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Posts posted by egospiers

  1. My AOS was based on the K1 Fiance Visa, so within 90 days of the K1 visa being granted we had to get married and file the AOS....we got married and files the AOS in time according to the law, however due to the wait with USCIS the visa is now expired, but we do have evidence that we were married within the time allowed and that we filed the AOS in time allowed (we received an NOA)

    My wife and I need to travel to Laredo Texas for a family matter, however I have heard and read that when you are driving north from LAredo there are secondary immigration checkpoints, so the question I have is this: if we travel to Laredo, and have to go through one of these checkpoints, will my wife's expired Visa cause a problem (namely her being forced to return to mexico or deported) even though we are following the laws as laid out by USCIS??

    Any advice is greatly appreciated...THANKS

  2. We had ours sent to Monterrey and it took 4 business days, I also spoke with a couple who had it shipped to Nogales and it also took 4 days, so that seems to be about the wait time if you have it sent to another city. The airway bill did give accurate info, told us when it left Juarez, and when it arrived to Monterrey, I even signed up for a text message alert through the DHL website to tell me when it arrived in Monterrey, and that worked too :)

    Also be prepared at the interview for them to tell you something along the lines of "we have your papers if everything checks out we will send the visa soon" instead of actually saying yes, as far as I can tell if you have the visa shipped to another city this is what they will tell you.....unless they actually tell you no, you were approved, they just won't tell you (at least they didn't tell us or the other few people I talked to who had the visa sent to another place) Good Luck!!

  3. the same thing just happened to my fiance yesterday in juarez as well, and another couple we spoke to had the same experiance, which made me more relaxed, however we just spoke with omeone this morning who said they received an actual yes yeterday so now I dont know but they took her pasport and tourist visa which i think is a good sign of approval, because my fiance also told me thet she heard the consulate give a denial on the spot to another person, so if the answer was no they would have said so at the interview....its just unbelievable to me that we spent all this money and came to the most dangerous city in the americas to not get an answer....pinche consulado!!! well on monday they will be receiving a call from a very upset petitioner and taxpayer.

    best of luck to you though

  4. I have, in my eyes at least, a fairly complicated situation. First my fiance is about 4 months pregnant, I filed for the K1 about 3 months ago...and am worried that we will not be able to get the visa before the baby is born, and we would prefer the baby to be born in the US to avoid any additional paperwork or delays in getting the K1 visa. My fiance does have a multiple entry tourist visa, which I believe is good for 6 months upon her entry into the US as a tourist. So the question I have is, can she use this tourist visa lets's say when she's 7 or so months pregnant and stay in the US on her tourist visa while we are awaiting the K1 approval, and the arrival of our baby? and would this look suspicious at the time of her interview? basically would this cause any other issues? I'm looking for a creative solution to a difficult problem, and hoping she can use the tourist visa to come stay in the US while we wait, we would certainly ensure she did not overstay her tourist visa. I am also aware that she has with the K1 the beneficiaries are often asked to show intent to return to their home countries, which she could do as she owns a house there and would have a return ticket home.any advise/help is greatly appreciated

  5. there is a lot of info regarding change of address for the petitioner and the process seems pretty straight forward, however, i am unable to find anything regarding a change of address for the beneficiary on VJ or USCIS. My fiance who lives in Mexico changed addresses recently, and I am concerned that the packet sent from the consulate to my Fiance will go to the wrong address. Does anyone know how I go about filing a change of address for the beneficiary? any info is greatly appreciated.


  6. It is the truth, not a judgement. USCIS does not care. The circumstances are that they had sexual intercourse, that is the way it happens. If you do that (and who doesn't?) then she MAY get pregnant and you MAY not like the consequences or particulars of where she gives birth, the timing etc. Make your bed and sleep in it. Or have sex in it, whatever you want. Deal with it.

    When did it become "harsh" to tell an adult to live with the decisions they make? :unsure:

    Thanks again for all the responses on this post.

    As to this particular post, you seem to be inferring that I am somehow not "Dealing with it" or that I am in some way regretfull that we are going to have a baby....this could not be further from the truth, I am excited and happy and know where my responsibilities lie. I was just wondering, and looking for some guidence from other who've had the same experiance..Although I am not one who cares what your opinion of me may be, I do take some offense at your inferrence that I am somehow being irresponsible in this situation...while it was not my intention for this to happen, I am not sorry it did, and I am confident that everything will work out for the best. Again thanks to those of you who responded without judgement, and for all the support received from the VJ community, it is truely heartwarming to see such compasion for fellow human beings, and genuine caring from people in this community.

  7. Thank you all so much for the information, I appreciate you taking the time to answer. I definitely am aware of the consequences and responsibilities of our actions and am fully prepared to deal with them, I just was wondering about the possibility of the affecting our K1 status and appreciate the help form the VJ community and the truth may be harsh but it's the truth and needs to be said. Thank you all again.

