR CASE we met online, and then filed the case, never met ion person .she was not willing to come to pakistan and i just kept it on apropriate method insted aplying for a visit first and then K1 NS SO ON

    You must follow all the instructions. If they say you have to have met then you have to do it. This process is difficult. there are no short cuts.

  15. Hey all,

    I have two simple questions.

    1. How much does it help if the US Citizen is present during the Fiancee's K1 interview at the Embassy?

    I tried to look at the Manila specific link, but I'm 'not authorized' for some reason to read that post on Capt. Ewok's pinned thread.

    2. If approved, how quickly can Manila (or any embassy really) get the visa. My real question here is would it be practical to fly in the day before the interview, and stay for a week, and expect my fiancé to be able to fly back with me?

    Thanks in advance,


    I have read both ways on here. I'm going and hoping they let me in with her but either way they will know I am there in the country. I am allowing 15 days from the interview to when I am supposed to fly back. I hope it is enough time to bring her back with me?

  16. I am wanting to know at what point in the process will I send the affidavit of support form in. I just received NOA1 this week. I am self employed and my financials will be somewhat more time consuming and complex than just turning in tax forms. Hoping I have some time here. Thanks

    start gathering the info now. The 134 goes to the interview with your fiance.

  17. Kinga had her interview today and went very, very good. She said the interview was a lot easier than she expected. Just asked the basic question: How did we meet? Have I been to Poland? Has she been in the U.S.? Did you stay longer than six months?

    How do we communicate? And do you have any pictures as proof that we have met? Do you any emails? So she pulled out the stack of papers with our skype and google talk. When he seen the stack she had he said thank you very much. asked for passports and said she will receive it back in five business days.

    She said to him in english "Thank you and have a nice day". He laughed and said to her "and you too". :rofl:


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