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Kristi & Fady

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Posts posted by Kristi & Fady

  1. No no no...Fady told me he had smoked weed a long time ago. It was one of the first topics we discussed. Its something I don't accept so I knew up front. Anyway maybe the embassy really is basing this off of him doing it 4 years ago. They had asked him in the interview and I even told him to tell the truth no matter3 what they asked. So the embassy did know this info during his interview. He didn't lie to them. Plus we talk almost every day on webcam and he never looks stoned or to be on a drug. And my ex bf was an alcoholic and he did all kinds of drugs! I know what people look like on drugs. That's why its so hard to believe what is happening. I do trust my american employees and I wrote them back asking for them to tell me if both tests were positive and if so then what drug. So we'll see what they say. But right now I think we need a lawyer. Anyone know of a good one in cairo or tanta? Thanks!

    Isn't admitting to past drug use in itself a reason for denial of the visa, especially within 10 years of the last time? Do they even need a test to deny the visa if he admitted to using in the past?

    I'm really sorry that things came out this way for you. Good luck with whatever you choose to do (F)

    That's what I'm starting to think happened....

  2. Ok...first, thanks for all the replies. When he had the drug test, he was given the sealed envelope. And he also told me that if it was positive, they wouldnt give him the envelope. He said he smoked weed about 4 years ago. Anyway, I already talked with him and of course he denies everything. We are both very upset. I don't know what to do or waht to believe or what to think really! I did write the embassy back to ask them what drug they found in his test and if each time it was negative. Hopefully they can give me some kind of answer. I told Fady he had to prove that he was innocent by convincing the embassy that he was innocent. If the embassy says he did drugs, of course I will believe them over a guy I've only known for 2 years online and total of 2 months in person. I've been lied to before by guys...I know its a shock and I know how to survive and get over it. But honestly, its so hard to imagine! I wish you all could know him like I know him. He just isnt that way. I also told Fady maybe he should get a lawyer to help him figure this out. But, its all up to him now. He has some work to do to prove his innocence. But holy ####### another year?! and what if I end up wasting 3 years on a druggie! I can't believe this. Anyway, for those of you that believe in God, please pray that if this man isnt right for me, to let me know and have proof that it was positive drug tests. I need evidence either way to beleive something. And if this man is right for me, then please pray for God to bring us back together again. Anyone else that wants to be straight up rude and uncaring, please keep your comments to yourself. you can say Im stupid and whatever but if you were in the situation, its a heck of a lot harder to just let someone go! ANYWAY, Im gonna shut up now. Thanks again everyone...

  3. I guess it was negative because I'm only telling you what he told me. But if the embassy is denying us for drug abuse, then maybe he has been lying! I didn't see him on webcam before or after his interview. I know he was up for 18 hours and then had only 2 hours of sleep before the interview. He waited at the embassy for 4 hours. So I can imagine he would look tired and look messed up. Of course I dont know. Im in America and he is in Egypt. In the 2 years, I've seen him 3 times. He seemed normal to me! I'm not changing anything to suit the issue. I'm just trying to figure out what is true and accurate and what is a lie. This is a complete shock to me so before I end the 2 year relationship, I want to make sure the embassy really did have a positive drug test.

  4. Yes thank you...but if he has been lying for a whole 2 years, whats the point of a serious chat? he will just tell me more lies! I don't know what to believe. Do I believe the embassy or Fady? Would the embassy only do this if the drug results were positive? He told me that both times they were negative. He told me that the hospital only gives patients the test results if they are negative and if its positive, the hospital itself will send the results to the embassy. So he said he was negative the two times. What should I believe? Is it possible that the embassy did this because he looked so tired the mornign of his interview and they assumed he was on drugs? Is it possible for this to be a mistake and that he really isnt a drug user? Thanks for the replies!

  5. Hi everyone...Fady had been in AP for over a month now. I decided to write the embassy last night to ask them how much longer he would be in AP and how come our case status didn't show up on the embassy website. This was their reply:

    Thank you for your e-mail message.