  8. I am hoping to get some advise on a few questions, as I was unable to find an answere after extensively searching these forums. I filed my K1 on Nov. 16th and received the NOA1 on Nov. 19th, we recently found out that my Fiance (the benneficiary) is pregnant, only about 5 weeks, this was not our intention, but we must now take this into account while navigating the K-1 process, and have the following questions:

    1. The doctor told my fiance that she can't get all the immunizations needed during the medical exam since she is pregnant, is there any way to get the vaccinations waived while she is pregnant and still obtain the K-1 visa? or does she absolutely have to have these vaccinations to enter the US?

    2. She'll most likely be pregnant during the interview at the consulate, will we need a DNA test to prove the baby is mine?

    3. Is there any way to expedite the process if we show the baby's father is a US citizen? wouldn't the government want this child to be born in the US? also I ask because i'd rather her be under care in the US, not Mexico.

    4. Do I need to notify USCIS that she's pregnant now? and if the baby is born in Mexico, do I have to restart this process and wait again, or will I need to just amend the application?

    Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


  9. Hi,

    I sent me completed K1 application to the Dallas lockbox, USPS is showing that the packet was not delivered and that a notice was left, and now the notice needs to be followed up on...USPS told me it's possible that a letter carrier is the one who maintains the PO Box but they are unsure, I am very concerned because the packet arrived on Tuesday, and it is still showing as undelivered. Has anyone experienced this before? and should I be worried that the packet is going to be returned? I am confused and worried and called both USPS and USCIS and neither one could tell me what is going on.


  10. HI VJ!!! How do I know which is my service center? is says to put your service center address on the cover letter and intent to marry letters, can I just put the Dallas location where the submission will be sent? or should I find which actual service center the forms application will be sent to?


  11. I'm not sure about the marriage aspect and how you can manage this, but if you file a K-1 fiance visa in Mexico, you will still have to go to the consulate in Juarez, as this is where they process the visas and the interviews take place, I've had this same issue with my fiance in Mexico and the K-1. I posted a question regarding this consulate awhile back and others responded with the same fears, but from what I heard from other posters my mind is more at ease with the prospect of going to Juarez (of course I'm not letting my Fiance go alone)

    Good Luck!

  12. Hi All,

    I am preparing the final packet to send, I've reviewed all requirements and assembly tips on VJ.com as well as USCIS website, but I still have some questions I couldn't find answers for, any info is much appreciated:

    1. For question 18 of the I-129f part of the question asks "describe the circumstances under which you met" and a space is provided, but I've seen some instructions which state that the answer should be typed on a separate page and attached, and I've seen others where this is not the case. is it recommended that this be on a separate attached page? exactly how much info are they looking for here? do they want a story? my circumstance is pretty straight forward and extra space is not needed, but I am nervous I am not providing enough info.

    2. If I am submitting a passport stamp to show entry into a foreign country for evidence of us having met, should I submit all pages of the passport? or just the page bearing the stamp? I wouldn't ask but I am submitting all pages of my passport to show US residency along with the I-129f, so I'm unsure if I need to submit all pages again in the evidence of having met in person.

    3. Assembly: there is a lot of paper, and I am wondering how to actually assemble it all, the USCIS states to use ACCO fasteners to assemble the packet, is this the best option? can I three hole punch everything and put it in a binder with tabs? this seems more organized. If I can use ACCO fasteners can I just use a spring loaded clip? should all the paperwork be in a folder or something to contain everything?

    4. Evidence submitted to show we've met recently: Should I include anything but the evidence, like a description of the trip, what we did, why it tool place when it did?

    5. Any final helpful tips to ensure success?

    Thanks so much!!!!

  13. Hi All...Just got back into town from seeing my Fiance, we're both really excited to start this process. Glad to hear I'm not alone in this, and that others have the same issues. It sounds like I'll be the last one to actually go through the interview process since we're just starting to get the paperwork together, but I definitely want to stay in touch and get some perspecitive on this. We're both still nervous about going to Juarez for the interview, but if others have an alright experiance that will definitely ease the nerves. Hard to believe the Consulate is even still open there, and I'm kind of shocked that this is where visas are processed. Thanks for the responses, and I look forward to staying in touch.

  14. Hi All, Just joined VJ, what a great resource!! I'm hoping the VJ community may be able to help me with my question, I am pursing a K-1 visa, trying to bring my Mexican Fiance to the US, here's my current dilemma:

    She lives in Monterrey in Norther Mexico, there is a US consulate in Monterrey, however they do not process K-1 visas at this location, and she cannot complete the interview in Monterrey. On the US consular website, it states that the consulate in Juarez is where these visas will be processed for her location and she will have to go there to conduct the interview. In case people aren't aware, Juarez is now the most dangerous city in the world, with the highest murder rate of any city in the world, my fiance refuses to go to Juarez to conduct this interview (she is a Mexican Citizen and she won't even go there) for safety concerns, and I obviously don't want to send the woman I love into a war zone to conduct this interview. Does anybody know if we can request this interview to take place at another consulate in Mexico citing security concerns? or does anybody have any other solutions for this dilemma? any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks All!!

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