    Please note that Mr. Fadel Allah was found inadmissible for one year under section 212(a)(1)(A)(iv) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. During his year of inadmissibility, we will contact Mr. Fadel Allah and request random tests.

    We hope the above information is helpful.


    Consular Section

    U.S. Embassy, Cairo



  6. Hey...sorry to hear its taking so long. Ours took 24 days and when he finally got it, his interview was in 3 weeks. So we were happy that it was so soon. I know it sucks to wait and have no idea whats going on. We wrote the embassy a few times to ask what was up and asked them to update the interview schedule on the website but they never did. We just had to be patient. I'm sure yours will be there soon!! Hope you get it sunday or something!

  7. Thanks everybody! We just hate to be in this situation. We were so happy for his interview date and we thought it was going to be easy and fast and he would be approved and today we would be looking at plane tickets! I think it hurts more because we assumed everythign would be so perfect. And if he would have just had more sleep the night before, maybe none of this would have happened! He doesnt smoke or do any drugs. Oh well tho...nothing we can do. Thanks for your wishes and kind words. Hope we hear something soon!

  8. Hey everyone! Today Fady had his interview at the embassy in Cairo. He got there at 7:30 this morning and waited in a long line outside the embassy. Then when he was inside, he waited for 4 hours until he was called. He had a 50 minute interview with the consular and then the last question he was asked was if he had smoked marijuana this morning! Fady was up for 18 hours and had only 2 hours of sleep before his interview. he was dead tired and sick and then he gets accused of smoking weed before his interview! So we didn't get approved or denied but Fady had to go to the hospital to do a drug test. Now I guess he has to go back to Cairo tomorrow to get his drug test results and mail his passport and the results by DHL to the embassy. This is really just a nightmare. We are both so upset about it. I was hoping so bad to hear he was approved and everythign was fine. But now we still dont know if we are approved or not and we really dont know when we will know. Has anyone had this experience before?! Fady never smokes weed and it super sucks that he was just really tired and looked like ####### at the interview. He said that the papers the consular had said approved on them. Does that just mean the papers were approved and then there is a final approval after the interview? Of course he will pass the drug test but I wonder how long this set us back. And I was also surprised that he had such a long interview! Why do some people get really short interviews and others have really long ones? We had tons of proof and information. I just dont understand whats up. Please comfort us and give advice....thanks!

  9. hey i wonder how it take that time ..i know it must be 1 week & they sent u this packet

    i think u must call them or email them to ask

    We have called and we have emailed. They say they cant give us any information when we call and when I emailed, they said that our case is on the waiting list pending for an interview date. So basically they didnt tell me anything new. I want to know why it's taking so long. I try not worry but it's so hard not to!

  10. Hey everyone! We have been waiting 3 weeks now to receive packet 4 from the embassy. I thought it would take only two weeks. Has anyone else had to wait a long time for packet 4? Another question, our NOA2 expires July 29 and I'm wondering what happens if the interview is scheduled after the expiration of the NOA2. Does that mean we have to start all over again or what? Should I be worried?! Please advise! Thanks!

  11. I think you should wait. A few months isn't really a big deal and time does end up going by fast when you think of it. Plus, you will have the rest of your life to be with your wife. Waiting a couple of months so that your dad can see you get married the one time in your life, is worth the wait. If you were in his shoes, what would you want? You would most likely want to see our son get married. You get married once in your life (or should anyway) so dont take that from your dad. I think you will feel better if you waited to give him the chance to come. You might feel bad if he wasnt there. But I dont know how close you are to your dad or to your family.

  12. My fiance is in Tanta and he was finally able to call me today. I'm constantly watching the news and I wonder how this will effect our visa process. I am sooo worried that this will drag on even longer because of new government or something. I don't know what to expect at all. But I'm praying too for everyone there.

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